Obama speech admitting he is from Kenya

I never said I didn't believe Barry Sotero ( Obama) attended Columbia or Harvard Law School. My point is that there is a lack of clarity and many oddities associated with his background as it has been described by Obama and his media acolytes. Even a deluded and Russia conspiracy Kool Aid drinking liberal can admit that. On second thought never mind I digress.... Fact 1. Obama s provided Soc Security # showing Hawaii as place of birth has a numerical prefix of #042. That my liberal friend indicates CT as birthplace. But you can't be born in 2 places. Or can you if you're a liberal deity whose election immediately caused the planet to heal and the ocean waters to recede? What is the explanation for the 042# ?
Fact 2. Obama was an undistinguished high school student by his own admission in his autobiography " Dreams of My Father ". He spoke of being a member of the " Choom Gang " which concentrated on being habitual marijuana users and partakers of other drugs as well. He went to Occidental for 2 years then transferred to Columbia . So the story goes . How did a rather average high school student who then claims a 3.0 GPA average ( thats a B average) at Occidental get admitted to an elite Ivy League University as a transfer student? Surely you realize that there were literally tens of thousands of American College students with B averages who would have loved to transfer to an Ivy League School. But they wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell. And Obama evidently sailed right through to Columbia and from there to Harvard Law. Right? Does that add up??
3. Obama appears to have just 1 individual from Columbia who vouches for Obama's attendance at Columbia. 1 roommate. ONE! No professors. No other students have clear recollections of Obama at Columbia. Don't you think it's odd that literally hundreds of Columbia grads dont recall seeing a fellow " Columbia grad" who became President ever on campus?
3. Fact Harvard Law School/ Editor Harvard Law Review. They're legal scholars and legal scribners. You do realize that?? The things they write in the Harvard Law Review get published annually. There is evidently evidence of only one decidedly brief Article in Harvard Law Review attributed to the author Barack Obama. He naturally ascended to become the Editor of Harvard Law Review based on the weight of that one brief Article he wrote on Affirmative Action. Does that make sense?

Obama has spent literally millions of dollars in legal fees to suppress the release of his transcripts from Columbia and defeat FOIA requests from conservative groups. Why?? Do you think its possible that Obama may have applied to Columbia as a foreign exchange student from Indonesia? Hence the need to keep those records sealed.

