
That wasn't even close to holding, are you sure you know what a holding penalty looks like? That play was good blocking. Marv kept his man in front of him, didn't get outside his pads at all and pushed him out until he got rolled up on. It's textbook great blocking by a receiver
The refs ignored PI and holding for three quarters. Then they somehow discovered it in the 4th quarter.

Offensive holding was generally ignored. On all the replays you can see OL tackling the DL with impunity.
That wasn't even close to holding, are you sure you know what a holding penalty looks like? That play was good blocking. Marv kept his man in front of him, didn't get outside his pads at all and pushed him out until he got rolled up on. It's textbook great blocking by a receiver
I'm sure I do, as an official for 15 years, grabbing the jersey is outright holding.
If you break down each play Zapruder style, you will see a ton of missed calls on both teams. DBs routinely grab the best wide receivers in today's game. O Linemen hold on blocks. You just need to keep it from going beyond moderate.

It is *extremely* rare for one team to get hit with all the bad/missed calls.
If you break down each play Zapruder style, you will see a ton of missed calls on both teams. DBs routinely grab the best wide receivers in today's game. O Linemen hold on blocks. You just need to keep it from going beyond moderate.

It is *extremely* rare for one team to get hit with all the bad/missed calls.
Well, considering OSU didn't have a penalty called until the 4th QTR, I'd say ND got the brunt of the missed/bad calls, starting with the first personal foul call, or overturning conclusively, and indisputably, that Hartman didn't get the first down (as if you could tell he was inches short without a camera right at the spot). Those were both examples.
Marvin Harrison Jr grasping the jersey on the 61 yard TD run; blatant holding, no call. The officiating was atrocious, and ND got the bulk of it.
That non pi call was egregious. The wr’s sleeve was pulled down. Second bad one was the full onslaught tackle of the WR. Hate Big 10 refs

ND fans generally hate ALL refs.

Even the refs you bring along when you go play USC or a Big Ten team on the road.
ND fans generally hate ALL refs.

Even the refs you bring along when you go play USC or a Big Ten team on the road.
You always take the other side. I remember Joel Williams getting screwed by Michigan big ten refs. Last nite was disgusting.
You always take the other side. I remember Joel Williams getting screwed by Michigan big ten refs. Last nite was disgusting.

Blaming the refs for a loss is what losers typically do. I can't remember the last close loss where some fans didn't blame the refs for this or that call. Would you want Freeman to be publicly blaming the refs? Telling his team that it was the refs who cost them the game? Is it the refs' fault you only had 3 DL men on the field for the deciding goal line stand?

There are always going to be missed calls. It is impossible for the refs to call EVERY infraction.
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Blaming the refs for a loss is what losers typically do. I can't remember the last close loss where some fans didn't blame the refs for this or that call. Would you want Freeman to be publicly blaming the refs? Telling his team that it was the refs who cost them the game? Is it the refs' fault you only had 3 DL men on the field for the deciding goal line stand?

There are always going to be missed calls. It is impossible for the refs to call EVERY infraction.
Would I want Freeman blaming the refs? No, but I would want the so-called analyst calling out the obvious.
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Blaming the refs for a loss is what losers typically do. I can't remember the last close loss where some fans didn't blame the refs for this or that call. Would you want Freeman to be publicly blaming the refs? Telling his team that it was the refs who cost them the game? Is it the refs' fault you only had 3 DL men on the field for the deciding goal line stand?

There are always going to be missed calls. It is impossible for the refs to call EVERY infraction.
How about some missed called on Ohio St. I'm done turning the other cheek. That one hurts too. Same thing is happening in baseball. Soon those bozo's will be outta of a job. K zone and called by the booth.
Would I want Freeman blaming the refs? No, but I would want the so-called analyst calling out the obvious.
To my mind, what is obvious is that you are only looking for missed calls that would have hurt OSU. Not missed calls in general.

I don't begrudge a fan's right to complain about a specific call or two. We all do that.

But to imply that the refs were pulling for Ohio State to win, and made calls to assist that outcome, goes way too far.
How about some missed called on Ohio St. I'm done turning the other cheek. That one hurts too. Same thing is happening in baseball. Soon those bozo's will be outta of a job. K zone and called by the booth.

