My Two Cents- USC


Posts Like A Champion
Sep 9, 2012

I don’t know how it worked in your TV market, but in Boston the game was preempted by the Michigan-OSU game and I couldn’t start watching until a good way through the 1st quarter with USC ahead 10-7. As if I really needed another reason to hate those two crappy programs.

A ND win is just a win to me and a loss is just a loss. I don’t care who it’s against. All the talk of “must be USC,” “can’t lose to USC” doesn’t sit well with me. It incorrectly gives their fans an inflated sense of self-worth. It was only made worse by the announcers talking about how the ND players called this game “their bowl game.” Uhh, no. Just another game in a lost season IMHO.

The Team- Sorry to disappoint those who love a controversy, but this was no beatdown. I was proud and impressed with the performance of our players. They were supposed to get blown out of LA in a place that has been problematic for them in the past 20 years. Instead, they went out and gave USC a hell of a game and, down by 10, were positioned for a comeback before a couple of terrible calls, IMO. Not to mention the fact that USC is pretty good.

The first half was pretty even until those ugly 17 seconds near the end of the half. Geek Stats: In the 1st half ND had the ball for 13:50 and had 192 total yards. USC had the ball for 16:10 and had 239 total yards. In the 2nd half ND had the ball for 15:07 and had 216 total yards. USC had the ball for 13:53 and had 173 total yards. The totals for ND 28:57 and 408 yards; USC 31:03 and 412 yards. Pretty even. ND actually did better ion the 2nd half, and their offense outscored the USC offense, 27-24. That’s not how the game ended, but our guys competed until the very end.

By the time you read this, Brian Kelly may not even be the head coach at ND anymore which makes changes he needs to be competitive a moot point, but that leads me to the Post of the Day:

Let's assume BK is here next year. What are the fixes that you think he needs to make? What does the administration need to do? I'll give a few of mine and get out of the way for the experts.

1. Hire a legit D-Coordinator. Go out and get a homerun.

2. Fire Longo and get a major D1 S&C Coach

3. Fire Booker. Get a legit Special Teams Coach and make it more of a focus of all of the coaches, even the HC.

4. Figure out a way that these kids can have a slightly easier path in the classroom.

5. Examine whether Autry Denson, Todd Lyght and Gilmore are of the caliber that you need to succeed at the highest level.

6. Introduce more power football. Recruit a fullback. Stop with all of the behind the scrimmage plays and the east/west runs.


The Defensive Coordinator has been mentioned many times, but who is available and how viable an option are they? Thank you @MMcCormick for one of the best, most comprehensive posts that I’ve ever seen on this site. Excellent work. It’s too long to quote, but here is the link. Everyone should give this a read:

Kizer- Sure it wasn’t his best game, but I don’t think he was that bad. Yet again, I ask who the hell is calling some of these plays? When the rain is falling heavily in the 2nd quarter, they have Kizer throwing ball again and again. Even the announcers were noting the effect of the wet ball. At one point during the rain, Kizer was 0-8, although there were a couple of drops by Corey Holmes that made it worse than it seemed. The rain subsides in the 3rd quarter, the ball is dry, Kizer is throwing it well and, down by 17, ND is trying to establish a run game when they should be throwing. But here’s the thing that really kills me. Less than 5 minutes left, ND is down 24 and it’s 2nd and 17 and the call is for a QB draw up the gut. Sure, why not try and get your QB, universally hailed as a 1st round NFL draft pick, killed in the waning moments of a meaningless game. The very next play he gets hit from the blind side. Take the money and run, kid, you’ve done your duty here.

Mike Sanford- I’ll have more on Kizer later in the week, but there was a thread about MMike Sanford that got my attention. Several posters questioned his contribution here. He’s the QB coach and he’s not calling the plays. In his 2 years here, he has stabilized the QB position and developed 3 very good options at the position. I don’t know if he’s part of the solution to what ails this team, but he’s definitely not part of the problem.

Speaking of playcalling, 13:35 mark of the 4thQ, trailing by 17 with the ball on the USC 21 and plenty of time left and the call is for Kizer to throw a backward screen pass that ends up as a fumble and effectively ends any chance of a ND comeback. Strange call. The screen is the most difficult pass for Kizer to throw. I haven’t seen him throw one all year that was successful. USC gets the ball and goes on to score.

