OT Canada criminalizes wrong gender pronouns

I can understand the Civil Rights angle to this, but the hate crime aspect is beyond crazy. A good example of the social engineering and political correctness extremes that went a long ways towards getting Trump elected in our country. I expect a gender neutral pronoun will be the default standard language in this country in the not too distant future.
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As a Canadian, I would say **** it, I will say what I want, to who I want and when I want. I hope the photo op Trudeau and Wynn bags get booted out of office soon. I am tired of paying for their unsustainable programs. These fraudsters have increased our debt to levels worst off than the Greek government.
I can understand the Civil Rights angle to this, but the hate crime aspect is beyond crazy. A good example of the social engineering and political correctness extremes that went a long ways towards getting Trump elected in our country. I expect a gender neutral pronoun will be the default standard language in this country in the not too distant future.

Yes the pronoun will be it
Paging Ewing, holland , nocalirish, sal ,80, and the rest of the board liberals. What's your thoughts on this one?
Welcome to the Jew World Order aka Zionism aka One World Government.
Yall need to get to the root cause of the madness that is going on in North America and Europe.
If you do some research on Youtube you will find a certain (((Tribe))) of people are the puppet masters behind most of the madness.

This (((Tribe))) created Communism and Cultural Marxism. They own and control Hollywood, and most of the mainstream news/entertainment media in the West ( tv channels, newspapers, magazines) They also own and control most of the new media like Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Netflix. In all of this media and in academia they are pushing an Anti White agenda. You would have to be absolutely brain dead or living in a cave to not notice. They are also leading the charge(and have been for some time) in pushing Feminism, GLBT, Gun Control, Miscegenation, Multiculturalism, Open Borders, Never Ending Nonwhite Immigration/Refugees, and Orwellian style Thought Crime/Hate Speech laws in pretty much every single White country. If you are a White person in these countries and you notice what is going on and speak out about it, these Hate Speech/Crime laws will get applied to you. If you are a Nonwhite person in a White country these Hate Speech/Crime Laws most likely will never be applied against you lol.

Finally, this (((Tribe))) controls most of the main pieces of the world banking/financial system. The Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and many others. Take a look at an American 1 dollar bill above the eagle's head and then take a look at the Israeli flag.

I agree with some of this, but I am of Jewish descent.
I am hoping you are not suggesting Israel is the Puppet Master.
Those puppet masters who are financing in on the front end that preach this new brand of multiculturalism/multinationalism have no belief of any God.

From George Soros to Karl Marx and probably before him have not only bled into the financial Market but the educational one as well.
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Paging Ewing, holland , nocalirish, sal ,80, and the rest of the board liberals. What's your thoughts on this one?

I'm unfamiliar with the legislation, so I don't really have thought or an opinion on it. Having searched for the concern suggested in the original post, I have yet to see a mainstream site that suggested this was a potential issue, so I'm assuming that the original concern is a wildly unrealistic view of the legislation's impact.
I'm unfamiliar with the legislation, so I don't really have thought or an opinion on it. Having searched for the concern suggested in the original post, I have yet to see a mainstream site that suggested this was a potential issue, so I'm assuming that the original concern is a wildly unrealistic view of the legislation's impact.

Technically this would not be legislation that would meet the eye of the Constitution. Canada does not offer freedom of speech. my comment was this is the direction of the waka doodle left
I don't do this PC crap. I voted for Trump because I'm against all forms of socialism and anybody who uses brown shirt tactics to suppress freedom of speech.

Are you kidding? It was Trump encouraging audience members at his rallies to use violence and he was/is the person trying to forestall !st Amendment rights of the press.

Do you understand where Bannon starts from when espousing his opinions and influencing Trump?

You voted for the brown-shirts.
Are you kidding? It was Trump encouraging audience members at his rallies to use violence and he was/is the person trying to forestall !st Amendment rights of the press.

Do you understand where Bannon starts from when espousing his opinions and influencing Trump?

You voted for the brown-shirts.

Why were the crazy violent leftists at Trump rallies in the first place ? It was a TRUMP rally. And didn't a Bernie supporter just shoot some republicans ? You guys are Crazy !
Did we actually have a post deleted? So there really is a moderator out there?

Yes, I asked the MOD actually to delete the thread because of an inappropriate response by one poster. The mod agreed with me but deleted his responses. He may of been banished also
Why were the crazy violent leftists at Trump rallies in the first place ? It was a TRUMP rally. And didn't a Bernie supporter just shoot some republicans ? You guys are Crazy !
Just listen to all the violent threats from Hollywood literally let alone plays acting out assassinations and actors who would refuse to perform if the president was the show up.
You got this knucklehead Robert De Niro saying he wants to punch the president in the face yet every time he says that he's sitting down while Donald Trump when he was campaigning was jumping from state to state to state at 70 years old

Newsflash Robert De Niro playing a tough guy doesn't make you a tough guy.
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One of them is not RUSH ! RUSH rocks !

