OT: Just How Laughable Has ESPN Become

It initially wasn't ESPN that started this, the actual announcer himself brought it to there attention. From my understanding he asked to be removed from the game and ESPN acquiesced.
It initially wasn't ESPN that started this, the actual announcer himself brought it to there attention. From my understanding he asked to be removed from the game and ESPN acquiesced.

“We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name,” ESPN said in a statement.

Haven't seen anything stating it was Lee's decision or that he brought it up. Who knows. Terrible look for the worldwide leader either way.
While I can't stand the PC left thought police and think the crusade to remove confederate statutes is
wasted energy that could be better directed at education and community involvement, you do have to ask yourself why, for example, Germany isn't littered today with symbols of the Third Reich, or why Poland removed statues of Lenin and other communists when the Soviet Union fell.

Fact is, these confederate statutes were mostly erected in the Jim Crow and Civil Rights eras (coincidence I'm sure) to venerate the leaders of an incredibly violent, armed insurrection against the United States, waged for the sole purpose of retaining the right to own "lesser" human beings as chattel. And while they lost the military conflict, the spirit of that hateful time still permeates through the South today like an intellectual contagion, keeping the fire of that war alive for future generations and bolstered by physical reminders like these statues. So complain about the thought police all you want, and I'll join you in mocking ESPN for this present stupidity, but there is literally no good and valid rationale for the continued existence of those statues.
I'm in no way defending the Southern Democrat traitors or their icons. In any way whatsoever.

My point is, it doesn't stop there. They already are targeting
Washington, Jefferson and practically all the founders.

Columbus, Lincoln a peace statue, and even Democrat Frank Rizzo in Philly.

After these is it hard to imagine the founding documents next?
This is one of the best treads , on the subject of rewriting history and revising it , that I have seen on this board.
Orwell said it many years ago. " Everything vanished into mist. The past was erased. The eraser
Was forgotten. The lie became truth ! "
We are there ! A few years late, but welcome to 1984 !
This is one of the best treads , on the subject of rewriting history and revising it , that I have seen on this board.
Orwell said it many years ago. " Everything vanished into mist. The past was erased. The eraser
Was forgotten. The lie became truth ! "
We are there ! A few years late, but welcome to 1984 !

The past can't be erased, if it's already happened. We can still read a book. A statue has no meaning without a story. Some people feel it's a part of history that shouldn't be glorified l, personally I could care less, it means nothing to me either way. If you sit down and think about it people can be insulted by anything it doesn't matter what ethnicity, religon, or gender etc. Oh and George Orwell was an amazing writer.
From one New Yorker to another one, History book are constantly revised ! The people who revise
The history books , REMOVE things or de emphasize history that that do not like, and ADD and emphasize
Events and even highly Opinionated narratives , false history, that they want to add.
Who are the people Revising history books ? College history professors.
LIBERAL college history professors.
Is there any Conservatives thought or Conservative speakers welcomes on college campuses ?
So the same Radical Liberal Professors who have eliminated all Conservative thought from our campuses, and have brain washed and continue to brainwash generations of college graduates, Are now revising our history books that are used in our high schools.
We are not burning books yet like they did in1930's Germany, but Revisionist history may be a lot
More effective to achieve the Radical Saul Alinsky type goals of the Progressive Left !
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From one New Yorker to another one, History book are constantly revised ! The people who revise
The history books , REMOVE things or de emphasize history that that do not like, and ADD and emphasize
Events and even highly Opinionated narratives , false history, that they want to add.
Who are the people Revising history books ? College history professors.
LIBERAL college history professors.
Is there any Conservatives thought or Conservative speakers welcomes on college campuses ?
So the same Radical Liberal Professors who have eliminated all Conservative thought from our campuses, and have brain washed and continue to brainwash generations of college graduates, Are now revising our history books that are used in our high schools.
We are not burning books yet like they did in1930's Germany, but Revisionist history may be a lot
More effective to achieve the Radical Saul Alinsky type goals of the Progressive Left !
It initially wasn't ESPN that started this, the actual announcer himself brought it to there attention. From my understanding he asked to be removed from the game and ESPN acquiesced.

You believe this and I have some ocean front property to sell you in Montana. This is simply ESPN trying to spin things because they know they look like fools.

I can imagine that they spoke with Lee and told him "Robert we are being killed. You need to take one for the team. Tell them this was all your idea."