I mean, when they have to review a catch that was obviously dropped in the end zone while you were intently looking right at it, you shouldn’t be a referee on this stage.

At least 3 important PI’s not called

Re Spotting a ball without incontrovertible evidence

Changing calls that can’t be changed via replay

Missing OSU’s RB false starting on a big play for them

The last two games(CMU/OSU) have been an absolute shit show of officiating.
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I mean, when they have to review a catch that was obviously dropped in the end zone while you we intently looking right at it, you shouldn’t be a referee on this stage.

At least 3 important PI’s not called

Re Spotting a ball without incontrovertible evidence

Changing calls that can’t be changed via replay

Missing OSU’s RB false starting on a big play for them

The last two games(CMU/OSU) have been an absolute shit show of officiating.
They have been
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To my mind, what is obvious is that you are only looking for missed calls that would have hurt OSU. Not missed calls in general.

I don't begrudge a fan's right to complain about a specific call or two. We all do that.

But to imply that the refs were pulling for Ohio State to win, and made calls to assist that outcome, goes way too far.
No, I disagree, I've listed the blatant calls made or missed against ND, because they were just that, blatantly obvious. As far as there motivations, of that I have no idea. But it's fair to say, and accurate, they are BIG officials
I mean, when they have to review a catch that was obviously dropped in the end zone while you we intently looking right at it, you shouldn’t be a referee on this stage.

At least 3 important PI’s not called

Re Spotting a ball without incontrovertible evidence

Changing calls that can’t be changed via replay

Missing OSU’s RB false starting on a big play for them

The last two games(CMU/OSU) have been an absolute shit show of officiating.
Totally agree!!
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To my mind, what is obvious is that you are only looking for missed calls that would have hurt OSU. Not missed calls in general.

I don't begrudge a fan's right to complain about a specific call or two. We all do that.

But to imply that the refs were pulling for Ohio State to win, and made calls to assist that outcome, goes way too far.
The refs bread is buttered by the Big Ten not ND being an independent. The non calls on the PI were pathetic. All those fans watching on the Jumbotron yelling are wrong too?
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The refs bread is buttered by the Big Ten not ND being an independent. The non calls on the PI were pathetic. All those fans watching on the Jumbotron yelling are wrong too?

No, they aren't wrong. But the ND Jumbotron doesn't show replays of Ohio State receivers being mugged.
I mean, when they have to review a catch that was obviously dropped in the end zone while you were intently looking right at it, you shouldn’t be a referee on this stage.

At least 3 important PI’s not called

Re Spotting a ball without incontrovertible evidence

Changing calls that can’t be changed via replay

Missing OSU’s RB false starting on a big play for them

The last two games(CMU/OSU) have been an absolute shit show of officiating.
I hate to say it but when Harrison got rolled up on I said, "that's what he gets for holding". It was a blatant miss call. He had both sides of his shoulders grabbed and held on to preventing the DB from breaking away. That is usually called all day in conference play.
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No, they aren't wrong. But the ND Jumbotron doesn't show replays of Ohio State receivers being mugged.
Even if it was questionable OSU WR's were getting the call. Not even close. Please explain changing defensive holding to PI after a booth replay? Ever seen it before? Ever seen so many flags picked up in one season against one team?
Even if it was questionable OSU WR's were getting the call. Not even close. Please explain changing defensive holding to PI after a booth replay? Ever seen it before? Ever seen so many flags picked up in one season against one team?
Good point. What's the Michigan fan have to say to that
No, they aren't wrong. But the ND Jumbotron doesn't show replays of Ohio State receivers being mugged.

