Pass Act Legislation

I am not buying it. Until the NCAA or congress makes a ruling on regulating NIL money on a fair bases then it is flawed. College students getting an agent are you kidding me. I like the safety standard, but who is going to monitor this action on rehabilitation or what injuries qualify two years to recover from.
The whole system is flawed and needs a major over haul even several coaches agree NIL is so messed up nobody really knows about the parameters or limits. The NCAA makes a boat load of cash, yet, it is up to the universities to come up with another 20 million. Seriously
I am not buying it. Until the NCAA or congress makes a ruling on regulating NIL money on a fair bases then it is flawed. College students getting an agent are you kidding me. I like the safety standard, but who is going to monitor this action on rehabilitation or what injuries qualify two years to recover from.
The whole system is flawed and needs a major over haul even several coaches agree NIL is so messed up nobody really knows about the parameters or limits. The NCAA makes a boat load of cash, yet, it is up to the universities to come up with another 20 million. Seriously
Just curious... Why are you against a college student getting an agent? I think it makes sense. If you're going to get NIL money, I would say most 18 year old teens could benefit from a professional who understands contracts and can advocate on their behalf.

I am in agreement w/ the 20 million dollar part. Not sure it should be required for the university to provide healthcare after you leave the university. It's no different from leaving an old job for a new job and the new job now provides you with new healthcare coverage.
Just curious... Why are you against a college student getting an agent? I think it makes sense. If you're going to get NIL money, I would say most 18 year old teens could benefit from a professional who understands contracts and can advocate on their behalf.

I am in agreement w/ the 20 million dollar part. Not sure it should be required for the university to provide healthcare after you leave the university. It's no different from leaving an old job for a new job and the new job now provides you with new healthcare coverage.
Shaken. I have always respected you posts. Where does this lunacy stop. Pretty soon agents will be talking to freshman in high school. Let a kid enjoy the best years of his life in peace.
In order for universities to come up with another 20 million tuition prices have to go up or other sports will be cut while the NCAA racks millions in ever year.
Shaken. I have always respected you posts. Where does this lunacy stop. Pretty soon agents will be talking to freshman in high school. Let a kid enjoy the best years of his life in peace.
In order for universities to come up with another 20 million tuition prices have to go up or other sports will be cut while the NCAA racks millions in ever year.
Respect is mutual. And I'm not at all offended by your comments here.

You bring up a good point. 14 year olds shouldn't have to be talking to agents. However, I would hope the parents step in and create boundaries. Maybe congress can even step in and say no contact with agents allowed until recruit is either a senior in HS or 17 years old. Not saying it'll be perfect and everyone will follow the law, but it's something.

The main question is how does congress set up a policy that allows players to benefit from NIL, but at the same time maintain a healthy competitive balance for all schools across the country? Should there be a cap? Should some of the NIL money be distributed to other athletic programs? Should there be one central bank that is overseen by the NCAA, so the money is being tracked?

What do you think?
Respect is mutual. And I'm not at all offended by your comments here.

You bring up a good point. 14 year olds shouldn't have to be talking to agents. However, I would hope the parents step in and create boundaries. Maybe congress can even step in and say no contact with agents allowed until recruit is either a senior in HS or 17 years old. Not saying it'll be perfect and everyone will follow the law, but it's something.

The main question is how does congress set up a policy that allows players to benefit from NIL, but at the same time maintain a healthy competitive balance for all schools across the country? Should there be a cap? Should some of the NIL money be distributed to other athletic programs? Should there be one central bank that is overseen by the NCAA, so the money is being tracked?

What do you think?
There needs to be a central bank that gets audited on a quarterly basis just make sure the dollars are going where they need to be. I believe a cap is the way we have of doing anything. I believe the power 5 should have another standard being they bring in the most revenue as far as cap figures go. It is up to the university to distribute the funds to other sports programs