OT: Did anyone else see the video where two HS football players........

Those kids should be expelled from the team for the remainder of the season. That was nothing but a chicken shit move by both of them. I hope the official files some type of action against them, the coach and the school.
I have never seen that before. WOW. Too many kids today just do not respect authority and do not know how to handle adversity.
San Antonio, I travel for work between Austin, San Antonio and Odessa. Grew up in Austin.
San Antonio, I travel for work between Austin, San Antonio and Odessa. Grew up in Austin.

I figured that's what SA meant or am I wrong.

I do a lot of work in Texas. Dallas - San Antonio - Houston - McAllen mostly.

Excellent HS in those areas. I'm sure it will be handled correctly.
Pathetic. They were that selfish that they didn't even give a damn about the play or their team.
........attacked a ref.

I just seen the video on FNC.

Unbelievable. The two Texas high school players have been suspended, but they are interviewing them to see if the HC was involved.

"Texas police are investigating and prosecutors are "receptive" to filing an assault charge after two high school football players appeared to intentionally target a referee with vicious hits during the closing moments of a game on Friday."

"Marble Falls police told on Tuesday that no arrests have been made, but a misdemeanor assault charge could be pursued."

“I have spoken to a prosecuting attorney and he’s receptive to the idea of charges, subject to the findings of the investigation,” Sgt. Tom Dillard said. “The investigation is very preliminary right now.”
Sure but they went to Jay it wasn't likely that they were going to be playing at the next level anyways... Not that it matters.
SA news is reporting one of the secondary coaches from the school suggested that the referee needed to pay for cheating the team and the players' actions was how they made the ref pay.
My response was more a comment on how terrible John Jay fb is... not good at all for a school that big. SA highschool football though is like that though either really good or really average to below average..
Latest is that the players claim that the ref had made some racial slurs directed towards
them earlier in the game. So they laid him out.

The story I read, it seemed like they were almost using this as justification for the attack.
As if the ref deserved what he got if he did indeed use racial slurs.


I'm sure this isn't the last we hear of this story.
Class A if they caused bodily injury, low level crime, high level misdemeanor. Class C is they didn't cause bodily injury. They are juveniles, wont be charged as adults if charges are filed. I should have worded that better.
Agreed. Arrest them for assault. Couple hundred hours of community service each might teach them a lesson.
This screams of zero class P U N K
and I'm not talking about the players. I'm talking about the coach/coaching staff not having better control of those kids. Or urging this type of thing on. Classless to say the least. The coach is nothing more than a teacher, mentor, role model. Nothing more than that but that is a lot more than most in the world to people. He/they are branding those kids and molding those kids into football players, good football players....and young men...good proper young adults!

Sure the kids need punished but the coach needs to be dismissed, arrested and could anything worse bestowed on him???? Do it.
Not only did he obliterate a code of ethics and class with his team....but he broke the ultimate golden rule of respect. Let's say the ref was lousy. Where is the message to fight through those bad calls. To over come that. Be better than that. Something not going your way don't make excuses...overcome. !
But then again, the way of the what about me mentality of society today...does any of this surprise you? Doesn't me...unfortunately.
Latest is that the players claim that the ref had made some racial slurs directed towards
them earlier in the game. So they laid him out.

The story I read, it seemed like they were almost using this as justification for the attack.
As if the ref deserved what he got if he did indeed use racial slurs.


I'm sure this isn't the last we hear of this story.

I agree Bender
It's insane to me that people make more of an uproar about this story than the five Americans that have been killed by illegal immigrants in the last two months.
You can bet that some lawyer will come up with a reason for their behavior; from post partum depression, environmental dysfunction, to bi-polar to you name it; they will find something or someone else to explain away this violent act rather than simple accountability and responsibility.
And to be sure, someone is already conjuring up a way to 'get rich quick' off this; can't imagine how but ....