OT: Prayers please


All Star
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2003
I just found out one of my childhood classmates and friend has cancer and it doesn’t look good. I am traveling home tomorrow to visit him.

Cancer sucks. Please pray for anyone you know who suffers from cancer.
I just found out one of my childhood classmates and friend has cancer and it doesn’t look good. I am traveling home tomorrow to visit him.

Cancer sucks. Please pray for anyone you know who suffers from cancer.
IJ so sorry to hear this. Of course we can pray for your friend and others touched by this terrible disease.
When I was diagnosed I felt it did not look good, and truth is it never does; but if your friend decides to fight then his # 1 battle is finding the best medical team possible, tell him count on those closest to him. Ironic, I also sought out my best childhood friend for support and encouragement. Faith, Support and encouragement are the best allies.
Believe me, even hearing posters here, friends you don’t know, tell you they will pray for you is so up lifting
I ‘ll pray for your friend and also for strength and comfort for you. God Bless..
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