Update on TX OL


Shakes Down The Thunder
Nov 10, 2001
Apparently, per the Texas A&M site, two projected UT starters have not be practicing and another starter was recently hurt. Could be a problem for Texas.

I think the ND OL will be a strength.

Edge to the Irish on this one.
Before we get all giddy and stuff[smile] check out the article on the page in Irish J.D's, link on the amazing depth and talent the longhorns have on the o-line. They wont be playing with nine players on offense ![smile]
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If all of them play or none of them play, the end is pretty much the same.
UT has sporatic talent but is just not ready yet. Still a big rebuild going on.
IF ND loses Purse will say this was a make or break game in the career of Brian Kelly -- really he said that last week .

BTW mutt Texas has had 5 straight classes with lots of four star recruits - please clarify WTF sporadic talent means .
IF ND loses Purse will say this was a make or break game in the career of Brian Kelly -- really he said that last week .

BTW mutt Texas has had 5 straight classes with lots of four star recruits - please clarify WTF sporadic talent means .

wimping out?
your guy has 7 full years with a far better start than strong and your wimping out?
UT with freshman all over the lineup, and your wimping out?
You talk the talk but you don't walk the walk: your wetting the bed and don't even believe the BS you peddle here!

(repost the post you are making your claims about! make or break? or was the truth I said it was a must win game? which was it pee boy?)

If ND loses to a team in the state UT is in then, You better put your plans for the statue on the way back burner!

ND year 7 vs UT year 2 : your wimping out? maybe Bodi can hold your hand during the game?

ND30 UT17 and it ain't that close.

(btw: used pee-boy instead of pee-girl in generic, as I don't know which of you is posting)
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wimping out?
your guy has 7 full years with a far better start than strong and your wimping out?
UT with freshman all over the lineup, and your wimping out?
You talk the talk but you don't walk the walk: your wetting the bed and don't even believe the BS you peddle here!

(repost the post you are making your claims about! make or break? or was the truth I said it was a must win game? which was it pee boy?)

If ND loses to a team in the state UT is in then, You better put your plans for the statue on the way back burner!

ND year 7 vs UT year 2 : your wimping out? maybe Bodi can hold your hand during the game?

ND30 UT17 and it ain't that close.

(btw: used pee-boy instead of pee-girl in generic, as I don't know which of you is posting)
Isn't this year 3 under Strong? The same year BK went 12-0 on his rebuild? Their talent isn't sporadic, it's young. And how the hell did Stoops lose in year 12 to Strong in year 2? Who gives a damn about validating yourself on this message board, one should just be giddy for kickoff.
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Isn't this year 3 under Strong? The same year BK went 12-0 on his rebuild? Their talent isn't sporadic, it's young. And how the hell did Stoops lose in year 12 to Strong in year 2? Who gives a damn about validating yourself on this message board, one should just be giddy for kickoff.

if you were here for discussion with the UT fan a week or so ago (he actually acknowledged this idea) we discussed the situation Strong walked into. Essentially the 1st 1-2 years have been a cleaning house operation. Both staff and players have been ousted. So time line wise yr 3 but practicality is he is just really at start with the last recruiting class; and just now getting his staff assembled. Yep, he is getting talent and is showing signs of great things to come; but Strong's UT's program is not established as is Kelly's program.

ND fans are talking playoff, so if ND cannot handle a team in the developmental state UT is, what the hell?
And if you really believe in your team(ND), you don't start looking for excuses before the 1st game!
And here we go with the excuses for Kelly already...even before the season starts. Every year, same crap...injuries, suspensions, heavy rain. No more excuses for this guy. It is year 7. If he craps the bed as expected, he should be held accountable but that won't happen,

We are used to it. The administration likes him and 8-4 is OK with them so we have to live with it. ND is making truck loads of money and the decision makers are living the high life so 8-4 is acceptable as long as Kelly does not commit a felony.
well^ there is where we disagree on 8-4.

This is a good staff, and given the change in college football, in particular the lack of effective regulatory action, ND at 8-10 W's is pretty good.
But to get a major post season game 10W's is a minimum. The goal being a major post season W.
That is why this is a game ND can ill afford to lose. USC, MSU and Stanford are still ahead. ND cannot lose more than 2 games in '16.
well^ there is where we disagree on 8-4.

This is a good staff, and given the change in college football, in particular the lack of effective regulatory action, ND at 8-10 W's is pretty good.
But to get a major post season game 10W's is a minimum. The goal being a major post season W.
That is why this is a game ND can ill afford to lose. USC, MSU and Stanford are still ahead. ND cannot lose more than 2 games in '16.
I agree. But 8-4 is not out of the realm of possibility for Kelly. UT loss can snowball into a bad season because as you noted MSU, Stanford and USC are waiting. I saw Continual bashing you because you said UT was make or break for Kelly. I see it as make or break for the season. Kelly is not going anywhere unless he rides his horse drunk and gets pulled over for a DHUI.
I agree. But 8-4 is not out of the realm of possibility for Kelly. UT loss can snowball into a bad season because as you noted MSU, Stanford and USC are waiting. I saw Continual bashing you because you said UT was make or break for Kelly. I see it as make or break for the season. Kelly is not going anywhere unless he rides his horse drunk and gets pulled over for a DHUI.

