No thread about Lou yet.

Yikes! I think Lou should have punted. But he was right, someone was needed to beat Ted Cruz.

Now what I don’t understand is this: Lou just supported billionaire who outsources his own apparel line to be made overseas, and won't let his Las Vegas Casino workers unionize, and pays them the lowest wages on the strip. He is going to be their job creating savior. C'mon, Lou, and that ahem, chair throwing Cruz, Bobby Knight —

Oh, and Lou also said Ron Pawlus was going to be the next Montana.

God Bless America. And long live The Ramones.
Everyone wants to be on the side that's winning. That's easy. The hard part is matching your own core values with the candidate that best represents those values no matter how difficult the road is. Hotels and golf courses are what's important to Lou apparently.
About all Lou said is he's sick of the status quo. Trump can afford to ignore the traditional lobbyists and influence peddlers.

How 'bout the guy during the Whitewater investigation that was about to spill the beans on the Clinton's only to "commit suicide" by shooting himself from an angle that is impossible for one person to do??? Yeah, it's time for change.........big time.
About all Lou said is he's sick of the status quo. Trump can afford to ignore the traditional lobbyists and influence peddlers.

How 'bout the guy during the Whitewater investigation that was about to spill the beans on the Clinton's only to "commit suicide" by shooting himself from an angle that is impossible for one person to do??? Yeah, it's time for change.........big time.
Time for change was a long time ago - it's only going to get worse before it gets better.
About all Lou said is he's sick of the status quo. Trump can afford to ignore the traditional lobbyists and influence peddlers.

How 'bout the guy during the Whitewater investigation that was about to spill the beans on the Clinton's only to "commit suicide" by shooting himself from an angle that is impossible for one person to do??? Yeah, it's time for change.........big time.
agree that its time for a change, but change for the sake of change is the wrong reason. this is the worst choice of candidates in a presidential election in my lifetime. and i thought bush/kerry was bad.
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agree that its time for a change, but change for the sake of change is the wrong reason. this is the worst choice of candidates in a presidential election in my lifetime. and i thought bush/kerry was bad.
I agree but this is what it has come down to. So what is one to do? You chose between an egotistical blowhard (we are in the midst of one of those now) or a serial criminal and pathological liar. Not a great choice but an easy one to make considering the alternative.
I agree but this is what it has come down to. So what is one to do? You chose between an egotistical blowhard (we are in the midst of one of those now) or a serial criminal and pathological liar. Not a great choice but an easy one to make considering the alternative.
canada ?
I could never vote for this big mouth and draft dodger who has ZERO respect for the military. (And the military hates him.) What the Donald said about war hero John McCain was childish, uninformed and offensive:

"The son of a Naval officer, McCain was captured while serving in Vietnam. He refused an offer of early release as part of a prisoner swap, and was imprisoned and tortured for more than five years.

In January, Trump was asked if he believed that McCain was a war hero. “He’s not a war hero,” Trump scoffed. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

Dip into your daddy's money Donald, and buy yourself out of the draft. Then badmouth young men who signed up and fought for our country. What an embarrassing joke you are.
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Trump again denigrated our soldiers when he told Stern. Trump said avoiding Sexually Transmitted Desease': “I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era,” Trump said in a video that resurfaced Tuesday, “It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.” He also likened his time in a rich boarding school as being just like military training and...

Before his presidential campaign, Trump’s charitable foundation gave more to the Clintons than to veterans organizations.

What happened to the Republican party of George Bush I and James Baker?
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Trump again denigrated our soldiers when he told Stern. Trump said avoiding Sexually Transmitted Desease': “I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era,” Trump said in a video that resurfaced Tuesday, “It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.” He also likened his time in a rich boarding school as being just like military training and...

Before his presidential campaign, Trump’s charitable foundation gave more to the Clintons than to veterans organizations.

What happened to the Republican party of George Bush I and James Baker?
i'm more of a republican than trump is. he's running as one because it was the path of least resistance.
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The Trumpster and his sheep insulted and disrespected a lot of the Republican voter base since last summer. A voter base that he needs to win the general. I don't think many will be all so forgiving. Lots of hard feelings out there. More hard feelings towards Hannity and Fox News, though Sean and his pals are in complete denial. Trump failed to understand that when he insulted the opposing candidate in "his own party", he insulted the supporters of that candidate and there may be no turning back from that. Stay tuned.
This country has had shit for Presidents after Ronald Regan left office. We need another Ronnie in the White House who has a damn great plan for everyone and doesn't take crap from anyone.

Trump maybe a asshole, but I'll take him over the Clinton Clan.
The Trumpster and his sheep insulted and disrespected a lot of the Republican voter base since last summer. A voter base that he needs to win the general. I don't think many will be all so forgiving. Lots of hard feelings out there. More hard feelings towards Hannity and Fox News, though Sean and his pals are in complete denial. Trump failed to understand that when he insulted the opposing candidate in "his own party", he insulted the supporters of that candidate and there may be no turning back from that. Stay tuned.
the sad thing is that no matter who gets elected in november the american people lose.
This is 2016. So I'm more interested in what Michigan's record was the last time they played ND? I can't remember. Who won?anybody? What was the score?Also, since we are talking about the present instead, has Michigan fixed their punting issues from last season? Thanks in advance......