Good reference, but it does prove my point that history books and curriculum have been moving
Left for years. Now some parents and school districts are fighting back !
The Pendulum has moved too far left, and now people are fighting to move it back to The right
Or at least to the center !
When I attended and later taught high school, in "Ancient Times" the country was not divided
As it is today. The overwhelming majority of Americans shared common values. We certainly
Disagreed on politics, but Politics did indeed " Stop at the Water's Edge" !
History books and curricula reflected those values ! Today, those values that United us are under attack
And dividing our Nation.
Good reference, but it does prove my point that history books and curriculum have been moving
Left for years. Now some parents and school districts are fighting back !
The Pendulum has moved too far left, and now people are fighting to move it back to The right
Or at least to the center !
When I attended and later taught high school, in "Ancient Times" the country was not divided
As it is today. The overwhelming majority of Americans shared common values. We certainly
Disagreed on politics, but Politics did indeed " Stop at the Water's Edge" !
History books and curricula reflected those values ! Today, those values that United us are under attack
And dividing our Nation.

History is always being revised because it's constantly being re-interpreted. Presidents are remembered fondly, then not, then fondly again. New sources are discovered and interpreted differently. Schools of thought emerge. Ask history teachers and professors something as seemingly simple as what was the primary cause of an event, and you'll get multiple answers.

If some people in the 1920s decided to construct a statue of a general from the Confederacy as a response to the civil rights movement, I don't know why today's people or tomorrow's people are bound by that decision.
Can someone please check the historical record to see if they can find a General Skip Bayless listed in the ranks of the Confederate army.
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Good reference, but it does prove my point that history books and curriculum have been moving
Left for years. Now some parents and school districts are fighting back !
The Pendulum has moved too far left, and now people are fighting to move it back to The right
Or at least to the center !
When I attended and later taught high school, in "Ancient Times" the country was not divided
As it is today. The overwhelming majority of Americans shared common values. We certainly
You believe this and I have some ocean front property to sell you in Montana. This is simply ESPN trying to spin things because they know they look like fools.

I can imagine that they spoke with Lee and told him "Robert we are being killed. You need to take one for the team. Tell them this was all your idea."

Yeah too bad I do research and don't go off a headline. Why is everyone so paranoid?
I should change this thread title to paranoia thread. The truth is you nor I know exactly what transpired.

If you want your kids to learn something different or what you deem is the truth teach them don't expect a classroom to do it. In class as a kid we were told Christopher Columbus discovered America, my parents told me how can you discover a continent that was already inhabited by humans. Lesson learned, question, do your research, and find your own answers.

Should espn taken him off the air no. They were trying to be PC but what they should've realize is you can please everyone someone always has a problem.
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History is always being revised because it's constantly being re-interpreted. Presidents are remembered fondly, then not, then fondly again. New sources are discovered and interpreted differently. Schools of thought emerge. Ask history teachers and professors something as seemingly simple as what was the primary cause of an event, and you'll get multiple answers.

If some people in the 1920s decided to construct a statue of a general from the Confederacy as a response to the civil rights movement, I don't know why today's people or tomorrow's people are bound by that decision.

No one is bound by anything. However, we are divided on the removal of statues and other national symbols.
Based upon polls, the majority of Americans seem to be in favor of leaving the monuments in place.
Should that majority be bound by the minority who want to remove those monuments ?
In my humble opinion, Whoever or whatever group started the whole Statue thing did it as a diversion designed to Divide our country even more than it is divided already. They have certainly succeeded beyo
Belief !
I would much prefer to see the country focused upon the President's agenda that , in my view, if
Enacted will improve the lives of all Americans !
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No one is bound by anything. However, we are divided on the removal of statues and other national symbols.
Based upon poles , the majority of Americans seem to be in favor of leaving the monuments in place.
Should that majority be bound by the minority who want to remove those monuments ?
In my humble opinion, Whoever or whatever group started the whole Statue thing did it as a diversion designed to Divide our country even more than it is divided already. They have certainly succeeded beyo
Belief !
I would much prefer to see the country focused upon the President's agenda that , in my view, if
Enacted will improve the lives of all Americans !

I think the President himself has been the one pushing the issue of statue removal lately.

The removal of statues shouldn't be governed by "polls". They should be governed by the most local level of whoever is in charge of them.

I would prefer that the President himself be focused on his own agenda. He seems to have tremendous difficulty doing so.
Should that majority be bound by the minority who want to remove those monuments?

Isn't that kind of today's sad reality? If a very small percentage of a population is offended by something, if they make enough noise about it they have a decent chance of getting it changed, or removed, or whatever is required to ease the offended senses. You see it all the time. This Oregon school name change thing is a great recent example. If you were to suggest that the offended party was an inconsequential minority (% wise) and that they should just live with it, you risk being called insensitive, or worse, a hater. And if that group happens to be a minority, you know what the accusation would be.
I would prefer that the President himself be focused on his own agenda. He seems to have tremendous difficulty doing so.

He does exhibit mastery of the "one step forward, two steps back" concept. His personality is his own worst enemy.
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What is sad is the media making wide sweeping declarations about America based on the actions of two lunatic fringe groups.

On one side you have the nut ball Nazi wannabes and KKK, and on the other you have the left wing nuts infiltrated by the Antifas, who are bused in by George Soros.

