The worst thing


All Star
Oct 3, 2004
The worst thing about the game last Saturday, and I can't get it out of my head, was the decision to run up the middle on 3rd and 12, when a play to keep the drive alive would very possibly have led to a ND field goal to win in regulation. If the 3rd down play fails you can then punt and hold on. I don't think a team in the country would have surrendered on third down like that. Kelly sent a clear message to his offense; I have no confidence in you. It was a flat out stupid thing to do.
Getting to 3rd-12 was probably worse.

I think the blocked xp was a bad thing. If we're trailing, we play that drive more to our strengths
I brought this point up and , if I understand our informed fellow board members who responded, DK audibled into that play. Not sure if that is confirmed or assumption.
Getting to 3rd-12 was probably worse.

I think the blocked xp was a bad thing. If we're trailing, we play that drive more to our strengths
Of course it would be.

Every other team in the country would rally around a momentum play like that...good lord we just allowed them to score with ease...they are going up by three...block...we return to tie the game and now we are getting the ball.

Yep Every team would have signed up for that but our coach has not a ****ing clue to close a big game out with any sort of pressure. Then holds a presser and blames everyone and everything else in the world for our defense being the worst it's been since 1984.

Kelly has cashed in big time with his little over achieving window at Cincinnati. Everything fell right for him there.

He has no sense of feel of the in game moments.
Of course it would be.

Every other team in the country would rally around a momentum play like that...good lord we just allowed them to score with ease...they are going up by three...block...we return to tie the game and now we are getting the ball.

Yep Every team would have signed up for that but our coach has not a ****ing clue to close a big game out with any sort of pressure. Then holds a presser and blames everyone and everything else in the world for our defense being the worst it's been since 1984.

Kelly has cashed in big time with his little over achieving window at Cincinnati. Everything fell right for him there.

He has no sense of feel of the in game moments.

88ND you have become the biggest crybaby on this board. And that is saying something.
In Kelly's media conference this week when he was talking about the play of DK he mentioned t he made a couple of mistakes and checking into a certain play in a certain situation was one of them. Know there were many plays of course but I got the feeling he 100% talking about that 3rd and 12 play.