Ranking the Top 25 academically .....

On what planet would you of had to reside to believe Alabama, Houston, Tennessee and FSU are a higher "ranked" learning institution than the Naval Academy. The fact Navy is excluded from this list tells me this list is not worth the paper it is printed on. I do not believe you could find 5 players from Alabama, Houston, Tennessee and FSU combined who could make it through one semester at the Naval Academy.

And I'm not sure you could find 25 combined that could make through ND, Northwestern or Stanford.

As Brian Kelly stated "ND shops in a different aisle" If players are 4 or 5 stars that is great. But not the be all end all. The gap between the Naval Academy and the Top 3 schools on that list and everyone else is wider than the Grand Canyon
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Too funny! "Don't ever start threads"?

No, you just troll, lie and make things up.

To that end, any poll that respects a disrespectful place like FSU belongs in the toilet with Mo1e, Winston and that POS Jumbo.

FSU remains the programs that others use to demonstrate what is wrong with CFB.
No Duke? What happened ? Of all the big time football programs in the big time conferences ,you'd think Duke would be ranked high?
This lie only ranks the teams ranked in the top 25 and Mo1e saw it, regardless of its ridiculous conclusions, as a way to stalk people on this board.

Please note that he did not post this on the Whorechant board, but only here as a way to further spin FSU - Forced Sex University.
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No Duke? What happened ? Of all the big time football programs in the big time conferences ,you'd think Duke would be ranked high?

I think this is an "academic" ranking of the top 25 teams in the football rankings. Unfortunately Duke isn't currently in the top 25, thats why they aren't listed.

QUOTE="FLballcoach1, post: 933059, member: 35297"]On what planet would you of had to reside to believe Alabama, Houston, Tennessee and FSU are a higher "ranked" learning institution than the Naval Academy. The fact Navy is excluded from this list tells me this list is not worth the paper it is printed on. I do not believe you could find 5 players from Alabama, Houston, Tennessee and FSU combined who could make it through one semester at the Naval Academy.[/QUOTE]

I agree. Why Navy is excluded beats me. Maybe they don't report their academic status, so there is no way to score them?
This lie only ranks the teams ranked in the top 25 and Mo1e saw it, regardless of its ridiculous conclusions, as a way to stalk people on this board.

Please note that he did not post this on the Whorechant board, but only here as a way to further spin FSU - Forced Sex University.
Who is he stalking?
He stalks anyone who tells the truth about FSU. He also states that anyone who tells such truths are all the same guy. Mo1e is one very sick bastard who has real issues with being honest.

Seriously, he handpicked this phony poll to try to confuse the slime issue at FSU, but he comes here with it rather than on an FSU board where they can't read.
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I mean its a dumb thread for Nole to start here but I am not sure you are one to talk about handpicking sources.
Please point to anything I have ever posted that is untrue or do you also be live in the same lies that Mo1e has burdened this board with in his never ending attempts to thwart the truth.
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lolz... a bit defensive here man. My post didn't suggest that you post untrue things (although the most easy example is you constantly posting that JW is a rapist despite no legal finding of any kind to support that) instead my post suggests that you cherry pick sources to further your agenda just like Nole did with this poll.
Please point to anything I have ever posted that is untrue or do you also be live in the same lies that Mo1e has burdened this board with in his never ending attempts to thwart the truth.
There have been few posts you have ever made at this site and other monitored boards that have been true. You can count the honest posts you have made under two dozen usernames in the past nine years on one hand. So cut the BS.

Plus, you have been challenged hundreds of times to truthfully name one lie I have ever spoken here or anywhere else and you have yet to do so. You just blabber like an idiot.

Not sure what the problem is here. I mentioned nothing about ND or FSU regarding this article. It wasn't a poll. It was an unbiased factual ranking based on the criteria established by the authors. You can spin it anyway you please. There was no agenda in sharing it with the intelligent folks here. The stupid and crazies would be the only ones to read something into it and spin it to something it wasn't.