Neither side are representative of America. They probably make up .000001 percent of the population. Yet the media have heated discussions on what "this all means". When in point of fact, these lunatic fringe groups on both the left and right should be simply laughed at.
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He does exhibit mastery of the "one step forward, two steps back" concept. His personality is his own worst enemy.

For what it's worth, I don't disagree that the mainstream media is harder on the President than on the previous President. (At the same time, when you tell your supporters that the mainstream media are "dishonest" "enemies of the people" who "don't like our country", you shouldn't be surprised when those people take a more critical eye toward you and continue to dig further into any lead.) Of course, the same people who were critical of lax coverage from the mainstream media on Obama are the same ones jumping over each other to be Trump's cabana boy - so to each his own, I suppose.

At the same time, to the extent he actually cares about passing his "agenda" (whatever that is), he's doing more harm to it than good. If he's going to pass anything he wants to pass, attacking legislators isn't going to help him. If he's going to get healthcare reform, (i) initially telling people that his "plan" won't raise premiums or and that his plan will mean "insurance for everybody", (ii) encouraging the House to pass a bill that does neither of those, (iii) celebrating the passage of said bill as if it were going into law, and then (iv) calling that same bill "mean" is not going to be a particularly effective way of achieving health care reform.

The rally last night may have been great for stoking his own ego. It's not great for actually getting things done.
The rally last night may have been great for stoking his own ego. It's not great for actually getting things done.

It was the proverbial two steps back after appearing unusually Presidential on Monday night. Having good ideas and/or good intentions isn't worth much if you torpedo the hopes of executing on them yourself.
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Isn't that kind of today's sad reality? If a very small percentage of a population is offended by something, if they make enough noise about it they have a decent chance of getting it changed, or removed, or whatever is required to ease the offended senses. You see it all the time. This Oregon school name change thing is a great recent example. If you were to suggest that the offended party was an inconsequential minority (% wise) and that they should just live with it, you risk being called insensitive, or worse, a hater. And if that group happens to be a minority, you know what the accusation would be.

That is Saul Olinsky 101 , divide and destroy our country by dividing its citizens into many small
Irrelevant " battles ", and attacking small vulnerable groups , one at a time, Like the police. They are called racist, insensitive ,Etc. They have incited Blacks , through false narratives and radical groups like BLM , and race hustlers
Like Al Sharpton. The Police have been neutered to the point that their jobs are becoming next to impossible.
Notice , how absurd the whole situation has become, changing team names. Changing street
Names, false news, attacking the opposition and accusing them of all types of hateful thoughts and
Of cause calling them all types of phobics.
I remember the 1930's and 40's and its history has shaped my life:
Fascists and Communists Dictators first took power by intimidation, then took control of the media.
Next was control of the education of the youth ( Hitler Youth ). They take control of the Police
( FBI, DOJ, IRS ) .
Then everything else falls into place:
" Tell the big lie often enough and it becomes Truth ! "
Benghazi, investigation becomes a " Matter " , Michael Brown ", " The meeting on the tarmac. "
Etc. etc. etc.
For what it's worth, I don't disagree that the mainstream media is harder on the President than on the previous President. (At the same time, when you tell your supporters that the mainstream media are "dishonest" "enemies of the people" who "don't like our country", you shouldn't be surprised when those people take a more critical eye toward you and continue to dig further into any lead.) Of course, the same people who were critical of lax coverage from the mainstream media on Obama are the same ones jumping over each other to be Trump's cabana boy - so to each his own, I suppose.

At the same time, to the extent he actually cares about passing his "agenda" (whatever that is), he's doing more harm to it than good. If he's going to pass anything he wants to pass, attacking legislators isn't going to help him. If he's going to get healthcare reform, (i) initially telling people that his "plan" won't raise premiums or and that his plan will mean "insurance for everybody", (ii) encouraging the House to pass a bill that does neither of those, (iii) celebrating the passage of said bill as if it were going into law, and then (iv) calling that same bill "mean" is not going to be a particularly effective way of achieving health care reform.

The rally last night may have been great for stoking his own ego. It's not great for actually getting things done.

" His agenda ( whatever it is ) " hum !
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For what it's worth, I don't disagree that the mainstream media is harder on the President than on the previous President. (At the same time, when you tell your supporters that the mainstream media are "dishonest" "enemies of the people" who "don't like our country", you shouldn't be surprised when those people take a more critical eye toward you and continue to dig further into any lead.) Of course, the same people who were critical of lax coverage from the mainstream media on Obama are the same ones jumping over each other to be Trump's cabana boy - so to each his own, I suppose.

