It is really hard to believe your are defending these actions.
He is a punk. Should be tossed from the team as a lesson.
However that has to wait until the next coach who will then clean house of these so called RKG's.
Kelly clearly was willing to recruit those that had potential for such as this.
One more reason he has to go.
Not like we don't have enough already,
For a while I was hesitant about calling for Kelly to go (which ended early this season) for the simple reason finding someone better was going to be very hard indeed.
Now I want him gone and will take a chance on whoever we end up with.
ND's problem is that there are only a limited number of potentials that can hack the unique difficulties of Notre Dame.
While of course recruiting is the toughest of virtually any university who aspires to the NC, it is also the pressure of Notre Dame, the expectations, and the sheer unrelenting grind.
We need someone who really wants the challenge of bringing another NC to South Bend. Been thirty years since we got Lou. Time for another. We need to look at someone this time who has coached at the top level; no more Louisvile etc types. Lou had coached Arkansas; Ara had coached Northwestern back before they becam a laughing stock and the Big Ten was considered the top conference. I do not include Devine because he happened to fall into Ara's recruits mostly. He was unable to match that.
So bluntly speaking we need to look at the PAC12, or the SEC for our next coach. Or even the Big Ten. We need someone used to going up against the big dogs.