Those questioning why The Naval Academy was left out should try reading the article instead of just the ranking list before commenting. It answers your question clearly.

Excluding argus I really expected more from this fan base. He clearly continues to embarrass both himself and everything ND.
It gets really old. The funny thing is I have never even seen a post from this "Argus" fellow, but I know I would like him for the way he still hovers over Mo1e. He must have pictures.

Btw, is there any real doubt Winston is a rapist? Come on, what about Rapistburger, or do you guys give all of these monsters a pass?
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It gets really old. The funny thing is I have never even seen a post from this "Argus" fellow, but I know I would like him for the way he still hovers over Mo1e. He must have pictures.

Btw, is there any real doubt Winston is a rapist? Come on, what about Rapistburger, or do you guys give all of these monsters a pass?[/QUOTE

Terrific Tim ..... just as I (and others) suspected.

Where's epic?

You are one sick lowlife..
Looks as if there are plenty here who have figured Mo1e out!!!!

I also have never seen an Argus post! Who here has? Too funny!

Of course Winston is a rapist. It appears he may have also violated Mo1e!
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what a bullshit metric. ND graduates 98% of it's student body -- we take a big hit for that as our football guys graduate at a 92% rate... this is a joke. TCU?
Looks as if there are plenty here who have figured Mo1e out!!!!

I also have never seen an Argus post! Who here has? Too funny!

Of course Winston is a rapist. It appears he may have also violated Mo1e!
Well see there is another example of something untrue. You don't have any proof JW has ever met Nole
Looks as if there are plenty here who have figured Mo1e out!!!!

I also have never seen an Argus post! Who here has? Too funny!

Of course Winston is a rapist. It appears he may have also violated Mo1e!
You fool no one. Everyone here has your number and knows your agenda. Cut the charade. It falls on deaf ears.

You have been asked dozens of times to provide one piece of evidence to support your rape theory without response. It's obvious why. You have none.

You have serious mental health issues. Seek professional help. We don't need yet another username from you. What is too funny is you make no effort to change your posting style. It's word for word what we have been hearing from your sick mind for almost a decade.
Proof Winston abused Mo1e? No proof, I said he "may" have as a way to try to understand why anyone would support anyone of such low character. Mo1e is a sad sack, that is clear. Winston has multiple women who have accused him and he is a proven liar based on saying both he "forgot" to pay for crab legs while later saying he was "set up" for free food as a football player at FSU.

Mo1e is also a proven liar, but please quote me accurately as I always tell the truth!
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I am just reading these posts and some valid points have been made. Winston is without question a liar, the only question appears to be did he lie about "forgetting to pay" as he originally stated, or did he lie about " getting set up" as he said he did as an FSU football player for free food from Publix's.

He is also being pursued in a civil suit and will either have to face his accuser or pay her off. Will he lie again and face perjury ramifications? Or, will he and FSU avoid scrutiny with a settlement. Either way, it "appears" Winston "may" be shown to be a liar once again.

I wonder where Mo1e will stand on this........I think we know!
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Proof Winston abused Mo1e? No proof, I said he "may" have as a way to try to understand why anyone would support anyone of such low character. Mo1e is a sad sack, that is clear. Winston has multiple women who have accused him and he is a proven liar based on saying both he "forgot" to pay for crab legs while later saying he was "set up" for free food as a football player at FSU.

Mo1e is also a proven liar, but please quote me accurately as I always tell the truth!

You have never told the truth.

I support no one with low character. How I feel about you is proof of that.

Winston has nothing to do with how I feel about the false rape allegations. I am all about the American justice system, the Bill of Rights and most importantly the truth. All things you obviously couldn't care less about. The girl is a known liar, the evidence, witness accounts and investigative reports support Winston's account of the evening. Not hers. Just the mere fact that she has changed her story and lied numerous times removes all credibility from what is obviously a bogus assertion. You see it happen every day. This is a classic case of false allegations.

Like they say on CSI....... "follow the evidence". You can't do that because it doesn't support your agenda.