At the same time, to the extent he actually cares about passing his "agenda" (whatever that is), he's doing more harm to it than good. If he's going to pass anything he wants to pass, attacking legislators isn't going to help him. If he's going to get healthcare reform, (i) initially telling people that his "plan" won't raise premiums or and that his plan will mean "insurance for everybody", (ii) encouraging the House to pass a bill that does neither of those, (iii) celebrating the passage of said bill as if it were going into law, and then (iv) calling that same bill "mean" is not going to be a particularly effective way of achieving health care reform.

The rally last night may have been great for stoking his own ego. It's not great for actually getting things done.

When the media is caught colluding and not staying independent it does become propaganda therefore an enemy of the people
1-Could you please elaborate on the definition of snowflake in this particular thread

2- Since you are in this thread does that make you the snowflake as well

1. Snowflake for those whining about espn to do this. Sure, espn was a "snowflake" in the first place, but I wouldn't think it be so offensive to complain about it.

2. No. Unless, I'm a snowflake from the whining snowflakes I see in this thread. I did stop reading most posts, as I got the picture of where they were going.
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The past can't be erased, if it's already happened. We can still read a book. A statue has no meaning without a story. Some people feel it's a part of history that shouldn't be glorified l, personally I could care less, it means nothing to me either way. If you sit down and think about it people can be insulted by anything it doesn't matter what ethnicity, religon, or gender etc. Oh and George Orwell was an amazing writer.

Not trying to be a dick, seriously. But you need to re-read Orwell if you "couldn't care less" about history being vaporized.
He does exhibit mastery of the "one step forward, two steps back" concept. His personality is his own worst enemy.
His own worst enemy is that hole underneath his nose.

He is not a polished speaker, and for the most part says what's on his mind - despite the fact that what's on his mind sometimes probably shouldn't be spoken out loud. But then again, that's why we elected him. We knew what we were getting. A brash, unpolished, non-politician, who would ruffle some feathers and stick it to the establishment. All in the name of making some much needed changes to this messed up country. So I guess we have to take the good with the bad.
Did anyone or does anyone see the crazy similarities of Americans pulling down statues and mindless throngs kicking, spitting, stomping and smacking their shoes off them and fanatics around the world? Isn't ISIS destroying statues and icons and art and buildings forever? Didn't Stalin change the name of Russian cities to the modern People's leaders?!?!?!?

NAZI's are Socialists and on the left. In fact their name is the National Socialists Workers Party.

AntiFa isn't new, it was established by Communists to battle Socialists Nationalists in the 30s, 40's and then post war.

Mussilini was a Communist then father of the National Socialists movement.

Hitler was a Socialist, who also was a vegetarian, animal lover, artist.

The Original German Nazi party we're also called the Brown shirts. They were a openly homosexual militant group.

Again, for me it's not about the Statues of Southern Democrats. As for taking them down, as many have said most weren't erected until the Civil Rights era. So whoever put them up, or the local jurisdiction they are in should decide on whether or not to take them down.

However as I said, this is a strawman.... It's not about the icons to Southern Democrats. It's but a first step... To taking down and erasing all history not just the Civil War.

Movement is afoot to remove the Washington and Jefferson memorials (Al Sharpton called for this), their statues in Chicago, NY, NJ, PA and other areas. Along with Frank Rizzo in Philly, and even Lincoln, Columbus etc.... There is somewhat of a witch Hunt searching for statues that offend...

If this goes on, and it will if We the People don't speak up to stop the lunacy.
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Did anyone or does anyone see the crazy similarities of Americans pulling down statues and mindless throngs kicking, spitting, stomping and smacking there shoes off them and fanatics around the world? Isn't ISIS destroying statues and icons and art and buildings forever? Didn't Stalin change the name of Russian cities to the modern People's leaders?!?!?!?

NAZI's are Socialists and on the left. In fact their name is the National Socialists Workers Party.

AntiFa isn't new, it was established by Communists to battle Socialists Nationalists in the 30s, 40's and then post war.

Mussilini was a Communist then father of the National Socialists movement.

Hitler was a Socialist, who also was a vegetarian, animal lover, artist.

The Original German Nazi party we're also called the Brown shirts. They were a openly homosexual militant group.

Again, for me it's not about the Statues of Southern Democrats. As for taking them down, as many have said most weren't erected until the Civil Rights era. So whoever put them up, or the local jurisdiction they are in should decide on whether or not to take them down.

However as I said, this is a strawman.... It's not about the icons to Southern Democrats. It's but a first step... To taking down and erasing all history not just the Civil War.

Movement is afoot to remove the Washington and Jefferson memorials (Al Sharpton called for this), their statues in Chicago, NY, NJ, PA and other areas. Along with Frank Rizzo in Philly, and even Lincoln, Columbus etc.... There is somewhat of a witch Hunt searching for statues that offend...

If this goes on, and it will if We the People don't speak up to stop the lunacy.
Yes. And they are not located to the left of center. It's a disease, and the majority of people realize this.
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