Update on other 4 players


Future coach
Jan 4, 2013
Being reported that Kelly said the other four players Williams, Stepherson, White, and Coney are all practicing and will be available to play vs Texas barring any University punishment before then. If this is true do you agree? I do not. It is my opinion that those four players knew that loaded gun was in the vehicle and they still put themselves in that situation. I would say at least a 1 game suspension should be in the cards.

Go Irish!!!
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Being reported that Kelly said the other four players Williams, Stepherson, White, and Coney are all practicing and will be available to play vs Texas barring any University punishment before then. If this is true do you agree? I do not. It is my opinion that those four players knew that loaded gun was in the vehicle and they still put themselves in that situation. I would say at least a 1 game suspension should be in the cards.

Go Irish!!!

And your opinion that they knew about the gun is based on what evidence?
Butler should be gone, at least until the legal part of this is done.

Redfield (I think we can all agree it was his gun at this point) deserves to be gone. With the weed, the gun, the past issues with the team. He has earned his bus ticket home.

As for the rest. It was some weed. And yes they should have discipline, but I don't think at this point it is any worse than underage drinking. And have said that for years. Now if they have a second disciplinary issue, then by all means it is time to turn the screws on them.
well, we do not have the facts, so hope they learned a life lesson and lets say a prayer for them and move on!

eyes will be watching them closely.
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Being reported that Kelly said the other four players Williams, Stepherson, White, and Coney are all practicing and will be available to play vs Texas barring any University punishment before then. If this is true do you agree? I do not. It is my opinion that those four players knew that loaded gun was in the vehicle and they still put themselves in that situation. I would say at least a 1 game suspension should be in the cards.

Go Irish!!!
This is stupid, none of us where there. If the gun was MR's, and maybe the weed as well, then there is no reason known to any of us that the other 4 did or knew anything. Again, as I said days ago, let the facts come out and then treat them all as any other ND student would be treated. That's why you are innocent until the facts prove otherwise.
I've been in law enforcement for almost a decade and when there's a gun in the car all the occupants are usually aware of it. Trust me.

Go Irish!!!
WRONG! I've been in cars where weed was present and did not know it at all when I hot in the car. Maybe the cop smelled weed, any maybe, just maybe only one kid was using. Wouldn't be that far fetched at all
I would think that one of the players needs to claim the gun. If no one does, all will suffer.
That is the reason why I said it is my opinion. I've seen this exact type of situation more than I care to remember so I have a bit of first hand experience and knowledge with these types of situations. I'm not on here accusing any of the other four players of anything I'm simply giving my opinion which was stated above.

Go Irish!!!
Being reported that Kelly said the other four players Williams, Stepherson, White, and Coney are all practicing and will be available to play vs Texas barring any University punishment before then. If this is true do you agree? I do not. It is my opinion that those four players knew that loaded gun was in the vehicle and they still put themselves in that situation. I would say at least a 1 game suspension should be in the cards.

Go Irish!!!

Who's gonna babysit those four if they don't travel with the team to Texas?
it may be a c/o from the G Bryant incident. not an excuse but it may have been something that played into the decision to bring it. These kids are targets of sorts whenever they are out and found out.
Do "Burden of proof", and beyond reasonable doubt by a Court of competent jurisdiction, upon all legally admissible evidence ring any bells?
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They all knew there was weed . They all smoked it. The gun, I'm not so sure. If the driver of the vehicle had the gun stashed, he could have easily not have said a word. I could see that. I also could see the driver bragging about the gun and all occupants knew. The general public may never know the real story. I'm sure BK has been in close contact with authorities and most likely knows more than we do. I do believe they should get some kind of punishment for the weed just because it is an illegal substance. BK may have the mindset that pot should be legal anyway. No harm. No foul.
They all knew there was weed . They all smoked it. The gun, I'm not so sure. If the driver of the vehicle had the gun stashed, he could have easily not have said a word. I could see that. I also could see the driver bragging about the gun and all occupants knew. The general public may never know the real story. I'm sure BK has been in close contact with authorities and most likely knows more than we do. I do believe they should get some kind of punishment for the weed just because it is an illegal substance. BK may have the mindset that pot should be legal anyway. No harm. No foul.
Clueless ... You, nor I, have any clue who did what, and who knew what. Let us all let the facts come out and speak for themselves. I trust BK and ND to do the right thing
Trust me I'm a contractor!
And has that given you experience with taking guns out of vehicles and away from people?

