1. ND was never going to win this game. Come on, did anyone really think so? And if you did, how did you feel when the score was 13-10? You knew then this was a Kelly classic
Speaking of Kelly, he flat out sux. Most predictable game plan ever. Why does he never use short passes or screens?
3. Our D played really well Big improvement over last year UGA D was top shelf and they anticipated and ran to ball better than any ND team since 1993
4. Most over rated? That is McGlinchey He flat out is average and gets beat like a rug It was ugly to see him whiff He was bad last year and has not improved
5. Wimbush was the rookie QB tonight Did not playsmart blindsided and no awareness When you have McGlinchey at LT, you have to know you are playing whiffleball
6. Jack Swarbrick is responsible for this crap He has no backbone or Kelly would be gone
7. This was a 7-5 team pre season and it will be lucky to finish that way
8. Bottom line is we do not suck talent wise, we suck coaching wise And that will never change until Jack goes
9. It is beyond believing we can field a top team been too long same coach Writing was on wall his first year
10 ND is a guaranteed win for any top 15 program Resignation can be good for the stress level or as Clint Eastwood said-- 'A team has to know its limitations' And that is Kelly
Speaking of Kelly, he flat out sux. Most predictable game plan ever. Why does he never use short passes or screens?
3. Our D played really well Big improvement over last year UGA D was top shelf and they anticipated and ran to ball better than any ND team since 1993
4. Most over rated? That is McGlinchey He flat out is average and gets beat like a rug It was ugly to see him whiff He was bad last year and has not improved
5. Wimbush was the rookie QB tonight Did not playsmart blindsided and no awareness When you have McGlinchey at LT, you have to know you are playing whiffleball
6. Jack Swarbrick is responsible for this crap He has no backbone or Kelly would be gone
7. This was a 7-5 team pre season and it will be lucky to finish that way
8. Bottom line is we do not suck talent wise, we suck coaching wise And that will never change until Jack goes
9. It is beyond believing we can field a top team been too long same coach Writing was on wall his first year
10 ND is a guaranteed win for any top 15 program Resignation can be good for the stress level or as Clint Eastwood said-- 'A team has to know its limitations' And that is Kelly
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