The corrupt ND establishment has already done insurmountable damage to the ND football brand and we'll never be able to come back to the program we were for most of the 1900's. Of course this was all by plan as they have no interest in football excellence but rather just the money it provides to pay for the AD's 2nd home, a bevy of country club memberships, overpriced professors and new luxurious science and theater schools on campus (the absurd annual tuition of $50,000 a year apparently doesn't make ends meet on its own).
Having said the above here is how the establishment can keep getting people to pay and show up even though the hardcore football purists aren't buying what they're selling anymore based on last Saturday's embarrassing sea of red.
Having said the above here is how the establishment can keep getting people to pay and show up even though the hardcore football purists aren't buying what they're selling anymore based on last Saturday's embarrassing sea of red.
- Keep scheduling big time programs with fanatical fan bases for the first time in 100 years (i.e.: Georgia this year, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Wisconsin, etc.). Then get ND season ticket holders to keep buying by letting them know that opposing fans will pay large premiums just for this one game alone and will provide you a positive return on investment. Include charts showing that the 10 year treasury only hovering around 2 to 2.5% and you can make a 10% return on investment by buying ND season tickets instead.
- Once the other team buys up all the tickets then cater to them by allowing them to storm our own field after their predictable win and allow them to plant their flag at the 50 yard line for photo ops to post on FB and to include on holiday cards.
- For other games with consistent ND opponents that don't draw as much energy and interest (i.e.: Boston College, Navy, Army, etc.) work to schedule a hot band to play at half time. For example pay Coldplay $1MM to come and play at halftime to promote their new album against BC so you still get a sell out of 20 somethings and the revenue that goes with it. This move should please NBC who would like the jump in halftime ratings to offset their overall annual drop in ratings from the dying ND brand. Further this model has worked great for Super Bowls and the new video board will help provide close ups for rock fans sitting far away.
- Finally stay committed to losing like the Cubs did for over a century and continue to win the hearts of American's who want a new lovable loser! Shirts celebrating three decades of losing and/or shirts with "The Curse of the Kevin White" instead of the Billy Goat should be as catchy and marketable as the "Catholics vs. Convicts" shirts were.