Now I Know---


All Star
Oct 3, 2004
Now I know how anti-trump folks must have felt election night when it began to sink in Hillary was not going to win. This is exactly how I feel knowing I have to come to grips with the fact Kelly will not be fired and ND faces another year of God knows what.
Eight years ago and I might have agreed with you on both counts. Today, not so much. As much as I dislike Trump the man, and still wonder where he will come down on a host of critical issues when it's decision time, I think he has a better chance of making America great again than Kelly making ND great again. Two years from now I hope I am eating crow and Kelly has shut the critics up, but suspect I'll be eating lobster celebrating his departure from ND.
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OTE="Quest4Twelve, post: 1850215, member: 9252"]Bro, you voted for Trump cool...this is an ND football board. Now go read his Twitter feed.[/QUOTE]

Chubby Kelly abandons the run. I will never abandon the run. We will have a beautiful running game! The best.— Notre Dame Trump (@realNotreTrump) December 1, 2016
Chubby Kelly abandons the run. I will never abandon the run. We will have a beautiful running game! The best.— Notre Dame Trump (@realNotreTrump) December 1, 2016[/QUOTE]

This guy is awesome...

Nov 29

Notre Dame Trump‏@realNotreTrump

Anyone who flirts with USC while ND's coach should go to jail. Lock Kelly up! I will make Notre Dame great again! #NotreDame #firekelly

Nov 24

Notre Dame Trump‏@realNotreTrump

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, but get ready because Notre Dame is in big trouble this weekend! I will fire Kelly and make USC pay for it.

Nov 19

Notre Dame Trump‏@realNotreTrump

The cast of Hamilton would boo Brian Kelly! That would be deserved. #NotreDame #firekelly
Bodi, is General Longstreet still blamed in the South for the defeat at Gettysburg, or has history as taught down South treated him with the respect and admiration he deserves? Happen to be a Distant relative and so biased of course!
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I think he has a better chance of making America great again than Kelly making ND great again.

Cleveland (Cavaliers) win a championship.
Cubs win a championship.
Trump wins.
Notre Dame really down.

All in the same year; evidence that God has abandoned us.
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It's amazing how some of you Trump fan boys idolize him so much you infuse him in the same topic as ND Football.
It's amazing how some of you Trump fan boys idolize him so much you infuse him in the same topic as ND Football.

He'll be invited to speak at commencement which will probably be in the FB stadium....

I'm pretty sure Epic will be speaking too...
Notre Dame Trump‏@realNotreTrump

Anyone who flirts with USC while ND's coach should go to jail. Lock Kelly up! I will make Notre Dame great again! #NotreDame #firekelly

You know, Knute Rockne flirted with the USC job, right?
Bodi, is General Longstreet still blamed in the South for the defeat at Gettysburg, or has history as taught down South treated him with the respect and admiration he deserves? Happen to be a Distant relative and so biased of course!
Notre Dame Trump‏@realNotreTrump

Anyone who flirts with USC while ND's coach should go to jail. Lock Kelly up! I will make Notre Dame great again! #NotreDame #firekelly

You know, Knute Rockne flirted with the USC job, right?

So you are comparing Kelly with Rockne?
Actually when Stonewall Jackson was struck down by friendly fire, it doomed the Northern Army of Virginia, General Lee, and the South. He was the great strategist of the Army and very aggressive on the battlefield. General Jackson would have pressed the Union Army through Gettysburg and taken the high ground that General Ewell gave Mead's Army after the first day of battle. Longstreet dragged his feet because he was on the wall at Fredericksburg and knew what would happen at Gettysburg and that ill advised Pickett's Charge. What a waste of manpower and war material! That mess lay at Lee's feet just like the mess this year is laid at Kelly's feet.
Actually when Stonewall Jackson was struck down by friendly fire, it doomed the Northern Army of Virginia, General Lee, and the South. He was the great strategist of the Army and very aggressive on the battlefield. General Jackson would have pressed the Union Army through Gettysburg and taken the high ground that General Ewell gave Mead's Army after the first day of battle. Longstreet dragged his feet because he was on the wall at Fredericksburg and knew what would happen at Gettysburg and that ill advised Pickett's Charge. What a waste of manpower and war material! That mess lay at Lee's feet just like the mess this year is laid at Kelly's feet.

Great post. Love the history lesson. Love history.
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Ara, nice precise summary, and accurate to boot, and excellent transition to Kelly and the mess that is ND football right now. Appreciate it.
Bodi, is General Longstreet still blamed in the South for the defeat at Gettysburg, or has history as taught down South treated him with the respect and admiration he deserves? Happen to be a Distant relative and so biased of course!

I have heard only good about him. I just read Killer Angels and felt General Longstreets anguish over him not being able to convince General Lee of his plan.. A great man.
I then read Rebel Yell a great book about Stonewall., Stonewall was a madman--ran his men and himself into the ground in order to achieve victories--what I would do the Irish players next year if I was coach !
I have heard only good about him. I just read Killer Angels and felt General Longstreets anguish over him not being able to convince General Lee of his plan.. A great man.
I then read Rebel Yell a great book about Stonewall., Stonewall was a madman--ran his men and himself into the ground in order to achieve victories--what I would do the Irish players next year if I was coach !
Thanks Bodi. Nice to hear. Yes, the father and son Shaara's wrote some great books on America's Wars....Like Killer Angels. Stonewall was fearless. The son's trilogy on WW II gained a lot of attention, but thought the WW I effort and the description of trench fighting was incredible. Hope you read if you haven't already. Think ND would play tougher and more inspired under mad dog Mattis? The culture needs to change and that starts with the HC.
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I was always fascinated by what became of these people after the war. Longstreet, if I recall, become very involved in community....but forgot the specifics.
Harpo, he initially got involved in several money making ventures, most notably the railroads. His main community involvement was in politics. I know he was ambassador to Turkey for a short while and he was a Marshall somewhere in Georgia. He's not a blood relative as he married my great aunt who was forty years younger, after his wife died. Still, an interesting historical figure who was largely discredited In the South for the remainder of his life for his opposition to Lee at Gettysburg, and thus my question to Bodi, as history has judged his opposition to have been the correct course.