new infractions?

ivan brunetti

Posts Like A Champion
Nov 27, 2003

"Penalties prescribed by the panel include the following:

  • Public reprimand and censure for the university.
  • One year of probation from Nov. 22, 2016, through Nov. 21, 2017.
  • A two-year show-cause order for the former student trainer from Nov. 22, 2016, through Nov. 21, 2018. During that time, any NCAA member school that hires her in an athletically related position must appear with her before a Committee on Infractions panel.
  • A disassociation of the former student trainer from the university’s athletics program from Nov. 22, 2016, through Nov. 21, 2018. During this period, the university may not accept assistance in the recruitment of prospects or support of student-athletes from the former student trainer; may not accept donations to the athletics program from the former student trainer; may not extend athletics benefits or privilege to the former student trainer that is not generally available to the public; and must ensure the former student trainer is not involved in the university’s athletics program.
  • A vacation of all records in which student-athletes participated while ineligible during the 2012-13 and 2013-14 football seasons.
  • A $5,000 fine."
And the big talkers, 78 and classic, said ND wasn't going to break away from academics as a first priority. Ha!

Brian Kelly has disgraced this university. Embarrassing.
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I believe this topic has already been butchered to death -- is this not the incident from back in 2014 when the 6 players were suddenly booted form the team during fall camp?
Meanwhile Louisville's NCAA banner hangs undisturbed despite fact they were using players involved in the running of an on-campus brothel in a student dormitory. Ridiculous.
I believe this topic has already been butchered to death -- is this not the incident from back in 2014 when the 6 players were suddenly booted form the team during fall camp?

The sanctions came down today. Notre Dame's winning percentage has now dropped to .723. I think that is third place. Brian Kelly's winning percentage at ND is now .559. That is in Weis/Willingham territory.
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But we still wait for the NCAA to do anything on North Carolina and their systemic issues for years and bama after DJ Fluker came out and said he got $50K. I guess they have been working on ND and that is why nothing has happened with the others???>>>> Joke!
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The NCAA is a complete joke really. They turn a blind eye to anything that affects $$$$$
What a joke. ND does the absolute right thing, and this is what they get.
Do the right thing and get hammered while another institution skates on fake classes that went on for years.

Appeal, appeal, appeal, appeal!!!!!!
The sanctions came down today. Notre Dame's winning percentage has now dropped to .723. I think that is third place. Brian Kelly's winning percentage at ND is now .559. That is in Weis/Willingham territory.
Eff Brian Kelly. Take a stand people! Don't go to games until this President, AD and HC are fired.
If ND was in a conference this wouldn't be happening. They're on their own so the ncaa will r@pe them - and did.

Seems to me USC got ripped for playing professional Reggie Bush. IMO the NCAA does what it can on a case by case basis.
Seems to me USC got ripped for playing professional Reggie Bush. IMO the NCAA does what it can on a case by case basis.

Oh please, like Irish fans don't know how the NCAA works? Does Dunbar ring a bell? As a non-ND fan, I guess you would look at it differently, but ND self-reported and doled out punishment to those involved. Whatever happened to UNC and athletes getting grades for NON-EXISTENT classes? Didn't the NCAA screw up the Miami allegations? memory might be faulty about the Trojie saga, but thumbing your nose at the NCAA might get you hammered.
Oh please, like Irish fans don't know how the NCAA works? Does Dunbar ring a bell? As a non-ND fan, I guess you would look at it differently, but ND self-reported and doled out punishment to those involved. Whatever happened to UNC and athletes getting grades for NON-EXISTENT classes? Didn't the NCAA screw up the Miami allegations? memory might be faulty about the Trojie saga, but thumbing your nose at the NCAA might get you hammered.
After the Kim Dunbar episode it would be foolish to think we would get fair and equitable treatment from the NCAA. No good deed goes unpunished.
Oh please, like Irish fans don't know how the NCAA works? Does Dunbar ring a bell? As a non-ND fan, I guess you would look at it differently, but ND self-reported and doled out punishment to those involved. Whatever happened to UNC and athletes getting grades for NON-EXISTENT classes? Didn't the NCAA screw up the Miami allegations? memory might be faulty about the Trojie saga, but thumbing your nose at the NCAA might get you hammered.

Pointing out UNC is like a driver who gets pulled over doing 85 mph complaining that someone else was doing over a 100 mph and didn't get caught. While true, it doesn't mean that you aren't guilty of speeding.
Ivan, your analogy would be fine if you added that the same cop observed both incidents and the driver who was going over 100 mph was white and the driver going 85 mph was black. In other words, there is crazy preferential treatment or crazy punitive treatment at play here, and nothing wrong with pointing this out.
After the Kim Dunbar episode it would be foolish to think we would get fair and equitable treatment from the NCAA. No good deed goes unpunished.

Didn't the Dunbar decision come down to breaking a tied vote?
Pointing out UNC is like a driver who gets pulled over doing 85 mph complaining that someone else was doing over a 100 mph and didn't get caught. While true, it doesn't mean that you aren't guilty of speeding.

Bull Crap! If ND had turned a blind eye to the cheating and then got caught, yes, you would have a point about North Carolina. My gosh, cheating on papers and freaking credit for faux classes (that went on for years) aren't on the same playing field. ND was transparent and the Frozen Five were punished.
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Ivan, your analogy would be fine if you added that the same cop observed both incidents and the driver who was going over 100 mph was white and the driver going 85 mph was black. In other words, there is crazy preferential treatment or crazy punitive treatment at play here, and nothing wrong with pointing this out.

I don't know if it is preferential treatment so much as the limited power of the NCAA. If a school refuses to cooperate (in this case UNC), the NCAA might not have enough to force a punishment. Maybe ND could have gotten away with it if the school was willing to be as sleazy as the Tarheels. If that is what people would want.
Didn't the Dunbar decision come down to breaking a tied vote?

The tied vote was in determining if she even qualified as a "booster", which needed to be determined first to see if there was even any NCAA violation issues to consider. The committee deadlocked twice on the issue, in both cases the guy from the NCAA, I guess acting like the VP on a tied Senate vote, voted against us. And thus the case went forward.
Notre Dame is a soft the NCAA assumed a sound, kneeling position....breathed, relaxed, floated an aim.....squeezed and fired. Bullseye. Is it fair? Of course not. But life is not fair. The appeal will run its course...and Notre Dame will have to assume its own mortality amongst the great unwashed...and rebuild.

The question of who will oversee the rebuilding? Kelly? Or a new general contractor.
Summary disposition is used for infraction the NCAA considers low level or not the University's fault. It isn't good but this is very far down the food chain.