Riley Leonard before Notre Dame...

Leonard is, up to this point, basically playing at his career averages (61% passing @ 5.1 yards per play) The 0 touchdowns and 2 picks moves the needle in the wrong direction, however. He is what he is. How this team and coaching can compensate for any deficiencies remains to be seen. If he is not 100% healthy, and playing, then the scoreboard will confirm that. Getting through the first 3 or 4 games, successfully, and without injury was sort of the benchmark. ND has failed on both counts, it seems. Leonard, if playing hurt, is exposed to getting hurt even more. That is on Freeman, not Leonard. Freeman needs to coach this team like his job depends on it. Not that it does, but that it should. And it isn't just about the quarterback.
oh but...

You are forgetting about the NIL.

For some odd reason there are some posters here that think he's a benefit to this team playing QB.
He's a detriment to the team and that's just a fact.

how much of this is the NIL dictating the depth chart?
No coach will talk about this honestly but you better believe the NIL is a factor in all this.

If Riley is benched for performance what message does this send to other players and of course whoever is writing these absurd NIL checks.
Can the Genie actually terminate the NIL if he is benched?
Why would anyone pay a player to ride the pine?

Just another reason why NIL will/has ruined the game. I said before the pay to play will kill the game in 5 years. It's dying much quicker than I thought.