The Bottom Line


All Star
Oct 3, 2004
The bottom line is this: With still over 3 minutes left on the clock; with ND mounting a major comeback; moving in on what could be a score to tie up the ball game (with 2 pt. conversion); 3rd down and 2 yards to go; ND could night line up in any kind of power formation, with the expectation of pounding the ball for 2 yards on two plays. So, they go for the pass play that sets them back 5 yards. That says it all about the state of ND football. I may be wrong. But ever since the coming of Kelly the vast majority of the games the opposing teams win the time of possession. Not good.
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Didn't see this until after I posted the same thing in another thread ... you're EXACTLY RIGHT!
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You're right. We lost the game right there. But we should've gone for it on 4th down. When we punted, I had a feeling we weren't getting the ball back again.
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It was really one mistake, compounded by another. Power that ball for the first down and if short, power it again. In either case, you gotta go for it on 4th down. Our defense is complete crap, so it was almost a given we were not getting the ball back.
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I'd rather have seen them spread the field and do a designed QB run. Easy FD, or if you miss it's 4th and 1