well Duke lost it's starting QB.
ND is facing a lot of 1st time starters at that key position.
And here we go with the excuses for Kelly already...even before the season starts. Every year, same crap...injuries, suspensions, heavy rain. No more excuses for this guy. It is year 7. If he craps the bed as expected, he should be held accountable but that won't happen,

We are used to it. The administration likes him and 8-4 is OK with them so we have to live with it. ND is making truck loads of money and the decision makers are living the high life so 8-4 is acceptable as long as Kelly does not commit a felony.
Hey nitwit is back with a new name.
Hey nitwit is back with a new name.
The 1973Notre DameFighting Irish football team represented the University ofNotre Dame... Fullback Wayne Bullock (750 yards), halfback Art Best (700 yards), halfbackEric Penick(586 yards) and quarterback Tom Clements (360 yards) ... The star tailback of the day wasNotre Dame'sPenick, who ran for 118 yards, ...

Hope that helps. Amazing that you had to come back with a new name and still got it wrong!
more insightful content from Telx

dang! if he wasn't bashing someone, he would have nada, zip, nothing. Such a classy dud!
^ yep: bastions of Christian virtue! all have the same posting style.

they embarrass ND. Fortunately, ND forums are not read by many anymore. Instead of taking out the trash, the trash took them out.
^ yep: bastions of Christian virtue! all have the same posting style.

they embarrass ND. Fortunately, ND forums are not read by many anymore. Instead of taking out the trash, the trash took them out.
What annoys me is they talk down to fellow fans. Imagine how they talk to non-fans. People like them make others hate ND because of their condescending behaviors.
^ yep: bastions of Christian virtue! all have the same posting style.

they embarrass ND. Fortunately, ND forums are not read by many anymore. Instead of taking out the trash, the trash took them out.
Maybe they are one and the same. Has not been the first time a poster has had multiple handles.
more insightful content from Telx

dang! if he wasn't bashing someone, he would have nada, zip, nothing. Such a classy dud!
Tex is a great poster and you my friend are a garden variety POS

Tex 1 is one of the really good guys on this board and purse hates him .

Tex wouldn't put trump on ignore but he sure did w the village nit wit .
Tex is a great poster and you my friend are a garden variety POS

Tex 1 is one of the really good guys on this board and purse hates him .

Tex wouldn't put trump on ignore but he sure did w the village nit wit .

and you just showed the kind of poster you are, from the start:

a foul vulgar bore!

do you think that they know who you are? are they that naive?
Thanks for having my back Continually...based on your post, it sounds like you are responding to some Personal attack directed at me by Perse. Not sure what I posted that deserved his attention, but happy to help illustrate the hypocrisy of his oft stated mantra that he only launches personal attacks in response to being attacked, etc... Have to wonder why he would post something negative about me when he knows I won't see it. Silly and illogical as is his norm.
excuses even before the 1st snap; you can't make this stuff up!

where the hell are the ND fans!
Wait.. So either you are a 'sunshine pumper' or making excuses? Got ya, all bases covered for the BK supporters. You seem to have serious tolerance for Strong and his rebuilding effort, pretty phenomenal the job BK did considering ND football was in worse shape.

There's no excuses, there are circumstances, factors, decisions, plays and many more things that go into a football game. I know, you only washed the jocks, never wore one Pers. Texas has the talent to play with ND and at home, there is a reason ND is only 4.5 point favorites and this Texas team beat a well established OU team team under the guidance of legendary Stoops. WTF right? How in gods name could that happen?
Wait.. So either you are a 'sunshine pumper' or making excuses? Got ya, all bases covered for the BK supporters. You seem to have serious tolerance for Strong and his rebuilding effort, pretty phenomenal the job BK did considering ND football was in worse shape.

There's no excuses, there are circumstances, factors, decisions, plays and many more things that go into a football game. I know, you only washed the jocks, never wore one Pers. Texas has the talent to play with ND and at home, there is a reason ND is only 4.5 point favorites and this Texas team beat a well established OU team team under the guidance of legendary Stoops. WTF right? How in gods name could that happen?

Bizzy - Purse has it all figured out -- A third yr coach should never beat a 7 yr coach --it's perfectly logical.

follow me on this - ND loses so pers comes front and center and says to the world ( under the dome message board ) that Kelly is incompetent because he can't beat a third yr coach

hey puss you fu g in nit wit it's about players , turnovers , circumstances MUCH more so than coaching

jock sniffer internet mongrels such as purse 28,980 think great coaches have a magic wand .

A good year for vince lombardi was going 10-4 and you know what a few of those losses were to coaches with less tenure and pedigree -- how could that happen ?? Well maybe just maybe the players on the other team played better that day .

Parse 29 k you fuc in nit wit Kelly beat several teams in 2012 against coaches w more tenure - does that make him a sage and the other coaches he beat incompetent ?

