Sergio Brown arrested for murder of his mother

Jesus, that's two murders now, from former ND players in the Rivals era. Is it just two, or was there another one? And old boy in Las Vegas, that wasn't really murder, it was more like homicidal neglect or something like that. I can't remember.

In any case I wonder what brought that on? He played in the NFL a bit, was a ND graduate and it seemed like life had treated him okay. There's certainly a lot of awful parents in this world that in the age of the internet, kids who are now adults, might be galvanized to turn against after commiserating online with other people in the same boat. But usually that doesn't include murder....

Anyway, that's too bad....
Unibomber was a Harvard grad.what does a degree have to do with being a criminal?
Jesus, that's two murders now, from former ND players in the Rivals era. Is it just two, or was there another one? And old boy in Las Vegas, that wasn't really murder, it was more like homicidal neglect or something like that. I can't remember.

In any case I wonder what brought that on? He played in the NFL a bit, was a ND graduate and it seemed like life had treated him okay. There's certainly a lot of awful parents in this world that in the age of the internet, kids who are now adults, might be galvanized to turn against after commiserating online with other people in the same boat. But usually that doesn't include murder....

Anyway, that's too bad....
Some dudes have a mental health crisis. Not entirely uncommon for a former football player considering CTE. There’s plenty of ex NFL guys that go postal.
Unibomber was a Harvard grad.what does a degree have to do with being a criminal?
I think statistics would show you that it has a lot to do with being/not being a criminal... obviously there are always outliers like the Unabomber.
Some dudes have a mental health crisis. Not entirely uncommon for a former football player considering CTE. There’s plenty of ex NFL guys that go postal.
Oh shit, I totally forgot about CTE. I suppose that could easily be the reason. Because that's pretty intense, killing your own mom. Your wife, or ex-wife, that's easy to imagine, even without brain damage. In any case, that's very tragic, in all seriousness....
I think statistics would show you that it has a lot to do with being/not being a criminal... obviously there are always outliers like the Unabomber.
What?? I'm sure there are plenty of college graduates that commit murder and have committed murder. As in like, legions of them.... Damn, I realize that a college degree has essentially become like the mark of the beast in Revelations, and you pretty much can't function in this society and are effectively a de facto 2nd class citizen without one.... but college grads commit murder all the time.

Seriously, wtf are you talking about? As if the god-damn Unabomber is some almost singular exception and college grads are otherwise near uniformly paragons of lawful behavior....
Only thing we can do is pray for him; pray he goes to the Cross and asks forgiveness.
We can pray for him.
Some dudes have a mental health crisis. Not entirely uncommon for a former football player considering CTE. There’s plenty of ex NFL guys that go postal.
yea we look out for these kids who make us hundreds of millions of dollars as a university though lol

we look out for them by trying to stifle any progress that would give them some money and power while risking their lives/brain health to play football for us
The video he put out was pretty disturbing. Would not come as any surprise if he has advanced CTE. He’s still a young man and now potentially a wasted life. Prayers to his mother and hopes that he’s not involved
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Jesus, that's two murders now, from former ND players in the Rivals era. Is it just two, or was there another one? And old boy in Las Vegas, that wasn't really murder, it was more like homicidal neglect or something like that. I can't remember.

In any case I wonder what brought that on? He played in the NFL a bit, was a ND graduate and it seemed like life had treated him okay. There's certainly a lot of awful parents in this world that in the age of the internet, kids who are now adults, might be galvanized to turn against after commiserating online with other people in the same boat. But usually that doesn't include murder....

Anyway, that's too bad....
DaVonte Neal , Cierre Wood and possibly Brown. Of course one guy drove a 19 yr old undergrad to suicide. That was a disgusting coverup and I think it was Shembo but I maybe wrong
DaVonte Neal , Cierre Wood and possibly Brown. Of course one guy drove a 19 yr old undergrad to suicide. That was a disgusting coverup and I think it was Shembo but I maybe wrong
Davonte Neal! I knew there was another one.

Shembo killed a dog, right? Like a little toy dog that was his girlfriend's dog. I guess that's still murder. I'm not sure I would blame him for the suicide. That was an ugly situation, but how could you really blame him for that, for the actual suicide itself? I think that would pretty much be on the girl, and that was her choice, or whatever. But he did kill the dog, so indeed he is a murderer. And that would make four, if you include Neal, though he transferred out before graduating....

And that seems like a lot for a fairly short window of time.
Davonte Neal! I knew there was another one.

Shembo killed a dog, right? Like a little toy dog that was his girlfriend's dog. I guess that's still murder. I'm not sure I would blame him for the suicide. That was an ugly situation, but how could you really blame him for that, for the actual suicide itself? I think that would pretty much be on the girl, and that was her choice, or whatever. But he did kill the dog, so indeed he is a murderer. And that would make four, if you include Neal, though he transferred out before graduating....

