That rule will have to be looked at and changed. Looked more like the receiver came down on Shumate. Sure, their helmets clicked, but how could it be avoided?
Kid was trying to break up a pass in a crucial situation in the game. the pussification of football is getting ridiculous. you know what you are in for when you step between the lines. let these guys make plays. that's a bs call.
I think targeting has to be revisited. I'm all for throwing head hunters out of the game, but most of the plays that I've seen called targeting involve are split second decisions. Shumate looked like he was just coming in for the play and almost sort of ducked. I just think it's called way too often.
That rule will have to be looked at and changed. Looked more like the receiver came down on Shumate. Sure, their helmets clicked, but how could it be avoided?
that was exactly what happened. if he was really targeting he would have went into the air but he couldn't have known the receiver was going to go down and that is where he aimed. the only thing he did wrong was lead with his helmet but that was a joke to think he "intentionally" went after his helmet... he would have to be playing in slow motion.
That rule is the worst. It is left up to an official's interpretation and that's that. That particular call was completely B.S.. This rule needs to be revisited in the off season.
That said, the rule sucks and needs to be changed as this was an example where intent was absent and the rule needs further clarification as it is hurting the game.