Agreed. Nothing wrong with rush at all. For my money, you'll find a better, more original, rock drummer than Neil Peart. Weird guy, but incredibly talented.

The Hamilton trio are very talented and seem like good dudes.
I was surprised to learn that the great Neil Peart still takes drum lessons from time to time. He's not a pounder (Dave Grogh) but an actual learned technical drummer.
Agreed. Nothing wrong with rush at all. For my money, you'll find a better, more original, rock drummer than Neil Peart. Weird guy, but incredibly talented.

The Hamilton trio are very talented and seem like good dudes.

Ouch that hurts, Rush are from Toronto, my hood. I know you are from Ottawa and it's hard to accept the 6, but come on man, give Toronto it's due. Just ribbing you, but Rush are from Toronto and formed in Toronto. Peart is from Hamilton, he replaced the original drummer from Toronto. I'm not a big Rush fan but I do like some of the songs, really unique guitar riffs from Alex, i.e. Limelight.
go Leafs go.
Ouch that hurts, Rush are from Toronto, my hood. I know you are from Ottawa and it's hard to accept the 6, but come on man, give Toronto it's due. Just ribbing you, but Rush are from Toronto and formed in Toronto. Peart is from Hamilton, he replaced the original drummer from Toronto. I'm not a big Rush fan but I do like some of the songs, really unique guitar riffs from Alex, i.e. Limelight.
go Leafs go.
Rush was a huge part of my youth.
They were a complete band with 3 members.
I actually got to meet them backstage during their Presto tour (btw one of the most underrated albums by them ever)
Geddy Lee told me directly that Neil Peart was responsible for most of the music coming out of Rush.
Neil Peart will go down as one of the best drummers if not the best drummer in rock and roll.
As much as I like John Bonham Neil Peart was Head and Shoulders above him.
I'm not sure how you guys are in regards to death metal but there drumming has taken it to a new level.
Back to Rush after 50 years on this Earth I still listen to them.
Alex lifeson (I'm not even going to attempt to butcher his real last name) was my favorite guitarist during my childhood, and there was a lot of great guitarist in the 70s
Rush was a huge part of my youth.
They were a complete band with 3 members.
I actually got to meet them backstage during their Presto tour (btw one of the most underrated albums by them ever)
Geddy Lee told me directly that Neil Peart was responsible for most of the music coming out of Rush.
Neil Peart will go down as one of the best drummers if not the best drummer in rock and roll.
As much as I like John Bonham Neil Peart was Head and Shoulders above him.
I'm not sure how you guys are in regards to death metal but there drumming has taken it to a new level.
Back to Rush after 50 years on this Earth I still listen to them.
Alex lifeson (I'm not even going to attempt to butcher his real last name) was my favorite guitarist during my childhood, and there was a lot of great guitarist in the 70s
Neil is responsible for almost all the Lyrics, but the music part is Geddy and Alex. It was on a Rush documentary, should check it out. Neil left the band for a while after his wife and daughter died. Rode his bike on a "walk about"
Neil is responsible for almost all the Lyrics, but the music part is Geddy and Alex. It was on a Rush documentary, should check it out. Neil left the band for a while after his wife and daughter died. Rode his bike on a "walk about"

I will thanks
I was surprised to learn that the great Neil Peart still takes drum lessons from time to time. He's not a pounder (Dave Grogh) but an actual learned technical drummer.
Wow,if you think Dave grohl ( correct spelling ) is just a pounder then you shouldn't t comment on anything drum related. What's next ? Joe Bonamassa just a strummer ?
Wow,if you think Dave grohl ( correct spelling ) is just a pounder then you shouldn't t comment on anything drum related. What's next ? Joe Bonamassa just a strummer ?

I can and will comment on Grohl's drumming compared to Neil. No comparison. Kurt Cobain shortly after hiring Grohl....." I have the best drummer in the world now. He plays louder and harder than anybody I ever met". Grohl himself gives credit to his heavy pounding style to using heavy sticks and pounding on pillows when he was just learning. Dave Grohl is a pounder suited for his type music but couldn't carry Peart's jock strap on a sunny day. Joe Bonamassa is a terrific guitarists though I don't know how he became part of the conversation.
Absolutely love Dave Grohl as a complete musician and showman. I've seen the Foo Fighters live in concert, six time, on 3 different continents and never once has he failed to impress me with the energy and effort he puts into his shows. That said, he's not even the best drummer in his own band. Even Dave routinely talks about how darn good his own drummer, Taylor Hawkins is and how he's virtually irreplaceable. Both are fantastic musicians.

