One Big Play From Undefeated Season

NotreDame du Lac

Posts Like A Champion
Jan 29, 2015
the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.
the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.
I think we are a minimum of five big plays from an undefeated season. But that doesn't change your point. :)
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the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.

a poster pointed out that as the game progresses, the opponents make adjustments while ND fails to adjust.
1 score is too simple an explanation for 5 occurances; especially when it has been a pattern under Kelly.
At some point, 'it just is' no further explanation is called for.
the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.

I don't believe that statement and it's wrong these kids have played on Saturdays to win. When you're a freshman or inexperienced you don't know how to win the desire is there. They're playing because they love the game, that statement is idiotic. An I'm not saying that you are but that its just wrong. You're searching I understand but do you know what the human body goes through to recover from a football game and to say they don't have desire that's not being fair. You learn how to win you just don't show up and win an losing is a huge part of learning.
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And in prior years you can argue that ND was one play away from losing several games they won. Someone has to win and someone has to lose, and it usually comes down to intangible leadership qualities on the field. Something this team is lacking. This team is not good enough to pull out close games, and won't be until the offense and the defense each has a respected player emerge as their leader on the field.
I think Kelly would be very good if he left game decisions to the OC. The kids play hard, never quit, and are talented. He has to get credit for that. But some things just make we shake my head. Focusing on passing in a hurricane, there was one game (I forget which) where you were killing it with the pass and he switched to the run, the Tulsa pass at the end of the game when a chip field goal would have won.

There was one game against us, I think the one where Barkley wrongly said you quit, where we left your tight end open all game to basically triple cover your best wide out. Kelly figured it out and exploited it....but not until the last part of the fourth quarter....too late. Sorry if a poor memory confused in which game these things happened.
You are what you are.
If you lose just 3 games by a total of 5 points thats 3 losses. 3 losses are 3 losses regardless if its by a total of 5 points or 50 points.
This is not a good football team plain and simple ... nothing against the kids they are talented and hard working. We've played an extremely weak schedule ... and have only been able to take control in 1 game. The top 10 teams would have their way with us.
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as things are ND needs the 1-2 legit teams on the schedule, or the weak schedules will set ND up for a major post season beatdown!
the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.

This is not a good team by a long shot. They may have some good players but they are not that good. Second , Minchigan St rolled them and put the game on cruise control. The game was closer on the score board than on the field. The simple fact is this. Losing at home to Duke should basically say it all about this team and their coach.
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I was worried about this season before it started. we lost our Heart and Soul players to the nfl draft and graduation. Sheldon Day, CJ, Fuller, Jaylon Smith,Ogwara,Kavarie Russell, Ronny Stanley, Martin, Joe Schmidt.

these guys KNEW how to win games. had been through the wars. most of the players minus Kizer and a few others don't have the exp. of what it takes to carry a team on it's back to wins.

today's win hopefully gives these young players the confidence that they can do this. they had the pressure on them to live up to the expectations of what last yrs team did. and was one of the reasons of the collapses in the games the team lost so far this yr. when things didn't go their way they got down on themselves because they didn't know how to fight through adversity. to pull out the wins. hopefully today's game is the start of them being able to win games when things are not going your way.

Better days are ahead for the team. really liked the coverage on the canes wr's today for the most part by the freshmen db's. even when the db's got beat they were able to make plays to bat balls away that in yrs past would have been completed pass's.
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the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.
The 2012 team had a lot of balls bounce their way
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Well, they found a way to win against Miami. Can you imagine if these players would've had a good defensive coordinator all spring and summer?!?

BK needs to start responding to crises before crises occur as opposed to the inverse.
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Well, they found a way to win against Miami. Can you imagine if these players would've had a good defensive coordinator all spring and summer?!?

BK needs to start responding to crises before crises occur as opposed to the inverse.

Good point

IMHO, one of Kelly's major problems seems to be his arrogance - believing that he has all the answers, worked at GVS will work at ND etc.

Arguably, his insistence upon hiring his cronies to fill out the coaching staff and recruiting his RKGs looks like it's beginning to catch up with him
Well, they found a way to win against Miami. Can you imagine if these players would've had a good defensive coordinator all spring and summer?!?

BK needs to start responding to crises before crises occur as opposed to the inverse.
This team has won against Miami by a combo of luck and desire. Kelly hinders these young men and still they come close they were handcuffed on defense for the entire BVG tenure, they get zero halftime adjustments and if they do, they are wrong. This team thank goodness has not pulled out the close ones because it would be embarrassingly exposed against any top 10 team in a major playoff

We will never win a major bowl - maybe not even an in season game vs a top team - as long as Kelly coaches He lost us the FSU game with ignorant teaching of the pass play as subtly criticized by Lou Holtz who said -- "That's not how I would teach the play"

He lost countless games on his own decisions, Tulsa, Navy, FSU Champs bowl with his halftime adjustment to stop a highly effective blitz against Manuel. The guy sux and this team might be good enough under a top coach, but they are coached by a moron who let's them act like jumping bean rappers on the sideline. Yeah, keep them loose. How about teaching them to win and act like it? I guess that is his way of removing the shackles that BVG had on them so maybe in that sense, it is understandable. Still don't like it Don't like our coach.
This team has won against Miami by a combo of luck and desire. Kelly hinders these young men and still they come close they were handcuffed on defense for the entire BVG tenure, they get zero halftime adjustments and if they do, they are wrong. This team thank goodness has not pulled out the close ones because it would be embarrassingly exposed against any top 10 team in a major playoff

We will never win a major bowl - maybe not even an in season game vs a top team - as long as Kelly coaches He lost us the FSU game with ignorant teaching of the pass play as subtly criticized by Lou Holtz who said -- "That's not how I would teach the play"

He lost countless games on his own decisions, Tulsa, Navy, FSU Champs bowl with his halftime adjustment to stop a highly effective blitz against Manuel. The guy sux and this team might be good enough under a top coach, but they are coached by a moron who let's them act like jumping bean rappers on the sideline. Yeah, keep them loose. How about teaching them to win and act like it? I guess that is his way of removing the shackles that BVG had on them so maybe in that sense, it is understandable. Still don't like it Don't like our coach.
I just wish kelly would have went for 2 against Texas. Offense had momentum and was ND best chance to win. Would of been the big play you were looking for.
the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.
the concept of "ball control" seems to be missing...largely because the run game is under-developed in this system.
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the sad thing is that this is a good football team. They just don't know how to win. In all five losses this team had the ball with the potential to win or tie. This is a better team than 2007, but they don't know how to win. They quit with the lead. Where's the killer instinct? Why doesn't BK like to run up the score, play until the end, show no mercy? UM beats teams by 70. The missing link is lack of killer instinct.

The 2012 team found ways to win. This team has no desire to win. That's the real problem.

No team in the Kelly era has had a killer instinct -- that has been ND's downfall in allowing teams that it SHOULD blow out to hang in the game as long as possible.
when is it that 'should' gets dropped as an sort of excuse - 80+ games in What we see it what it is. There really is no 'shoulda, woulda coulda'; just exactly the results achieved.