Turned sixty today and had a bad fall (accident) this morning.


Fighting Irish Fanatic
Gold Member
Nov 18, 2018
To celebrate my 60th birthday today I did my typical 3 hour workout at the park/woods starting at three this morning.
Chinups, dips, working the rings, carrying and walking with 170 pound rocks, and hill sprints and alot of walking. I figure I work so much overtime at work I need to make up for it on my days off.
Well, anyway, I finished taking a shower at home, afterwards, when I fell hard and smashed my side right on the bath tub. I was instantly in super pain and couldnt breath for about twenty seconds. The middle and upper part of my right side took the full brunt. It feels like every rib is broken on my right side. And the pain is just getting worse.
When I was sitting/lying in the bathtub my wife ran in just when I got my breathing back.
I told her I cant miss work ( I got hit by a utility vehicle while driving my car to work at 345 in the morning last week which totaled my car)
My wife has been busy with the insurance company and shopping for another car while I have been busy working.
Anyway, I told her to not call an ambulance or a Doctor. I told her I am a US Marine (served five years) and I can handle any pain.
I go to work at 530 am to 530 pm tomorrow morning (46 mile drive to and 46 mile drive back)

*** Does anybody have had or known someone who had that type of fall? Any advice would be appreciated.
I am on facebook but I dont want my out of town family to know. It wouldn't do any good.
Also, lately I have been losing my balance a little more often--I guess old age is catching up to me.

*** They say bad things happen in THREES. 1. My CAR accident last week, 2. My pet bird died last night, 3. My fall (injury) this morning.

*** I am going to go back to bed and try to sleep this thing off. Thanks in advance
for any sharing similar experiences or advice. It was so hard to get out of bed-because of the stabbing pain.

Go Irish !
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I fell after hitting a patch of ice going down the stairs. I cracked a rib in the back. It hurt like he'll every time I moved or took a breath! It took a month to fully heal. Luckily I was on chronic pain meds already which helped.
Sorry I don't have better answers. Hang tough, Bodi!
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Hey Bodi, you need to get it checked. Your pancreas, right kidney, gallbladder, liver, and even intestines are on your right side, and the pain/bruising may be due to internal damage to an organ. Please go get checked just to make sure everything is ok.
Thanks for all your responses. I now have something to seriously think about (internal bleeding and damages to other organs).
The only symptom I have is extreme pain. The color in my face is good. And I am not pissing blood. And I don't see discoloration at the hit site.
If I start getting worse I definately will go to the ER.
I am just afraid the DR. will shut me out of work for a while. I am only a few years from retirement and I want to live the dream. I dont want to continue to struggle into my old age.
I have money to last a couple of years b/4 I dig into my 401k but My wife and I both need a car.
Sometimes you have to roll the dice to be successful in life.
I am going to go to work tomorrow (I just sit in front of a computer all day anyway). If I look too bad the management at work may make me go to the emergency room.
It is too late to get a replacement now.

*** I have been getting up to walk around every couple of hours to keep a good blood flow to promote healing.

*** I thought it was super serious when it first happened and I was worried about my lungs--but I only feel pain in my ribs when I breathe. My lungs are fine.

*** My wife and I prayed to God for me not to have a serious injury after the accident. And I work out alot and take good care of my body-- I am not frail at all.

I am definately going to see my Dr. (Nurse practitioner Friday morning when I have a day off.

Thanks again for your responses. I have something to seriously consider.
Thanks for all your responses. I now have something to seriously think about (internal bleeding and damages to other organs).
The only symptom I have is extreme pain. The color in my face is good. And I am not pissing blood. And I don't see discoloration at the hit site.
If I start getting worse I definately will go to the ER.
I am just afraid the DR. will shut me out of work for a while. I am only a few years from retirement and I want to live the dream. I dont want to continue to struggle into my old age.
I have money to last a couple of years b/4 I dig into my 401k but My wife and I both need a car.
Sometimes you have to roll the dice to be successful in life.
I am going to go to work tomorrow (I just sit in front of a computer all day anyway). If I look too bad the management at work may make me go to the emergency room.
It is too late to get a replacement now.

*** I have been getting up to walk around every couple of hours to keep a good blood flow to promote healing.

*** I thought it was super serious when it first happened and I was worried about my lungs--but I only feel pain in my ribs when I breathe. My lungs are fine.