Wasn't trying to put being in law enforcement up on a pedestal. I was simply trying to give my opinion based on experiences I have had.

Go Irish!!!
The cop smelled the weed. They were likely smoking it. I don't care about weed unless my pilot is smoking it and I also wouldn't want my football players smoking it either. I'm sure Brian Kelly isn't pro weed for his players.
Clueless ... You, nor I, have any clue who did what, and who knew what. Let us all let the facts come out and speak for themselves. I trust BK and ND to do the right thing

What's clueless? The fact that I said they were all smoking weed? The fact that I said they all may or may not have known about the gun? The fact I said that BK knows more about the details than us? The fact I said the general public may never know what really happened? The fact I said the weed is an illegal substance in Indiana? The fact that I said BK may feel that smoking weed is not a big deal? Just what about any of these statements are clueless? What's clueless is the justification and excuse making that is going on around here. Some are saying we don't know the facts but sure are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the players. I'll take the word of the police every time until proven otherwise. And yes, the experiences of a police officer who expresses an opinion over rides anyone else breaking wise on this board.
And has that given you experience with taking guns out of vehicles and away from people?

Wasn't trying to put being in law enforcement up on a pedestal. I was simply trying to give my opinion based on experiences I have had.

Go Irish!!!
Check the batteries in your irony meter.[smile]
I've been in law enforcement for almost a decade and when there's a gun in the car all the occupants are usually aware of it. Trust me.

Go Irish!!!

And did you also stay at a Holiday Inn Express as well?

I had been a few cars where I was not aware the owner had a loaded gun in the glove box. So, forgive me if I do not trust your comment -- nor should you "assume" all were aware. Or, are you trying to be like the NFL in "Deflate-Gate" where the report said that Brady "probably was aware"?
I've been in law enforcement for almost a decade and when there's a gun in the car all the occupants are usually aware of it. Trust me.

Go Irish!!!
Does this same logic apply when one occupant carries a folding knife in his pocket?
Or a pack of gum? Automatically, the others in the car are aware of it?

To say, that because one individual is strapped that all the other occupants were aware of it, is ridiculous.
Being reported that Kelly said the other four players Williams, Stepherson, White, and Coney are all practicing and will be available to play vs Texas barring any University punishment before then. If this is true do you agree? I do not. It is my opinion that those four players knew that loaded gun was in the vehicle and they still put themselves in that situation. I would say at least a 1 game suspension should be in the cards.

Go Irish!!!

I think smoking a little pot is hardly an earth-shattering offense. I smoked pot several times with ND football players, including some big names you would recognize from the late 70s, when I was a student. Back then, I think they would have been suspended for the year if caught. Today, I'd think two games would be more than enough.
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If they are stupid enough to get caught then they are too dumb to suit up.
it's like car insurance!
one day you are getting good driver discounts(RKG) and the next day you are deemed a 'risk'! (WKG) with surcharges!

wha happened?

a very delicate balance.
BK has already shown he isn't shy or afraid of disciplining the players when warranted. As stated, we have no idea what the facts are so let's assume that the head coach does. If they do play, then the circumstances and facts exonerated them in his eyes.

Go Irish!!
Exactly! If there was something sketchy with these kids then BK would not be out on a limb saying he is not suspending any of them.
I call BS on the idea that the others likely knew about the gun. Now if the guy liked to boast about it then ok. But other then that it is very likely they knew squat. Now the week is a whole other story