Disgusting toxic emotional trash is my boy purse 28 k .

If coaching was the be all and all why do great coaches spend 80% of their time recruiting rather than just sit in a think tank and conjure up the next latest and greatest play ? Please answer that question and that will get you one step closer to understanding what the world ( under the dome message board ) already knows - purse is a fu in jackass .

I know I know I'm a sunshine pumping apologist and you are a horses ass . BTW purse 28 k + who in fact is your favorite college football team because it sure as shit isn't The Fighting Irish .

Last point if I got to 10,000 ( 18,000 short of the prime time peter eater ) posts on a message board out of sheer humiliation I would seek counsel and limit my number of posts to 10 a week .
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Thanks for having my back Continually...based on your post, it sounds like you are responding to some Personal attack directed at me by Perse. Not sure what I posted that deserved his attention, but happy to help illustrate the hypocrisy of his oft stated mantra that he only launches personal attacks in response to being attacked, etc... Have to wonder why he would post something negative about me when he knows I won't see it. Silly and illogical as is his norm.

Tex -- last year purse had me as an inside staffer sent here to support coach kelly - that was right after purse told the world that ND was a career killer for assistant coaches when alford left .

As we all know a week after that when sanford came on board purse figured that was an AD decision to position him to take Kelly's job .

If one engages him in anything other than toxic attacks they should either learn the game or seek help .
"continuously" you have serious psychological issues.
That is why you and all those aliases were banned by WOWO and Jack F.
They had you on a 'watch list' to IP ban. You got a reprieve when the site reorg happened.
Described as a 'borish character', they where happy to leave you behind.

You are a shill sent here to censure; eventually the truth will find you out.

BTW: 0-6 and counting!
Hate to interrupt a good pissing match, but thought I'd add to the Texas OL discussion.

All 3 OL should be good to go. The only question mark is the fresham center, Shackleford. Word the last few weeks is that his replacement, McMillon, has been playing better and getting more push, which would make sense given his tenure in the program. McMillon started on the DL and has bounced all around during his time on the 40 Acres, but it's looking like he's found his calling at the center position.

Regarding the recently injured RT Nickelson, his lack of strength and poor foot work have been his main issues since entering the program. But the 6' 9", 320lber has apparently made huge strides and had been a bright spot in camp until the ankle injury. He dominated the heavyweight division of the battle of the belts this summer, which is a good sign that his time in the S&C program has been well spent.

Vahe was seen walking around campus without a boot 2 days after his ankle roll.
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Hate to interrupt a good pissing match, but thought I'd add to the Texas OL discussion.

All 3 OL should be good to go. The only question mark is the fresham center, Shackleford. Word the last few weeks is that his replacement, McMillon, has been playing better and getting more push, which would make sense given his tenure in the program. McMillon started on the DL and has bounced all around during his time on the 40 Acres, but it's looking like he's found his calling at the center position.

Regarding the recently injured RT Nickelson, his lack of strength and poor foot work have been his main issues since entering the program. But the 6' 9", 320lber has apparently made huge strides and had been a bright spot in camp until the ankle injury. He dominated the heavyweight division of the battle of the belts this summer, which is a good sign that his time in the S&C program has been well spent.

Vahe was seen walking around campus without a boot 2 days after his ankle roll.

I just read Jeff Howe from Hornsports say that nobody knows the three Olinemans' status until Monday.
They have to be able to practice Monday to play on Sunday, & as of now there is no question they are injured. The question is are they going to hurt the team by playing or not?
At least one of the ankle injuries is considered serious & he is probably downgraded.

Either way according to the good people over at Hornsports & Texas Rivals they are very concerned about the OLine versus ND's Dline. They think Texas is hurting in the trenchs on both sides of the ball.
Hate to interrupt a good pissing match, but thought I'd add to the Texas OL discussion.

All 3 OL should be good to go. The only question mark is the fresham center, Shackleford. Word the last few weeks is that his replacement, McMillon, has been playing better and getting more push, which would make sense given his tenure in the program. McMillon started on the DL and has bounced all around during his time on the 40 Acres, but it's looking like he's found his calling at the center position.

Regarding the recently injured RT Nickelson, his lack of strength and poor foot work have been his main issues since entering the program. But the 6' 9", 320lber has apparently made huge strides and had been a bright spot in camp until the ankle injury. He dominated the heavyweight division of the battle of the belts this summer, which is a good sign that his time in the S&C program has been well spent.

Vahe was seen walking around campus without a boot 2 days after his ankle roll.

Thanks. Good stuff.
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good to see you back; hope you hang around for game/post game discussions.
Do you have the OL depth chart for the game?

Also, regarding the C Strong housecleaning, how many players and staff has Strong 'cleansed' since has arrived? How would you classify the state of the team when he took over?

(excuse the pissing contest, that is our designated (officially dispensed for the purpose) ID censure to be certain no questions or unfavorable comments are made regarding his (?)); but free speech will win out)
Strong should be much further along by now. As Holtz use to say.. You get to make major changes in your staff once and then they replace you.
He is obviously in "over his head."