*** My wife and I prayed to God for me not to have a serious injury after the accident. And I work out alot and take good care of my body-- I am not frail at all.

I am definately going to see my Dr. (Nurse practitioner Friday morning when I have a day off.

Thanks again for your responses. I have something to seriously consider.
Rub some dirt on it and sleep on the hardwood floor tonight.
Thanks for all your responses. I now have something to seriously think about (internal bleeding and damages to other organs).
The only symptom I have is extreme pain. The color in my face is good. And I am not pissing blood. And I don't see discoloration at the hit site.
If I start getting worse I definately will go to the ER.
I am just afraid the DR. will shut me out of work for a while. I am only a few years from retirement and I want to live the dream. I dont want to continue to struggle into my old age.
I have money to last a couple of years b/4 I dig into my 401k but My wife and I both need a car.
Sometimes you have to roll the dice to be successful in life.
I am going to go to work tomorrow (I just sit in front of a computer all day anyway). If I look too bad the management at work may make me go to the emergency room.
It is too late to get a replacement now.

*** I have been getting up to walk around every couple of hours to keep a good blood flow to promote healing.

*** I thought it was super serious when it first happened and I was worried about my lungs--but I only feel pain in my ribs when I breathe. My lungs are fine.

*** My wife and I prayed to God for me not to have a serious injury after the accident. And I work out alot and take good care of my body-- I am not frail at all.

I am definately going to see my Dr. (Nurse practitioner Friday morning when I have a day off.

Thanks again for your responses. I have something to seriously consider.
Bodi, it’s been my limited experience that death often precludes retirement.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Left unattended, this could result in you losing weeks of work rather than days.

Don’t take a chance, Go to the ER !
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Bodi, it’s been my limited experience that death often precludes retirement.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Left unattended, this could result in you losing weeks of work rather than days.

Don’t take a chance, Go to the ER !

What he said. smh

But...Happy Birthday! 😬
Bodi, I got tired just reading about your exercise routine.

I concur with others on going to the ER, or at the very least to an urgent care clinic. They'll do some tests and very likely have some imaging done. Even though you may be in tiptop shape, internal injuries are nothing to trifle with. You may not have suffered any, but if you do prompt medical care is critical. And if it turns out all you did was bang yourself up and suffer some bruising, you will at least have some peace of mind as you recover knowing that you didn't suffer any serious injury.

I put age 60 in the rear view mirror many years ago. One thing I have learned as I have aged: listen to your body. It is talking to you for a reason.
Bodi, I got tired just reading about your exercise routine.

I concur with others on going to the ER, or at the very least to an urgent care clinic. They'll do some tests and very likely have some imaging done. Even though you may be in tiptop shape, internal injuries are nothing to trifle with. You may not have suffered any, but if you do prompt medical care is critical. And if it turns out all you did was bang yourself up and suffer some bruising, you will at least have some peace of mind as you recover knowing that you didn't suffer any serious injury.

I put age 60 in the rear view mirror many years ago. One thing I have learned as I have aged: listen to your body. It is talking to you for a reason.
To celebrate my 60th birthday today I did my typical 3 hour workout at the park/woods starting at three this morning.
Chinups, dips, working the rings, carrying and walking with 170 pound rocks, and hill sprints and alot of walking. I figure I work so much overtime at work I need to make up for it on my days off.
Well, anyway, I finished taking a shower at home, afterwards, when I fell hard and smashed my side right on the bath tub. I was instantly in super pain and couldnt breath for about twenty seconds. The middle and upper part of my right side took the full brunt. It feels like every rib is broken on my right side. And the pain is just getting worse.
When I was sitting/lying in the bathtub my wife ran in just when I got my breathing back.
I told her I cant miss work ( I got hit by a utility vehicle while driving my car to work at 345 in the morning last week which totaled my car)
My wife has been busy with the insurance company and shopping for another car while I have been busy working.
Anyway, I told her to not call an ambulance or a Doctor. I told her I am a US Marine (served five years) and I can handle any pain.
I go to work at 530 am to 530 pm tomorrow morning (46 mile drive to and 46 mile drive back)

*** Does anybody have had or known someone who had that type of fall? Any advice would be appreciated.
I am on facebook but I dont want my out of town family to know. It wouldn't do any good.
Also, lately I have been losing my balance a little more often--I guess old age is catching up to me.

