I believe WWII was the biggest reason for coming outThat is how the United States finally climbed out of The Great Depression: running up debt. National debt is not good, but it is better than a depression.
I believe WWII was the biggest reason for coming outThat is how the United States finally climbed out of The Great Depression: running up debt. National debt is not good, but it is better than a depression.
You're correct ... lots of studies show libtard Roosevelt made it far worse than it had to be.I believe WWII was the biggest reason for coming out
And he proceeded to add another bloated entitlement program called Obama Care Just what the country needed. .another handout.No question Obama got handed a bag of sh!t. But at what point did his fiscal policies slowed the economy? Between Obama & George W, 75% of the national debt. 10 Trillion for O & 5 by pancho boy
I believe WWII was the biggest reason for coming out
Wrong... full employment was necessary..... also the country's savings rate went above 15% ....there was a massive accumulation of capital ....was like austerity during the war ....ask your grandparents.The deficit spending that we plunged into to fight WWII was the reason our depression ended. Not the war itself.
Wrong... full employment was necessary..... also the country's savings rate went above 15% ....there was a massive accumulation of capital ....was like austerity during the war ....ask your grandparents.
During World War II, the US government sold more than $185 Billion worth of War bonds to finance the war. This accounted for over half of the war's $304 billion cost. The enormous spending on war bonds by the people caused a sharp increase in the personal savings rate. In 1944 the personal savings rate was over 25%, an all time high. This meant that people were willing to not spend over a quarter of their disposable income. In a addition to rationing, war bonds were a major cause of this sharp increase.
You won a war ... that was the return.....Obamas spending generated no growth and was consumed....no return.Selling government bonds is deficit spending. We went into hock to fight WW II. Government spending skyrocketed. This is well established.
Fake NewsWhoops!
Credibility Of Cyber Firm That Claimed Russia Hacked The DNC Comes Under Serious Question
The cyber security firm hired to inspect the DNC hack and determine who was responsible is a firm called Crowdstrike. Its conclusion that Russia was responsible was released last year, but several people began to call its analysis into question upon further inspection.
You won a war ... that was the return.....Obamas spending generated no growth and was consumed....no return.
You have proof there was a depression? My hunch is that Trump got elected mainly because nothing got fixed doubling down on the debt of every other President.Obama & Bush's spending stopped a depression from happening. Just because you don't understand the return doesn't mean there wasn't one.
You have proof there was a depression? My hunch is that Trump got elected mainly because nothing got fixed doubling down on the debt of every other President.
That is ridiculous.Obama & Bush's spending stopped a depression from happening. Just because you don't understand the return doesn't mean there wasn't one.
I think he lasts 8.It is sad watching the current administration continue to implode on a daily basis. I doubt he lasts 2 years let alone 4. Dark times indeed.
It is sad watching the current administration continue to implode on a daily basis. I doubt he lasts 2 years let alone 4. Dark times indeed.
The only thing he is succeeding in doing is golfing and lining his pockets with taxpayer money. In only two months he has created the most clandestine,dysfunctional,soulless ,unqualified presidency in american history. Because of his complete lack of character and conscience we ve become the butt of the rest of the worlds jokes.No president has ever had to deal with this much interference from an outgoing president it is clear the Democrats do not want to work they only one to obstruct
Unlike most of Washington president Trump is an outsider trying to get things done expecting to work with both parties he reached across the aisle and the Democrats played their silly games as they lose more and more political Capital through the years
Don't you find it interesting that in the last days of the Obama Administration that President Obama allowed so much dissemination to be spread through so many branches and now it looks like innocent people have been unmasked that even the executive branch of the previous administration is responsible
This should be no surprise to anyone who has followed the wiretapping of reporters and Reporting organizations by the Obama Administration
This is very similar to Soviet tactics how ironic
One can only imagine the people's paradise the gangster Clintons would be delivering! LolsThe only thing he is succeeding in doing is golfing and lining his pockets with taxpayer money. In only two months he has created the most clandestine,dysfunctional,soulless ,unqualified presidency in american history. Because of his complete lack of character and conscience we ve become the butt of the rest of the worlds jokes.
The only thing he is succeeding in doing is golfing and lining his pockets with taxpayer money. In only two months he has created the most clandestine,dysfunctional,soulless ,unqualified presidency in american history. Because of his complete lack of character and conscience we ve become the butt of the rest of the worlds jokes.
More Fake NewsBOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under "Systematic Illegal" Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On It
The same day House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes gave a press conference disclosing that President Trump had been under "incidental surveillance," Attorney and FreedomWatch Chairman, Larry Klayman, sent a letter to the House Committee on Intelligence imploring them to pursue the claims and evidence presented under oath at a Washington DC FBI Field Office by his client - CIA / NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.
It is sad watching the current administration continue to implode on a daily basis. I doubt he lasts 2 years let alone 4. Dark times indeed.
There is much resistance when you are draining the swamp.The only thing he is succeeding in doing is golfing and lining his pockets with taxpayer money. In only two months he has created the most clandestine,dysfunctional,soulless ,unqualified presidency in american history. Because of his complete lack of character and conscience we ve become the butt of the rest of the worlds jokes.
Anyone ever realize how every time there's a terrorist attack the left finds a way to twist it against white Christian men? "Yea but the crusades!"
Terrible what that scum had planned. I just truly don't understand when liberal Europeans will wake up. The Muslim birth rate is loads higher than the natives. Probably not in our life time, but in our grandchildrens Europe will be majority Muslim, it's almost a lockLike this terror attack intended "to make a statement"?
Terrible what that scum had planned. I just truly don't understand when liberal Europeans will wake up. The Muslim birth rate is loads higher than the natives. Probably not in our life time, but in our grandchildrens Europe will be majority Muslim, it's almost a lock
When the Black Flag of Isis is flying over ParliamentSo? At that point, the Muslims will be natives.
They will be the majority. Islam is not compatible with the west. Sounds harsh I know.So? At that point, the Muslims will be natives.
Terrible what that scum had planned. I just truly don't understand when liberal Europeans will wake up. The Muslim birth rate is loads higher than the natives. Probably not in our life time, but in our grandchildrens Europe will be majority Muslim, it's almost a lock