That said, it was Grohl and Hawkins who inducted Rush into the Rock & Roll hall of fame, in one of the coolest induction ceremonies I've ever seen. In that ceremony Grohl basically drooled over Peart as a "Rock God" and you could tell it was 100% authentic. Neil is one of the best who ever lived and I think Grohl would be thrilled just to be mentioned in the same conversation.
Hard to argue with either Bonham or Peart. A little bit different stylistically, but both incredible. I'd my myself hard pressed to formulate an argument against either.
Sorry guys
Those were then and without them then we would not be blessed with the drummer's of today
Martin "Axe" Axenrot from Opeth is in my opinion the best drummer ever.
"Who" you might say?
Martin has taken drumming to the next level as with most death metal bands the drums are very intricate part of their music.
I understand the music is not for everyone but it's amazing what you're missing.
Absolutely love Dave Grohl as a complete musician and showman. I've seen the Foo Fighters live in concert, six time, on 3 different continents and never once has he failed to impress me with the energy and effort he puts into his shows. That said, he's not even the best drummer in his own band. Even Dave routinely talks about how darn good his own drummer, Taylor Hawkins is and how he's virtually irreplaceable. Both are fantastic musicians.

That said, it was Grohl and Hawkins who inducted Rush into the Rock & Roll hall of fame, in one of the coolest induction ceremonies I've ever seen. In that ceremony Grohl basically drooled over Peart as a "Rock God" and you could tell it was 100% authentic. Neil is one of the best who ever lived and I think Grohl would be thrilled just to be mentioned in the same conversation.

I'm not a fan of the Foo Fighters at all, but I am impressed that David Grohl practically willed the band.
To think a drummer from a grunge band had so much more in him is impressive.
I'm not a fan of the Foo Fighters at all, but I am impressed that David Grohl practically willed the band.
To think a drummer from a grunge band had so much more in him is impressive.

Everything is about progression though, IMO. I'm totally on board with you regarding progress and I completely respect some of the metal drummers today who are insanely talented, even if it's not my preferred type of music. But when we factor in who laid the groundwork for them to get where they are, the huge technological advantages they have today, etc, etc, we have that age old argument of how you measure people of different generations against one another

Is Axe better than what Peart or Bonham could be if they were part of this generation? We'll never know. Lebron would crush Michael Jordan 1 v 1, but had Jordan benefited from all the technology Lebron had, who knows. The same could be said of Crosby and Gretzky. Could you imagine a 1970's linebacker being hit by AP in his prime? The guy would be in the hospital. But if he had the benefit of modern training, it would be a different story more than likely.

Just such an impossible argument to make, which, IMO, is why we can only really measure musicians against those from their own generations. They just don't benefit from the omnipotence of knowing how music will evolve or how technology will change.
Everything is about progression though, IMO. I'm totally on board with you regarding progress and I completely respect some of the metal drummers today who are insanely talented, even if it's not my preferred type of music. But when we factor in who laid the groundwork for them to get where they are, the huge technological advantages they have today, etc, etc, we have that age old argument of how you measure people of different generations against one another

Is Axe better than what Peart or Bonham could be if they were part of this generation? We'll never know. Lebron would crush Michael Jordan 1 v 1, but had Jordan benefited from all the technology Lebron had, who knows. The same could be said of Crosby and Gretzky. Could you imagine a 1970's linebacker being hit by AP in his prime? The guy would be in the hospital. But if he had the benefit of modern training, it would be a different story more than likely.

Just such an impossible argument to make, which, IMO, is why we can only really measure musicians against those from their own generations. They just don't benefit from the omnipotence of knowing how music will evolve or how technology will change.

That is all very true I guess the groundwork from the music that I listen to would start with Bill Ward John Bonham and of course Neil Peart who in my opinion is in a Class by Himself

Today's technology is taking drumming too new Leaps and Bounds

I remember watching the documentary on the Eagles when Glyn John's (of Led Zeppelin Fame) was there producer and Don Henley wanted to mic up his drum set and John's said you just need to hit the drums harder like John Bonham did.

There's so much music out there I haven't heard but from what I understand jazz drummers were the drummer's of the time.
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That is all very true I guess the groundwork from the music that I listen to would start with Bill Ward John Bonham and of course Neil Peart who in my opinion is in a Class by Himself

Today's technology is taking drumming too new Leaps and Bounds

I remember watching the documentary on the Eagles when Glyn John's (of Led Zeppelin Fame) was there producer and Don Henley wanted to make up his drum set and John's said you just need to hit the drums harder like John Bonham did.

There's so much music out there I haven't heard but from what I understand jazz drummers were the drummer's of the time.

Some of the Jazz drummers were just awesome. My favourite band is the Eagles. Saw them countless times. The day Glen Frey died was a really dark one for me!
Are you kidding? He stated he would pay legal bills for those at his rallies who laid out people he didn't like, Remember his ""carry them out" line?


Of course, Trump's supporters will claim this is "false" news as they continually try to suppress the media they do not like.

I don't know of any Trump supporters who have set fires or thrown garbage cans into windows to stop free speech. I don't think it was an RNC operative that said he wished the congressman shot at the baseball practice had died.

You holier than thou leftists can go to the hell you deserve.
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