Obama came quite literally out of nowhere politically. He had little legislative history and no governing experience. He's entire basis and justification for running for President was based on ONE inspiring speech read from a teleprompter at the 2004 Democrat National Convention. That was the ONLY thing!!
After 2 terms in office there is much about Obama and his background that just doesn't add up.
I will call you the smartest man on earth if you can provide any links, documents, etc that backup all the QAnon you typed above. I'll go first.
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I will call you the smartest man on earth if you can provide any links, documents, etc that backup all the QAnon you typed above. I'll go first.
I'll go ahead and just state you're one of the stupidest men on earth already. None of what I posted came from Qanon. Not that its likely that you know jackshit about the subject of Qanon either. Other than what you imbibe from the always credible MSM and sources like Snopes. Snopes is Soros funded and exists to throw shade on any story / narrative which threatens his Progressive Globalist agenda. It purports to be an objective fact checker and is anything but. It's about as credible as CNN. Everything I've posted is based on established facts or in my opinion are reasonable inferences based on a fact pattern. I've witnessed many other posters take your bait when you demand sources , evidence , links etc.. . And they have done so many times completely disproving your argument with the fact based sources you insisted on. Only to then instead of conceding the point you utilize cognitive dissonance like an indoctrinated cult member and respond with your usual non-sequitor remark. You revel in being an ignoramus and wear it as a badge of honor .
I'll go ahead and just state you're one of the stupidest men on earth already. None of what I posted came from Qanon. Not that its likely that you know jackshit about the subject of Qanon either. Other than what you imbibe from the always credible MSM and sources like Snopes. Snopes is Soros funded and exists to throw shade on any story / narrative which threatens his Progressive Globalist agenda. It purports to be an objective fact checker and is anything but. It's about as credible as CNN. Everything I've posted is based on established facts or in my opinion are reasonable inferences based on a fact pattern. I've witnessed many other posters take your bait when you demand sources , evidence , links etc.. . And they have done so many times completely disproving your argument with the fact based sources you insisted on. Only to then instead of conceding the point you utilize cognitive dissonance like an indoctrinated cult member and respond with your usual non-sequitor remark. You revel in being an ignoramus and wear it as a badge of honor .
You sir (or mam) make me go hahaha....
I'll go ahead and just state you're one of the stupidest men on earth already. None of what I posted came from Qanon. Not that its likely that you know jackshit about the subject of Qanon either. Other than what you imbibe from the always credible MSM and sources like Snopes. Snopes is Soros funded and exists to throw shade on any story / narrative which threatens his Progressive Globalist agenda. It purports to be an objective fact checker and is anything but. It's about as credible as CNN. Everything I've posted is based on established facts or in my opinion are reasonable inferences based on a fact pattern. I've witnessed many other posters take your bait when you demand sources , evidence , links etc.. . And they have done so many times completely disproving your argument with the fact based sources you insisted on. Only to then instead of conceding the point you utilize cognitive dissonance like an indoctrinated cult member and respond with your usual non-sequitor remark. You revel in being an ignoramus and wear it as a badge of honor .
there is absolutely no point trying to reason with the “ Unreasonable “,
We went through over two years where we were assured that President Trump definitely collude with the Russians in our
The Democrats had all the evidence and the Mueller Investigation would lead to the Impeachment
of our President. The news media, besides Fox , talk radio, and few publications , were all reading the exact same script, just about word for word, 24/7 of the coming demise of our President !
Now that the Mueller Probe proved 0 , the Liberals, Media, and Democrats keep on with their Witch Hunt. In spite of Mueller’s report ?
Now the New Attorney General Barr wants to investigate, the people who were spying on the President,
Submitted false info to FISA, and lied to Congress, Barr is now evil and should be impeached ?
The Electoral College has served us well as a Constitutional Republic by giving smaller states equal
Representation in our federal election process.
Oh the Shame, the Chosen One , Hillary, lost the Electoral College Vote ! we must , therefore change from a Federal Republic to a direct Democracy and have NY, and California and the costal states decide every
Federal Election.
You sir (or mam) make me go hahaha....
You're consistent and never disappoint. As I said non-sequitor remarks. And in your robotic reflexive response you utilize a non-sequitor as I indicated just moments ago is your stock and trade. People who are programmed tend to think in and communicate with set mantras. You can take comfort in knowing that you will be one of the last men standing on the SS Obama regardless of indictments, convictions and other revelations to come. Loyal to a fault.
there is absolutely no point trying to reason with the “ Unreasonable “,
We went through over two years where we were assured that President Trump definitely collude with the Russians in our
The Democrats had all the evidence and the Mueller Investigation would lead to the Impeachment
of our President. The news media, besides Fox , talk radio, and few publications , were all reading the exact same script, just about word for word, 24/7 of the coming demise of our President !
Now that the Mueller Probe proved 0 , the Liberals, Media, and Democrats keep on with their Witch Hunt. In spite of Mueller’s report ?
Now the New Attorney General Barr wants to investigate, the people who were spying on the President,
Submitted false info to FISA, and lied to Congress, Barr is now evil and should be impeached ?
The Electoral College has served us well as a Constitutional Republic by giving smaller states equal
Representation in our federal election process.
Oh the Shame, the Chosen One , Hillary, lost the Electoral College Vote ! we must , therefore change from a Federal Republic to a direct Democracy and have NY, and California and the costal states decide every
Federal Election.
And lower the voting age to 16
+ allow incarcerated criminals to vote
+ illegal aliens living on the government dole off taxpaying American citizens .Here illegally must have their right to vote in US elections protected .Lest they be disinfranchised.
+ Any form of Federal Vote Integrity action or Voter ID law is racist and an attempt to suppress the vote of Democrat party.

