"Turn the room upside down"

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Best BK quote from the presser!!! The impact of a Sanford. Love his quotes about a physical run game. Autry knows all about that.

I respect you more than Aretha Franklin 348 but ,Kelly is to timid at this level of football. It's one thing to coach at Grand Valley State and even Cincinnati but ND? Time will prove me right. I am a bit of a seer when it comes to college football and politics.To be totally honest I'm a genius.
Who wins the 2016 College Football Playoffs and 2016 Presidential Election? Thanks. Need to lay down some action.
Originally posted by Benito Sanchez:
I respect you more than Aretha Franklin 348 but ,Kelly is to timid at this level of football. It's one thing to coach at Grand Valley State and even Cincinnati but ND? Time will prove me right. I am a bit of a seer when it comes to college football and politics.To be totally honest I'm a genius.
And you have no people skills.
My guess is BK knew he took on too much last year when Denbrock was out......and then did not get what ND needed from Lafleur with EG..........and maybe was influenced by Saban's hire of his OC.........Sanford should be a home run. The key is leaving egos at the door and getting the best game plans on Saturday.