Disappointing, we snatched defeat from Victory. One sack. An easy pick. A screen pass failed. 10 men. A missed FG. Invisible PI’s, missing PI’s. A 3rd and 19. A 4th and 7. Down 10-0, instead of 10-6. You storm back.
Waking up, it’s an L. To the polls, it’s an L. To the committee. It’s a wash. Now you need help. You need OSU to run the table. You need USC to run the table. You need lots of losses. Hard to keep us out if you go 11-1 and your loss is 8” to the number 1 team.
Waking up, it’s an L. To the polls, it’s an L. To the committee. It’s a wash. Now you need help. You need OSU to run the table. You need USC to run the table. You need lots of losses. Hard to keep us out if you go 11-1 and your loss is 8” to the number 1 team.