Texas Fan Pens ‘Thank You’ Letter To Notre Dame Fans For “Remarkable Hospitality”

I did talk to a Texas group late in the game and though dejected, they were very thrilled just to be on campus. Texas fans had much respect for ND , our campus, and our traditions and I am hoping Irish fans will show respect at their house next season. Texas is pride and hard work. I want them back in the elite. College football needs them in the elite. One thing about the article. Texas fans should never feel they need to experience the walk of shame. These lads are amateurs and still very young. They will "get it" very soon. Never be embarrassed to be a Texas Longhorn as I have never been embarrassed to be an Irish fan.
This is what college football should be about. It's too bad that some college football fans fail to comprehend this sort of sportsmanship and maturity (e.g. Ohio State fans as a rule, most of the Michigan and southern cal fans who post on this board, most of the Florida State fans who came here after last season's game, the board's resident Indiana alum, etc...).