And quit the lying. Only one girl has accused Winston of sexual assualt. Period!
I am just reading these posts and some valid points have been made. Winston is without question a liar, the only question appears to be did he lie about "forgetting to pay" as he originally stated, or did he lie about " getting set up" as he said he did as an FSU football player for free food from Publix's.

He is also being pursued in a civil suit and will either have to face his accuser or pay her off. Will he lie again and face perjury ramifications? Or, will he and FSU avoid scrutiny with a settlement. Either way, it "appears" Winston "may" be shown to be a liar once again.

I wonder where Mo1e will stand on this........I think we know!
You can't be this stupid. Then again......
Mo1e, are you actually contending Winston is NOT a proven liar as shown here in his statements about free crab legs?

Are you actually saying there is NOT a second women who went to FSU BEFORE he was acussed in the more celebrated case saying she was violated by Winston?

Are you actually saying you have not repeatedly ignored all evidence and facts when it comes to everything surrounding this case and voiced support for Winston and Jumbo who are clearly people of low character?

Finally, how can you say you are of anywhere near a person of character (totally proven false here) and still support FSU?
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  1. Very sad you won't read this or hear this during the Bowl Season....ANYWHERE..:(You see we don;t want to hurt peoples feelings...Get my drift.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Mo1e, are you actually contending Winston is NOT a proven liar as shown here in his statements about free crab legs?

Are you actually saying there is NOT a second women who went to FSU BEFORE he was acussed in the more celebrated case saying she was violated by Winston?

Are you actually saying you have not repeatedly ignored all evidence and facts when it comes to everything surrounding this case and voiced support for Winston and Jumbo who are clearly people of low character?

Finally, how can you say you are of anywhere near a person of character (totally proven false here) and still support FSU?

Quit the deflection with the crab leg crap. Has nothing to do with falsely accusing someone of a heinous crime with zero evidence that such a crime occured. When you can provide one iota of evidence to support your idiotic claim then speak. Not until. I won't hold my breath.

No, there wasn't a second woman who went to FSU BEFORE. She went to a counselor AFTER the false claim unsupported by ANY evidence that would remotely lead to a bogus arrest. That woman is on record saying she was NOT sexually assaulted and her sexual encounter was CONSENSUAL. She was unhappy about it being a one night stand and was receiving counseling for making a poor decision regarding her encounter. Quit making stuff up.

I haven't ignored any evidence regarding this case. You have. Still waiting for any evidence to support your delusion. I'm tired of asking.

You couldn't carry Jimbo's jock when it comes to men of character. He's known among his peers, players, parents and associates as a person of integrity. You're known among yours as anything but. Stop with the hypocrisy crazy person.
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^^^^^. Wow, that may be the biggest compilation of pure bullshit ever written! Mo1e has reached a new low, otherwise thought possibly impossible.

You simply have no shame, a total and complete pathological liar!
^^^^^. Wow, that may be the biggest compilation of pure bullshit ever written! Mo1e has reached a new low, otherwise thought possibly impossible.

You simply have no shame, a total and complete pathological liar!
Name the lie lunatic. Tell us what I posted that was BS. You know you can't. Everything is 100 percent the truth...... not opinion ...... backed up by facts ..... not made up garbage. You just can't identify with anything that's factual and can be proven if it doesn't support your agenda. You and Hillary.... when it comes to telling the truth it doesn't compute. Bottom dwellers.
Nole1, at what point does it become too much like child's play to reel the Big Fella in like this? Don't mind you responding to all the FSU hate that he spews, but do you have to come here and initiate the feeding frenzy?
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Wasn't fsu the school with the masssive-across many sports-cheating scandal a few years back.

And listening to some of those fsu players like winston speak, you wonder if they ever sat in a classroom....

Glad at least the women on campus are a bit safer with the squinting rapist down in tampa now...
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Wasn't fsu the school with the masssive-across many sports-cheating scandal a few years back.