OSU WR’s being mugged? They mostly ran a rub route all game or snuck Embeka in the zone between the LBers and Safeties. Find our PI’s that we weren’t called for and then talk. Otherwise, STFU
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Well, considering OSU didn't have a penalty called until the 4th QTR, I'd say ND got the brunt of the missed/bad calls, starting with the first personal foul call, or overturning conclusively, and indisputably, that Hartman didn't get the first down (as if you could tell he was inches short without a camera right at the spot). Those were both examples.
Marvin Harrison Jr grasping the jersey on the 61 yard TD run; blatant holding, no call. The officiating was atrocious, and ND got the bulk of it.
Nd had the first penalty of the game for a false start that everyone thought should have been an offside by our lb over the center.
Even if it was questionable OSU WR's were getting the call. Not even close. Please explain changing defensive holding to PI after a booth replay? Ever seen it before? Ever seen so many flags picked up in one season against one team?

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Late hit flag picked up. I mean, I don’t know if it was legit or not, but the ref threw the flag for SOME reason. Who talked him out of it?
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Nd had the first penalty of the game for a false start that everyone thought should have been an offside by our lb over the center.

Liafua wasn’t in the neutral zone when the RT moved. Definitely was a false start. Liafua never even crossed into the neutral zone at all to be honest
That non pi call was egregious. The wr’s sleeve was pulled down. Second bad one was the full onslaught tackle of the WR. Hate Big 10 refs

OSU WR’s being mugged? They mostly ran a rub route all game or snuck Embeka in the zone between the LBers and Safeties. Find our PI’s that we weren’t called for and then talk. Otherwise, STFU
They were not calling it at all until suddenly in the 4th quarter. No pi or holding. I can show you plenty of plays where there was a lot of contract by the DB on the WR.

And tell the troll criticizing the quality of the referees =/= saying they are the reason we lost.
That wasn't even close to holding, are you sure you know what a holding penalty looks like? That play was good blocking. Marv kept his man in front of him, didn't get outside his pads at all and pushed him out until he got rolled up on. It's textbook great blocking by a receiver

Here is the official rule....

Holding occurs when the hands go outside the framework of the defender’s body during the block. Excessive grabbing of jerseys when striking on the inside of the body can also warrant a holding penalty.

It seems as if it was excessive when you cannot get lose and are not losing ground. Its a judgement call, but pretty sure that gets called on ND. You don't see it with hands in, pushing. Its usually called when you got the jersey with both hands.

All in all, I think the PI that OSU got was pitty patty. I think tackling Flores before the ball arrives and holding the ND receivers' arm on the long throw was PI. Neither called. OSU had 35 yards in penalties, ND had 50.

I also find the reversal of a spot that close suspect. We have no conference and we just seem to get some phantom things.

In the end though, I don't think outside of that hold by Harrison it changed much. That was big. That said, its football. We had every chance to make a tackle and Watts didnt. Thats on us, not OSU. As my coach always said, dont leave it in the refs hands.

That game was not won by OSU, it was lost by ND. Reminded me of the Falcons in the superbowl. Run the ball 3 times after you get the first series first and OSU gets the ball with 40 seconds and no TO. There was an easy pick missed. There were 10 men on the field. That is all on ND. Not the officials. Not OSU. We were the better team that night, the better teams dont always win in CFB.

OSU is a very good football team. ND just got too cute at the end. OSU made an incredible play on 3rd and 19, that I credit you guys for. Just never should have been in that spot. Hope you guys win out and we get another shot at ya....
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Here is the official rule....

Holding occurs when the hands go outside the framework of the defender’s body during the block. Excessive grabbing of jerseys when striking on the inside of the body can also warrant a holding penalty.

It seems as if it was excessive when you cannot get lose and are not losing ground. Its a judgement call, but pretty sure that gets called on ND. You don't see it with hands in, pushing. Its usually called when you got the jersey with both hands.

All in all, I think the PI that OSU got was pitty patty. I think tackling Flores before the ball arrives and holding the ND receivers' arm on the long throw was PI. Neither called. OSU had 35 yards in penalties, ND had 50.

I also find the reversal of a spot that close suspect. We have no conference and we just seem to get some phantom things.

In the end though, I don't think outside of that hold by Harrison it changed much. That was big. That said, its football. We had every chance to make a tackle and Watts didnt. Thats on us, not OSU. As my coach always said, dont leave it in the refs hands.

