Should the “Push” rule

There are lots of "rules" that should change.

I never understood the fact you can only go forward half the distance to the goal but you can go back much more. Wouldn't it be easy to have a 1/2 the distance rule that states you can only go backwards as much as the same penalty would go forward.

Why when a knee goes down without any contact are they still down in college?

The face mask rule should go back to incidental and egregious.

This idiot targeting needs to be changed as well. Should be more like Hockey. Minor and major. They replay all of them. Some are just bang bang and some are being intended and launched.

Make a minor 15 yards and a major 5-minute penalty box. Taking a kid out of a full half is ridiculously stupid.
“The face mask rule should go back to incidental and egregious.”

Absolutely not. If more than one defensive player can tackle a ball carrier why shouldn't an offensive teammate be able to assist his progress ?
I kind of like it when they have the rugby scrum, but I'm not a big fan of offensive linemen pulling a running back down the field.
I kind of like it when they have the rugby scrum, but I'm not a big fan of offensive linemen pulling a running back down the field.
They can't pull him.

They can push him
I think that the runner must still have his legs moving. Officials need to be honest with their whistles.