The Michigan advantage

BGI User 1596

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
Free use of company cars!

Zavier Simpson was suspended after wrecking Michigan AD Warde Manuel’s family car, police report shows!
I will help you out here:

Learn to pronounce
  1. perhaps; possibly.
    "maybe I won't go back"

    it could be (that)

    it is possible (that)
    for all one knows



Well then, let me offer you some help too. Making an irresponsible allegation against someone and casting in the form of a "maybe" doesn't make it any less irresponsible.
we are talking about scumbag U from annie whore arbor so who gives a crap

look the guy was being a jerk, it do not take ‘lessons nor any other enlightenment’ to figure that out. A jerk is a jerk, forever, nothing anyone says nor does can change that state of his being. Pay him no mind.
gee, I find your posts to be real jokes.

but, you are going avoid further childish debate now, you will now join your other ID on ‘silent’.

My other ID? That's rich. First you think it funny to suggest a 20-year old kid whom you don't know and have never met committed grand theft auto, and now you accuse me of having another posting ID? You've gone from being merely stupid to throwing shit at the wall. And you're aim isn't very good. The shit ended up on you. You're certainly not funny. The word "pathetic" comes to mind. But fear not, I won't lose any sleep knowing that a truculent child has put me on silent.
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My other ID? That's rich. First you think it funny to suggest a 20-year old kid whom you don't know and have never met committed grand theft auto, and now you accuse me of having another posting ID? You've gone from being merely stupid to throwing shit at the wall. And you're aim isn't very good. The shit ended up on you. You're certainly not funny. The word "pathetic" comes to mind. But fear not, I won't lose any sleep knowing that a truculent child has put me on silent.
You're the only one who thought it wasnt funny