And that seems like a lot for a fairly short window of time.
Shembo was a pooch punter!
Davonte Neal! I knew there was another one.

Shembo killed a dog, right? Like a little toy dog that was his girlfriend's dog. I guess that's still murder. I'm not sure I would blame him for the suicide. That was an ugly situation, but how could you really blame him for that, for the actual suicide itself? I think that would pretty much be on the girl, and that was her choice, or whatever. But he did kill the dog, so indeed he is a murderer. And that would make four, if you include Neal, though he transferred out before graduating....

And that seems like a lot for a fairly short window of time.
Think about the bullets ( literally) we dodged with Hernandez. He was our # 1 target at TE and we had to settle for Ragone when Hernandez opted for fla. he killed at least 3 guys maybe more.
yea we look out for these kids who make us hundreds of millions of dollars as a university though lol

we look out for them by trying to stifle any progress that would give them some money and power while risking their lives/brain health to play football for us
You don’t think Sergio profited immensely from his time @ ND? He had a choice to play football knowing the risks involved with future injuries/impacts to health. What do you suggest?
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Davonte Neal! I knew there was another one.

Shembo killed a dog, right? Like a little toy dog that was his girlfriend's dog. I guess that's still murder. I'm not sure I would blame him for the suicide. That was an ugly situation, but how could you really blame him for that, for the actual suicide itself? I think that would pretty much be on the girl, and that was her choice, or whatever. But he did kill the dog, so indeed he is a murderer. And that would make four, if you include Neal, though he transferred out before graduating....

And that seems like a lot for a fairly short window of time.
But yeah you’re right , I think he threw the dog against a wall. Real sweetheart
It's a cold calculus, but there probably is data on crime rates for ex college football players. Classified by school, grades, degree status, etc. We kinda discussed this in other threads, notably about Urban Meyer coaching at ND and his record experiencing player criminality.

I'd like to believe ND scores well here. A frequency < the average...for college athletes, even the general population.

Some of you bring up Hernandez. We can game this to death and it's academic. Maybe if he went to ND he would have had a better outcome?

Again, I'm speculating, but it seems schools like ND actively promote better behavior. And that it's not just about being more selective, as better grades are probably correlated to better behavior. As is famously said: the truth is in the data..
What?? I'm sure there are plenty of college graduates that commit murder and have committed murder. As in like, legions of them.... Damn, I realize that a college degree has essentially become like the mark of the beast in Revelations, and you pretty much can't function in this society and are effectively a de facto 2nd class citizen without one.... but college grads commit murder all the time.

Seriously, wtf are you talking about? As if the god-damn Unabomber is some almost singular exception and college grads are otherwise near uniformly paragons of lawful behavior....
With professors warping young minds with their personal agendas and idealogies, some kids with weak minds are pulled into their beliefs. That's why you see such intolerance instead of curteous debate on issues today. People react with anger and hatred today without any thought process of right or wrong going into it. Probably the CTEs that he might have got over time. But there are parents who demand of their kids money and things when said kids make it big time. Hope that wasn't the case. Whatever, it is a tragedy and he knows the reason for it. All else is our speculations.
With professors warping young minds with their personal agendas and idealogies, some kids with weak minds are pulled into their beliefs. That's why you see such intolerance instead of curteous debate on issues today. People react with anger and hatred today without any thought process of right or wrong going into it. Probably the CTEs that he might have got over time. But there are parents who demand of their kids money and things when said kids make it big time. Hope that wasn't the case. Whatever, it is a tragedy and he knows the reason for it. All else is our speculations.
I'm sorry, what? All I was saying is college graduates commit murder all the time. And not just the Unabomber....

That was just a very oddball thing to say, in every respect. And you're not doing much better implying that its actually professors who warp the minds of young, impressionable, and quite frankly oftentimes totally stupid and vapid and deeply mediocre and unexceptional 19-year old dipshits who are nevertheless attending college.... and so that's probably why so many college graduates go on to commit murder at some point in their life.

That's even worse I think. But maybe college does poison the mind and the soul in a way. It's an elitist institution, and that's its only real purpose, outside of serious pure scholarship and research, is to confer status. It's not required for a vigorous and vital and capable society. Anybody can read on their own and attend free lectures to easily match any knowledge you might gain from general undergraduate attendance. And quite unsurprisingly, in our hyper-capitalist society college has become a racket, and by now has been fully monetized for maximum financial extraction, while at the same time a college degree has become almost formally required for any sort of white-collar employment, regardless of how entry-level or not requiring of any real technical expertise. So I would argue in that way, more socioeconomically, it has had an extremely toxic effect on society as a whole. And not because of liberal professors and their perverse social theories poisoning the minds of women and liberal-minded beta males, though that doesn't help either....