The Democrat party has become nothing but an anti Constitution and anti American Globalist con job.
It has become thoroughly contaminated by a deadly infection of real politik by decades of leadership by their standard bearers the Clintons and Barry Sotero. They've mastered the art of not giving a damn about the law, principles or the greater good of the country. Divide and conquer in the Spirit of Saul Alinsky and " Rules for Radicals " being their 24/7 operational concept. As Bismarck said " the ends justify the means ".
You're consistent and never disappoint. As I said non-sequitor remarks. And in your robotic reflexive response you utilize a non-sequitor as I indicated just moments ago is your stock and trade. People who are programmed tend to think in and communicate with set mantras. You can take comfort in knowing that you will be one of the last men standing on the SS Obama regardless of indictments, convictions and other revelations to come. Loyal to a fault.
Right or Wrong...I'll answer for you
1. You don't know me one bit. (True)
2. You don't understand the difference between opinion and facts. (True, see your former posts)
3. You are smitten with a politician. (Very True)
4. You are smitten with a politician that was pro choice, is a self proclaimed adulter and a habitual liar. (Very, very true)
5. You are smitten with a politician that tries to come across as an immigration hardliner but his wife, her parents all all of the illegal immigrants that worked in his businesses know it's all an act. (True, see Einstein visa)
Right or Wrong...I'll answer for you
1. You don't know me one bit. (True)
2. You don't understand the difference between opinion and facts. (True, see your former posts)
3. You are smitten with a politician. (Very True)
4. You are smitten with a politician that was pro choice, is a self proclaimed adulter and a habitual liar. (Very, very true)
5. You are smitten with a politician that tries to come across as an immigration hardliner but his wife, her parents all all of the illegal immigrants that worked in his businesses know it's all an act. (True, see Einstein visa)
1. Look I know
Right or Wrong...I'll answer for you
1. You don't know me one bit. (True)
2. You don't understand the difference between opinion and facts. (True, see your former posts)
3. You are smitten with a politician. (Very True)
4. You are smitten with a politicithan that was pro choice, is a self proclaimed adulter and a habitual liar. (Very, very true)
5. You are smitten with a politician that tries to come across as an immigration hardliner but his wife, her parents all all of the illegal immigrants that worked in his businesses know it's all an act. (True, see Einstein visa)
the Mueller Report that's the ticket....
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I'll go ahead and just state you're one of the stupidest men on earth already. None of what I posted came from Qanon. Not that its likely that you know jackshit about the subject of Qanon either. Other than what you imbibe from the always credible MSM and sources like Snopes. Snopes is Soros funded and exists to throw shade on any story / narrative which threatens his Progressive Globalist agenda. It purports to be an objective fact checker and is anything but. It's about as credible as CNN. Everything I've posted is based on established facts or in my opinion are reasonable inferences based on a fact pattern. I've witnessed many other posters take your bait when you demand sources , evidence , links etc.. . And they have done so many times completely disproving your argument with the fact based sources you insisted on. Only to then instead of conceding the point you utilize cognitive dissonance like an indoctrinated cult member and respond with your usual non-sequitor remark. You revel in being an ignoramus and wear it as a badge of honor .
Well Dublin hes a fricking LIBITARD what did you expect. These Libbies hate the USA so go away and find a better country you nitwits
Right or Wrong...I'll answer for you
1. You don't know me one bit. (True)
2. You don't understand the difference between opinion and facts. (True, see your former posts)
3. You are smitten with a politician. (Very True)
4. You are smitten with a politician that was pro choice, is a self proclaimed adulter and a habitual liar. (Very, very true)
5. You are smitten with a politician that tries to come across as an immigration hardliner but his wife, her parents all all of the illegal immigrants that worked in his businesses know it's all an act. (True, see Einstein visa)
Oh we know you. You are a FRICKING LIBITARD NITWIT
And yet another knucklehead further pollutes the board. Thank goodness for the ignore button so I don't need to read this delusional tripe anymore.
Why, we have read your libitard stupid fuccc posts. Clueless moron just like the rest of your libby buddies.
And just in case you're a 3 home 3 bill 1 deodorant bernie sanders fan

Tell me
Who said this
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously"
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Reactions: rgc7
And yet another knucklehead further pollutes the board. Thank goodness for the ignore button so I don't need to read this delusional
And just in case you're a 3 home 3 bill 1 deodorant bernie sanders fan

Tell me
Who said this
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously"
Be careful you might be accused of peddling in " tripe"
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These leftists have some nerve to be honest
Maxine Waters
Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee
Is so damn stupid she actually had to be reminded ayatollah Obama and the Democrats took over the student loan industry a decade ago
Not as bad as that leftist that thought Guam would tip over
Hank Johnson
"Talented" tenth my a55