That game was not won by OSU, it was lost by ND. Reminded me of the Falcons in the superbowl. Run the ball 3 times after you get the first series first and OSU gets the ball with 40 seconds and no TO. There was an easy pick missed. There were 10 men on the field. That is all on ND. Not the officials. Not OSU. We were the better team that night, the better teams dont always win in CFB.

OSU is a very good football team. ND just got too cute at the end. OSU made an incredible play on 3rd and 19, that I credit you guys for. Just never should have been in that spot. Hope you guys win out and we get another shot at ya....
When you have 10 players on the field the last two game defining plays, and this was after calling a timeout, do not look for excuses.
When you have 10 players on the field the last two game defining plays, and this was after calling a timeout, do not look for excuses.
I agree with your point. The refs could have been a bit more even but it’s not why we lost.
I agree with your point. The refs could have been a bit more even but it’s not why we lost.
Can't blame the refs for last night, and the calls went both ways. Someone mentioned the non-call on a pass to Thomas when the OSU defender pulled the white elastic sleeve down to his wrist. I'm not sure that grab slowed him down or if even that pass was catchable. Later in the game, I believe it was Hart who grabbed Harrison by the jersey enough to throw off his stride on a long pass down the sideline. Neither was called, and I don't think the game suffered because of it.

OSU was flagged 5 times for 35 and we had 4 penalties for 50 yards. I can't call that biased by any means.
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There was a ton of holding both ways...they let most of it go. The part I was completely flabbergasted with is the constant review of spots. It is supposedly the hardest thing to overturn but not last night. I also thought that the replay booth only reviewed TDs, turnovers or under 2 minutes or is that NFL.

I wasn't happy with the official but have number o friends that were OSu that thought we got all the calls too. Hard to remove fandom googles
Can't blame the refs for last night, and the calls went both ways. Someone mentioned the non-call on a pass to Thomas when the OSU defender pulled the white elastic sleeve down to his wrist. I'm not sure that grab slowed him down or if even that pass was catchable. Later in the game, I believe it was Hart who grabbed Harrison by the jersey enough to throw off his stride on a long pass down the sideline. Neither was called, and I don't think the game suffered because of it.

OSU was flagged 5 times for 35 and we had 4 penalties for 50 yards. I can't call that biased by any means.
The flags didn't go both ways. Secondly, ND was the better team and should have gotten LESS calls on the home field. Typical Big ten BULLSH!T. The biggest reason why Im so happy we don't play Michigan any more.

TE non call? The big man had his arm held but miraculously still caught the ball with one hand. Second one, with the tender holding the Irish WR while simultaneously puling his arm sleeve off. The third one where the Ohio St DB basically tacked the WR but no call.
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Can't blame the refs for last night, and the calls went both ways. Someone mentioned the non-call on a pass to Thomas when the OSU defender pulled the white elastic sleeve down to his wrist. I'm not sure that grab slowed him down or if even that pass was catchable. Later in the game, I believe it was Hart who grabbed Harrison by the jersey enough to throw off his stride on a long pass down the sideline. Neither was called, and I don't think the game suffered because of it.

OSU was flagged 5 times for 35 and we had 4 penalties for 50 yards. I can't call that biased by any means.
It was the “no calls” that hurt !
There were a few terrible calls/non calls but that’s football and it happens every single game. The worst call of the game was the coaching staff not running the damn ball on their last possession and taking as much time as possible off the clock and forcing Ohio state to use timeouts
There were a few terrible calls/non calls but that’s football and it happens every single game. The worst call of the game was the coaching staff not running the damn ball on their last possession and taking as much time as possible off the clock and forcing Ohio state to use timeouts
Can’t disagree !
The flags didn't go both ways. Secondly, ND was the better team and should have gotten LESS calls on the home field. Typical Big ten BULLSH!T. The biggest reason why Im so happy we don't play Michigan any more.

TE non call? The big man had his arm held but miraculously still caught the ball with one hand. Second one, with the tender holding the Irish WR while simultaneously puling his arm sleeve off. The third one where the Ohio St DB basically tacked the WR but no call.
I don't know what to tell you, but if you think a 15-yard difference in penalty yardage is a sign of bias, than I don't know why you bother to watch the games.