What he posted was not proof of anything. It was commentary from a politician (who had more knowledge of the political views espoused by a political organization than a head football coach who was given an award by said organization). Dabo didn't ask for the award or solicit the award. That's not spin control, it's called discovery. If you don't know something, then evidence comes to light that doesn't agree with your beliefs, you can change your mind. Maybe you should take a lesson from that "intolerant hillbilly" because he seems to be capable of independent thought after weighing factual evidence. Unlike you, who has done nothing but infer an entire man's belief system because he was asked to a dinner in order to accept an award he thought was recognizing the work of HIS charity, then backed out of the dinner and literally said, he didn't know what they stood for when he accepted the invite.
Again, I am waiting on you to post any commentary from Dabo where he has stated or inferred an anti gay agenda. Heck, show me where he has supported any organization with that agenda? No? Didn't think so.
It certainly looks like this pregame is being played in the mud too....
Hopefully, kickoff will be moved up so we can get brawling on the field sooner than later....