Watch this hit by MTSU against the Bama player. Targeting is initially called but reversed by the booth.
Is this targeting
Is this targeting
I read that he won't miss any time because the foul occurred in the first half.Speaking of targeting. How long is Antonio carter out for. Just the first half ?
That hit on Devon ford was clearly targeting. No call but they call it on our guy.
But only targeting requires a team of lawyers.All calls are subjective.
The crown of the helmet is relevant in large part because it protects the player actually delivering the blow. Ducking your head for a big hit is dangerous for the tackler due to axial loading on the cervical spine, and is much more dangerous than looking up. Hence the tackling tip of "seeing what you hit" or "heads up football" as established by the NFL in recent years. Both of these teaching points are designed to protect the tackler in a collision situation. "See what you hit" is bar none, the most important safety tip you can teach any young football player.I thought the whole purpose was to limit head injuries/concussions. So why should it be subjective? The only instance is if a player aims lower but bounces or is shoved into another player's helmet. Why is it limited to the crown of the helmet if the front of the helmet also causes concussion protocols? Makes no sense.