Under the Dome needs to outdo NDNATION !!


I've posted how many times?
Feb 24, 2012
Rikers Island (Lifer)
They are raising money to place an AD about FIRING KELLY in the SouthBend newspaper.
We need to outdo them and raise money to rent out a BLIMP to float over ND Stadium with big letters on the BLIMP that says KELLY SUCKS during all home games !!. Christmas bonus time is here--let us put our money where are mouth is and rent the BLIMP !! Who is with me !!
So they are raising money to put an AD in a dying medium like a newspaper which may reach about 2000 people if they are lucky and I can guarantee you the people that matter don't read newspapers. Save the money and time and plan a protest in front of the school. That will get their attention a HECK of a lot faster than a little butt hurt AD in a local newspaper. Protest make national news and ADS in local newspaper line bird cages. You know ND only cares about their public imagine and money so which one do you think would work better?
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Hard to make an impactful statement without undermining the players and their efforts. Nothing compares to the visual of a half filled home stadium, but hard to imagine ND fans staying home in protest.
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Hard to make an impactful statement without undermining the players and their efforts. Nothing compares to the visual of a half filled home stadium, but hard to imagine ND fans staying home in protest.

What if they go 4 and 8 with another loss to a service academy next year?
This train is headed for disaster !!

In the shuffling madness
Of the locomotive breath,
Runs the all, time loser,
Headlong to his death

He feels the piston scraping
Steam breaking on his brow
Old Charlie stole the handle and
The train it won't stop going
No way to slow down
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They are raising money to place an AD about FIRING KELLY in the SouthBend newspaper.
We need to outdo them and raise money to rent out a BLIMP to float over ND Stadium with big letters on the BLIMP that says KELLY SUCKS during all home games !!. Christmas bonus time is here--let us put our money where are mouth is and rent the BLIMP !! Who is with me !!

Bill boards funded too.... raised low 5 figures so far....
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You support a purple faced maniac that embarrasses this sacred university yearly.

ND is a first class place that has been tarnished by a guy who can't even win big games. At least when FSU and others go on crimes sprees they dominate on the field.

Get used to it boy started it off by allowing Declan Sullivan up on a scissor lift in high winds. A day earlier Jim Tressel wouldn't allow his videographers to film practice on permanent structures. Maybe, because of common sense?

Then this past summer Max Redfield goes all of thug and puts the cherry on top of this seven year disaster.

Why do you support such a lousy individual? Oh well, he's ND fusball coach bla bla bla is your thought process.
You support a purple faced maniac that embarrasses this sacred university yearly.

ND is a first class place that has been tarnished by a guy who can't even win big games. At least when FSU and others go on crimes sprees they dominate on the field.

Get used to it boy started it off by allowing Declan Sullivan up on a scissor lift in high winds. A day earlier Jim Tressel wouldn't allow his videographers to film practice on permanent structures. Maybe, because of common sense?

Then this past summer Max Redfield goes all of thug and puts the cherry on top of this seven year disaster.

Why do you support such a lousy individual? Oh well, he's ND fusball coach bla bla bla is your thought process.
Ad has been submitted to SBT. Billboard locales and messages almost finalized.....
Have an idea for all you "Fans" of ND.
Stop with the useless posts and stupid go fund me. Just go root for another team. 90% you didn't even go to Notre Dame anyway . We don't need you
Wow, we have and ad and billboards too??!! That's awesome for any school recruiting against us. It will fit nicely in their packets of why Notre Dame isn't the school for them.......Way to go and feel proud of diminishing even further the school you say you support. The hypocrisy is stunning but you go get what you paid for in your "show of unity". Don't forget to come back here and complain when recruits don't want to play for Notre Dame.
Wow, we have and ad and billboards too??!! That's awesome for any school recruiting against us. It will fit nicely in their packets of why Notre Dame isn't the school for them.......Way to go and feel proud of diminishing even further the school you say you support. The hypocrisy is stunning but you go get what you paid for in your "show of unity". Don't forget to come back here and complain when recruits don't want to play for Notre Dame.
There may be a press release too.
90% of us didn't go to ND & still are just as big a fan as a jackass elitist alumnus like yourself. Subway alumni built ND's position in college football, idiot.
Do you really think an ad will change anyone's mind at this point? It is entertaining that NDNation is going through this again, but I don't think it will make one iota of difference.

I'll save and invest my money or donate it to a good cause. Good luck.
Do you really think an ad will change anyone's mind at this point? It is entertaining that NDNation is going through this again, but I don't think it will make one iota of difference.

I'll save and invest my money or donate it to a good cause. Good luck.

Well, I see it as a deserved, direct and very public shot at both kelly's and swarbrick's incompetence and smug arrogance.
Well, I see it as a deserved, direct and very public shot at both kelly's and swarbrick's incompetence and smug arrogance.

Then it should've been done immediately after the USC game when it appeared (from the silence) that the PTB might have been deliberating the situation.

And why compete against NDNation? If you have the same goal, why not join their effort?
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Then it should've been done immediately after the USC game when it appeared (from the silence) that the PTB might have been deliberating the situation.

And why compete against NDNation? If you have the same goal, why not join their effort?

What are you writing about? I think you have me confused with Bodi.
PS Already have.... This situation is far from over.
there may be some good things that comes out of this ad.

1) the admin may be quicker to pull the firing trigger
2) Kelly may be forced to be less complacent
- this was a lazy year for Kelly he did not develop good game plans or execute great play calling. Also too loyal to staff and not look forward in how to improve.
- in the past on occasion kelly has had good game plans and called good plays but only in select games. example music city game and oklahoma 2012. He is not very consistent.
in the end Kelly may be forced to work at his coaching craft. that is the only hope for the team next season other wise 8-5 at best
there may be some good things that comes out of this ad.

1) the admin may be quicker to pull the firing trigger
2) Kelly may be forced to be less complacent
- this was a lazy year for Kelly he did not develop good game plans or execute great play calling. Also too loyal to staff and not look forward in how to improve.
- in the past on occasion kelly has had good game plans and called good plays but only in select games. example music city game and oklahoma 2012. He is not very consistent.
in the end Kelly may be forced to work at his coaching craft. that is the only hope for the team next season other wise 8-5 at best
Craft - the only craft Kelly knows is needle point.
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Well, as a subway alum it has been frustrating to feel played by Jack as he deliberately remained silent about his intentions while fans and Kelly twisted in the wind, and then came across so arrogant and dismissive of fans in his interview, while articulating lowered standards by which the football program is judged. I contributed to this effort as an expression of that frustration, and in hopes it will cause the BOT to take action. This is a hope, but not an expectation. That said, the secondary purpose is to raise BOT awareness of the extent of fan disgust, with the expectation this will put Jack and Kelly on notice they are on a shared short leash.
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