*** They say bad things happen in THREES. 1. My CAR accident last week, 2. My pet bird died last night, 3. My fall (injury) this morning.

*** I am going to go back to bed and try to sleep this thing off. Thanks in advance
for any sharing similar experiences or advice. It was so hard to get out of bed-because of the stabbing pain.

Go Irish !
To be honest. If you broke ribs you would know it. Probably bruised them, which is also no fun.
It sounds like you keep yourself in great shape. That will pay off in your recovery. I'll bet you're one tough s.o.b.
You will be in my prayers, Semper Fi brother.
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Few years ago My dad got thrown from his horse at 68. Broke 10 ribs and lost part of one lung. It was pretty scary. But he survived.
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Come on guy, sorry you got hurt by why are you making all the stuff up about working out 3 hours , carrying 170lb rocks uphill both directions.

Have your head examined while your at it.
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Thanks for all your responses. I now have something to seriously think about (internal bleeding and damages to other organs).
The only symptom I have is extreme pain. The color in my face is good. And I am not pissing blood. And I don't see discoloration at the hit site.
If I start getting worse I definately will go to the ER.
I am just afraid the DR. will shut me out of work for a while. I am only a few years from retirement and I want to live the dream. I dont want to continue to struggle into my old age.
I have money to last a couple of years b/4 I dig into my 401k but My wife and I both need a car.
Sometimes you have to roll the dice to be successful in life.
I am going to go to work tomorrow (I just sit in front of a computer all day anyway). If I look too bad the management at work may make me go to the emergency room.
It is too late to get a replacement now.

*** I have been getting up to walk around every couple of hours to keep a good blood flow to promote healing.

*** I thought it was super serious when it first happened and I was worried about my lungs--but I only feel pain in my ribs when I breathe. My lungs are fine.

*** My wife and I prayed to God for me not to have a serious injury after the accident. And I work out alot and take good care of my body-- I am not frail at all.

I am definately going to see my Dr. (Nurse practitioner Friday morning when I have a day off.

Thanks again for your responses. I have something to seriously consider.
You may want to cut back on your workout routine. The 170 lb. rock carrying in particular. I can't even COUNT the ways that something could go wrong with THAT.
Significant pain, hard to breathe, sounds like a rib. Dull pain, significant bruising would mean internal bleeding. Rib they can’t do crap for you. Unless you pull the rib out of its joint. Then it needs put in. Quick X-ray and they will know. Chiropractor is cheaper for X-ray and rib. They can tell if it’s a rib. They can also put it back in place. There’s always a Vet too. 😜
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Not going to the ER right after the incident was a mistake because now you don’t know if the fall caused the need for ongoing medical attention.

Get to the ER.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure !
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Significant pain, hard to breathe, sounds like a rib. Dull pain, significant bruising would mean internal bleeding. Rib they can’t do crap for you. Unless you pull the rib out of its joint. Then it needs put in. Quick X-ray and they will know. Chiropractor is cheaper for X-ray and rib. They can tell if it’s a rib. They can also put it back in place. There’s always a Vet too. 😜
that’s a twerking injury!
We must protect Bodi at all costs.
The Armies of Darkness tried to destroy me last week with wrecking my car then killing my pet bird and then by cracking my rib ! .. ButThey failed ! I will be back Greater than ever !
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anyone do a welfare check?
I was in severe pain all week and it took me 15 minutes to get out of bed Thursday morning b/4 work.
My plan worked I got threw four--twelve hour workdays sitting at my computer to make sure I got my OT.
My wife drove me to my Doc this morning and I got xrays which confirmed I had a cracked rib. I got pain meds which I really need. No damage to any where else. I have a week off so I am going to try and rest up.
My wife picked out a nice used car a 2013 Ford Taurus with only 90,000 miles.
Only $12,000. I will buy it Monday.
My wife also bought a new parakeet named Charlie to replace the late Great Franklyn.

Thanks for all the responses from all of you ! It makes me feel GREAT !

*** I will have to cancel my trip to South Bend for the place kicker tryouts. Unfortunately ! My Doc said no kicking !
Few years ago My dad got thrown from his horse at 68. Broke 10 ribs and lost part of one lung. It was pretty scary. But he survived.
So glad he survived. I can't imagine the pain he went through. He must be one tough man.