OK Kool-Aid Crowd and Make Believe Football Coaches..


Shakes Down The Thunder
Sep 4, 2016
What now that you have been proven to be boobs. Echo, FloridaIrish, Continual and 6 aliases, Pennick, NCDMSC78 or whatever his user name is and the rest of you self-righteous idiots. Still going to talk down to everybody?

We were right and you censoring fools were wrong. Go to another board and try to bully them with you idiotic knowledge of football.
you might need a speech writer and a better poster filter: but yep, your right.
LG one ahead of the curve.
You used self- righteous in your OP?


THANKS....I needed that this morning.
SPAT - you never seem to make any predictions prior to the games. Why is that?

There was ample opportunity to give us a score before playing MSU last night but I never saw it. You only show up after the fact to pound your chest and call out other posters.

How convenient.
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SPAT - you never seem to make any predictions prior to the games. Why is that?

There was ample opportunity to give us a score before playing MSU last night but I never saw it. You only show up after the fact to pound your chest and call out other posters.

How convenient.

No one in the world could have anticipated what happened yesterday. That game was "A Tale of Two Cities"

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,...."
As I said 2 weeks ago, we are in a death spiral. Too late and we are too far in right now to do anything about this. You think Kelly is going to find a terrific DC after this season. 7 years in, with 2-3 remaining on his contract, disappointing results for a number of years. Angry alumni and fans, a challenging recruiting environment, QB issues with whoever is returning and many years of failure to recruit high caliber defensive players...come on. After next season, another disappointing season, Kelly and the administration will agree to part company. It will happen quietly and after the season. Blow it up and find someone who will accept the challenge and embrace the opportunity. Coaches are there - Swarbrick start looking.
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SPAT - you never seem to make any predictions prior to the games. Why is that?

There was ample opportunity to give us a score before playing MSU last night but I never saw it. You only show up after the fact to pound your chest and call out other posters.

How convenient.
I was going to pick MSU by 21 but I just did not want to be bashed and called an idiot from the Kool-Aid Crowd.
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You used self- righteous in your OP?


THANKS....I needed that this morning.
I am sure you need a lot this morning as you are one of the bullying Kool-Aid Cockroaches happy with mediocrity but knows everything! You and the rest of your "rose-colored Glasses" group has been proven to be wrong. Dead wrong. The evidence has been there to see for years, but instead anyone who disagrees with the Kool-Aid gang gets called names such as troll and Know-nothings.
I am sure you need a lot this morning as you are one of the bullying Kool-Aid Cockroaches happy with mediocrity but knows everything! You and the rest of your "rose-colored Glasses" group has been proven to be wrong. Dead wrong. The evidence has been there to see for years, but instead anyone who disagrees with the Kool-Aid gang gets called names such as troll and Know-nothings. me mixed up with someone else. I have not called any names except 1 poster....and it has nothing to do with football. You sure seem to throw out insults around easily though. Congrats on that.