Defense- All in all, they had a pretty good game. 21 points by USC were scored by defense and special teams. Watching this simplified scheme get after the ball carrier makes me think of all the talent we failed to maximize in the 2 plus years of BVG. Jaylon and Day would have really thrived in this scheme. Moving forward, we lose Jarron Jones and Rochelle and they will not be easy to replace.

Sacks- Geek Stat: 6 for USC, 0 for ND. It’s an overrated statistic, but not irrelevant. It does give you some idea how effective your pass rush is. USC’s QB had all day to throw. Kizer was harried throughout the game. That needs to improve for the defense to take the next step.

Chris Fink- Nice game by him. One of the things that bothers me most about the play calling is that there never seems to be an easy out for Kizer. Other than the fact that they are short, fast , white guys, Fink reminds me of Julian Edelman/Wes Welker. The quick slant he had for the TD was exactly the type of play the Patriots use to get the ball out of the hands of the QB quickly and move the ball. The threat of such a play keeps the LB’ers off the line and the safeties from blitzing. They should definitelyu incorporate more of this into the offense and not go for the long pass as often.

Special Teams- They should always have the ability to win you games, but never cost you a game. Sadly, that’s just the opposite with this group. It has been a nightmare during the BK era. It needs to be fixed immediately. Onn the punt return for a TD Chase Claypool seemed to slow down approaching Jackson and took a poor angle toward him. Even the announcers noted how the ND players were out of their lanes. Basic stuff continues to cost this team.

Jerry Tillery- I don’t condone his actions, but for the folks saying he should be kicked off the team, relax a little. His actions do underscore the need for leadership among the players. Nonetheless, give it a rest.

Julian Love- I love the way this kid plays. That forced fumble kept ND in the game and shifted the momentum, if ever so briefly.

Fertitta- Another kid whose game I love. He hits hard and plays with heart. I watched the targeting call on him a dozen times. He leads with his shoulder and Cedric Ware lowers his head right into Fertitta’s. Ware caused the helmet to helmet. It was a terrible call and it negated a forced fumble by Fertitta.

Tranquill PI Call- Equally egregious was the PI call in the end zone right after that. It looked like two guys going for the ball to me and neither had the opportunity to catch it.

Post of the Game- There really wasn’t one, in part because there wasn’t an official game thread. But man, there was some hardcore ND haters posting during the game. I can’t recall seeing that much negativity during a game. Sad.

Trick Plays- Statue of Liberty, Fink pass to the end zone, Fink pass to Kizer. They’re gimmicks and should be avoided at all costs unless you practice them consistently. I can’t remember a trick play working for this team. I love Fink the receiver, Fink the passer... not so much. @cheta41 throws better than he does and cheta has T-Rex arms, as you'll learn whenever it comes time to pay for a meal when you're out with him.

4th and 2- Two great plays by ND, one a short pass to EQB for a 1st and the other a 5 yard run by Adams for a 1st. Those calls I really liked. It shows me that we can play hard-nosed football when we want to.

Announcers- Generally, I thought they were terrible, but one comment by Brian Griese I really agreed with. He said, “I really believe the decision by Brian Kelly to play both QBs… robbed Kizer of the opportunity to grab hold of the leadership of this team and they had to make up for it since.” I agree. The lack of leadership has really hurt this team. Moreover, the lack of a clear #1 QB get all the 1st team reps hurt the team. Griese also said that Kizer needs to come back for another year of maturation which will help him in the long run. I disagree with that.

EQB- He’s really good and I just enjoy watching this kid go for the ball.

Elijah Taylor- I saw him making some plays on the line, had a TFL, and then he seemed to disappear. Hopefully we see mpore of him.

It Was Over When- ND closes the gap to 31-21 and Adoree Jackson takes the Kickoff to the house. Special Teams murders the Irish again.

As I said, Brian Kelly may not be at ND when you read this and we may be looking for a new coach. That said, if I’m a prospective coach and I watched this USC game, I’m saying, “Yeah they’ve got some talent here. I can win here. Now.”

Despite some of his shortcomings, BK has really done a lot for this program and I wish him the best, whatever road he travels down.

Have a great week everyone.
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