Name one thing from the offensive side and


Posts Like A Champion
Sep 2, 2003
one thing from the defensive side you want to see Sunday night from the Irish. ( I know people can list more than 2, but try to keep it to 2).

1. Offense = better efficiency in the red zone

2. Defense = front 4 able to get pressure on the QB without blitzing
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Offense: Ability to stretch the field vertically
Defense: Competitive safety play. At the very least, no wide open 30+ yd. completions.
1. Running a play without checking the sideline 15 times.

2. Players not getting hurt during a celebration of a mediocre play.
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can't wait for the thread about, 'what will 1st play offensive play' ?
timeout? delay of game? offsides?
my guess MZ starts: QB draw
if DK: swing out to the slot guy, 2 yards behind the line.
Offense , score more points than Texas. Defense allow fewer points than Texas. I'm a very simple man.
On offense I'd like to see a continued commitment to the running game.

On defense I'd like to see all 11 players comprehend their assignments. Last 2 years it seemed only about 1/2 the players on defense knew what their job was on any given play.
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offense: 1 (or fewer) turnovers

deffense: get off the field on third down
Offense: MZ and DK working in rhythm to keep Texas off balance

Defense: Keep Texas offense in 3rd and long situations.
whatever happened to the guy that used to do the mid week scouting report and game analysis.

And where is Zorich's pre game pump you up !
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1) offense: if they get inside the 5 , run it in for the score. No razzle dazzle. Line up and blow them off the ball.

2) defense: control the line of scrimmage. don't let Texas run the ball.

Do those 2 things and the Irish will win.