Ticket advice:


Go Irish
Aug 2, 2015
Should I be able to get tix outside the stadium for Stanford cheaper than they're going for now online? $100-125/ticket now on stubhub. I just worry about making the trip out there without tickets in hand. Anybody that can share experience to the issue would be appreciated.
I always buy my tickets the day or the game and always for less than Stubhub. With the current record demand will be lighter, weather also plays a factor and if a cool night or at all wet prices will be lower still. While you can find tickets on Campus the best spot is across the street from Campus at Eddy Street Commons. You may even be able to get tickets from the box office the morning of the game.
There is always tickets for sale around the stadium that you can purchase for face value or less. And with the way the season is going, someone may pay you to take them off their hands.
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I see ticket prices skyrocketing for the Stanford game if they are undefeated. They are the only top 10 team on our schedule the rest of the way and it could determine Kelly's future. Who would not want to go?
There is always tickets for sale around the stadium that you can purchase for face value or less. And with the way the season is going, someone may pay you to take them off their hands.
Why don't you sneak him in you putz?
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It's if you are comfortable with what you get outside or if you want tickets in hand.

I have season tix. I sell about half because I live in ATL and it's tough to make more than 3 or 4 games. What most don't know is there is a 275.00 donation charge per ticket not on the price so anytime you get them below 275 + face you win.

You can buy outside and get tix or you can buy what you want, where you want for a bit more.
I saw something saturday that I don't know if I ever seen before. Right outside the doors of the ticket window , which was open for business, two guys were scalping tickets of their own. That was darn hilarious.
If you scalp on campus they can take the tickets from you if they catch you. On campus you can only sell for face value. Why they usually stand accross the street
You are not supposed to sell on campus under any conditions for any price. Check university policy. It's there, but apparently not enforced to the max.
Should I be able to get tix outside the stadium for Stanford cheaper than they're going for now online? $100-125/ticket now on stubhub. I just worry about making the trip out there without tickets in hand. Anybody that can share experience to the issue would be appreciated.
Are you a single? If so I would just come to the game outside the stadium about an hour before. Put one finger in the air and people will be all over you. I spent 50.00 for MSU and 10 for Duke. I made an offer to a guy for 25 for duke and he laughed at me and walked away. I just "good luck". I saw him at the gate, he still had the ticket. But if you're going with people and you're coming from far away better safe than sorry. But I cannot imagine after this train wreck of a season there won't be plenty of seats available.
You are not supposed to sell on campus under any conditions for any price. Check university policy. It's there, but apparently not enforced to the max.
Funny, last weekend I made a deal right in front of a ND police officer and he didn't even bat an eye. People were everywhere selling tickets.
I know. That's why I said that the enforcement of university policy is lacking. I see it too. I don't care one way or another because it doesn't involve me. I'm just saying that official university policy reads ....."In an effort to reduce scalping and fraud, the reselling of athletic tickets, for any amount, is strictly prohibited on the University of Notre Dame campus. Subjects found reselling tickets on campus may receive a warning for Criminal Trespass and will be asked to leave the University of Notre Dame property or be subject to arrest". Draw your own conclusions.
I know. That's why I said that the enforcement of university policy is lacking. I see it too. I don't care one way or another because it doesn't involve me. I'm just saying that official university policy reads ....."In an effort to reduce scalping and fraud, the reselling of athletic tickets, for any amount, is strictly prohibited on the University of Notre Dame campus. Subjects found reselling tickets on campus may receive a warning for Criminal Trespass and will be asked to leave the University of Notre Dame property or be subject to arrest". Draw your own conclusions.
I think my conclusion is that they are trying to deter scalpers coming to sell even at face value, and if there is any trouble they now have a policy they can confiscate your tickets and escort you off campus. I think they will not bother someone who just happens to have an extra ticket to sell.
I saw something saturday that I don't know if I ever seen before. Right outside the doors of the ticket window , which was open for business, two guys were scalping tickets of their own. That was darn hilarious.
Are you sure they where scalping them? That's a big fat No-NO!
You are not supposed to sell on campus under any conditions for any price. Check university policy. It's there, but apparently not enforced to the max.
You can sell on campus, but you can't scalp them. That's what they said in our usher training.
Well, the usher training seems to be in direct contradiction of university policy as stated. It would be interesting to see what your blue cap has to say. Yea, they were definitely selling tickets outside the ticket booth. At least the guy had his hand raised with four tickets in his hand. I had a laugh because just a few steps inside, there was a small line waiting to buy tickets at the booth window. Where is "will call" now that the stadium is under remodeling? I know it's been moved, at least temporarily.
Should I be able to get tix outside the stadium for Stanford cheaper than they're going for now online? $100-125/ticket now on stubhub. I just worry about making the trip out there without tickets in hand. Anybody that can share experience to the issue would be appreciated.
Trust me after the Duke loss there will be tickets to buy outside the gate for less than the 100-125 ND is asking.
Thanks for all the input
Buy them on the the day of the game at the corner of Eddy and Angela. You should be able to get them for less than face value.

For example, for the MSU game, before the team went into the tank, scalpers were struggling to get $90-100 when face value was $150 and the weather was perfect.