And listening to some of those fsu players like winston speak, you wonder if they ever sat in a classroom....

Glad at least the women on campus are a bit safer with the squinting rapist down in tampa now...
Have you listened to him speak in Tampa? Vastly different. You do know he could have gone to almost any college in America based solely on his high school academics and test scores?

Stanford accepted him on academics alone. Last I heard they are as tough an admission as ND. Maybe slightly tougher.

Wasn't it Kelly who stated if his players were not exceptional athletes that none of his players could get into ND.

Step down off that high horse and be carefull you don't sprain an ankle. It a long fall. We all know that ND is an exemplary academic private institution. You don't have to keep reminding us of that. We get it. Continually comparing that of a private school which has the financials, backing and historical academic standards to the typical state school across the country is old news. It has always been this way and always will be. It's never going to be equal.
Winston is a total embarrassment to the Tampa Bay Area, FSU fans who are smart enough to accept reality and anyone who follows the game. His own town, Hueytown, Al. Admits to being embarrassed to call him their own, but at FSU, even worse under Jumbo than Bowden, rape, robbery, assault and worse are tolerated and covered up by local police and those involved in the athletic department. This is why Title IV will slam FSU.

FSU should have enjoyed Winston, they will sure pay for him.

BTW, have you heard Winston speak in Tampa? Yes, he mumbles, can't be understood and resembles and acts like the street thug he is!

Watch Mo1e try to spin Hueytowns embarrassment:
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He stalks anyone who tells the truth about FSU. He also states that anyone who tells such truths are all the same guy. Mo1e is one very sick bastard who has real issues with being honest.

Seriously, he handpicked this phony poll to try to confuse the slime issue at FSU, but he comes here with it rather than on an FSU board where they can't read.
well he doesn't stalk you then as you have yet to speak the truth about much of anything.
Mo1e doesn't stalk me or others? He admitted that he stalked Argus for ten years, at least five of which Argus has never posted. If that isn't stalking, what is?

As for me, please point out where I have ever lied. Winston is an embarrassment, even in his home town. link!
Winston is a total embarrassment to the Tampa Bay Area, FSU fans who are smart enough to accept reality and anyone who follows the game. His own town, Hueytown, Al. Admits to being embarrassed to call him there own, but at FSU, even worse under Jumbo than Bowden, rape, robbery, assault and worse are tolerated and covered up by local police and those involved in the athletic department. This is why Title IV will slam FSU.

FSU should have enjoyed Winston, they will sure pay for him.

BTW, have you heard Winston speak in Tampa? Yes, he mumbles, can't be understood and resembles and acts like the street thug he is!

Watch Mo1e try to spin Hueytowns embarrassment:
More deflection. What's your point? FSU fans (including myself) were embarrassed by Winston's lack of maturity and poor decision making. I would expect Hueytown to express the same sentiment. That doesn't make him a rapist or a thug. Those were things of the past. Teenager mistakes that while embarrassing and of poor judgment not serious enough to be arrested for. You do know he doesn't even have a traffic ticket on his record.

You don't seem to hold Golson's cheating against him lauding him for being such a fine human being after being dismissed from the university. Shembo, the dog killer and accused of sexual assault and a player who had been in trouble since middle school, kicked off his high school team and kicked out of the NFL was a fine upstanding individual who did ND proud in your view and is a person held in such high esteem by you that you even stated you would be proud to have your daughter hang with. Your hypocrisy is off the charts.

And Tampa loves Winston. The fans, the franchise, the players and the coaches laud his work ethic, leadership qualities and community involvement. Nothing but good things about Winston coming out of Tampa. He's a franchise player with a great future. Already broken several rookie records in Tampa and the NFL. There are dozens of articles I can link to back this up. But far be it from you to just make something up that's totally untrue.

You are one sick embarrassing nutjob.

And ... do you even know what the term stalking means? Add that to the 5th grade long list of words you don't know the definition of. Name one poster here I have ever stalked. All your usernames don't count.