My Biggest Takeaway

Dabo went from an assistant and won 2 championships. Freeman has been head coach for 15 practices, and most of you are expecting miracles. it's comical.
And didn't Kirby Smart go from coordinator to HC, and he's in the finals
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And didn't Kirby Smart go from coordinator to HC, and he's in the finals
Lincoln Riley
Jimbo Fisher
Ryan Day
Dave Aranda

All made similar jumps just off the top of my head.
PaTy thinks a year or two being head coach at Toledo is needed, like the 1 total year as head coach of Toledo Saban had prior to getting his first power 5 head coaching job.
Lincoln Riley
Jimbo Fisher
Ryan Day
Dave Aranda

All made similar jumps just off the top of my head.
PaTy thinks a year or two being head coach at Toledo is needed, like the 1 total year as head coach of Toledo Saban had prior to getting his first power 5 head coaching job.
The greatest coach in ND history never had head coaching experience.
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Ok so all of us are upset with losing this bowl game. It’s a day later and I’m still very disappointed. At this stage it is pointless to argue for or against hiring Freeman. He’s the coach for the next 5 years. Will he be great ? Will he be horrible? Will he be average? I have no idea. Neither does anyone else. I do expect some growing pains. Right now this team doesn’t know how to win big games. Kelly was the coach for 12 years. 4 weeks and one game aren’t going to change how these current players view things. Over time teams take on the personality of their coach. What we saw yesterday was team that got a big lead and didn’t have that killer instinct. Once momentum was taken away the Irish never got it back. Technically there were a slew of things that need to be addressed. Right now it is what it is. Freeman is the coach. He’s going to need time to show he’s up to the job. So I’ll keep my fingers crossed and like all of you keep rooting for the Irish. Nothing else to really do.
Over the top emotional responses to a disappointing game. We gained 550 yards and scored 35 pts against the #3 defense in college football. There are numerous reasons why we lost, but to name just a few:

1. We missed Hamilton immensely. His overall play makes up for mistakes elsewhere in the defensive backfield, and he would have severely limited the huge QB scrambles.
2. We missed Williams and his ability to gain yards after contact. Diggs will be good and I look forward to seeing both him and Estime next season, but he was soft and tentative yesterday and we really needed Williams aggressive running and his vocal leadership…the later should not be underestimated.
3. Corner has been a problem position all season. Hart has been our best corner by a wide margin, and Lewis our worse by a large margin. We are decent with Bracy and Hart playing, and terrible with Bracy and Lewis, and yesterday we were predictably terrible. I can’t remember a corner having a worse game than Lewis had yesterday. OSU took advantage and simpLy abused him, and we had no answer.
4. Our tackling was the worse I’ve seen since the Florida St game. Bertrand in particular missed multiple tackles, and missed multiple opportunities for tackles for a loss.
5. Our defense was gassed, and their hurry up scheme killed our defensive linemen and our rotations.
6. Our OL play was outstanding in pass protection and pathetic in run blocking.

Coaching was a problem. Freeman was content to let his coordinators and staff do their thing, and never looked like he took control or ownership. The reality is we have been without a defensive coordinator since Freeman’s selection, and this hurt. Elston has shown to be a really good defensive line coach, but he looked lost as the acting defensive coordinator yesterday. We’ve also essentially been without an OL coach as well….and some would argue the same of our receivers coach. Freeman was severely hampered by not having his coaches in these key positions.

We knew that Freeman is a player’s coach and his style is to focus on the positives and to be a roll up the sleeves positive task master and voice of encouragement. His post game comments were consistent with this, but I don’t think anyone can seriously believe that he wouldn’t want some corner instead of Lewis. He wasn’t going to throw a Lewis under the bus, and we should appreciate this rather than believe he is clueless.

let’s face it. We don’t have all the pieces on defense to play his scheme. We knew this from game one. We played a top ten team that exploited these weaknesses. Let’s hold our judgement of Freeman until he has his coaches, his players, and a full season to put his imprint on the team.

Good points, all. Nice to read a sensible and analytical post.

Not having Hamilton at the back end of our secondary was huge, IMO. While he wouldn't have been able to cover entirely for Lewis' clear shortcomings, I'd like think he would have made things more difficult, and maybe made a few plays that would have turned the tide of the game. As I watched the game with my grandson, I kept telling him to look for who Lewis was covering, because that is where a pass was going. More often than not that was exactly what happened. It became painful to watch, especially when our D got gassed in the second half and was unable to generate any kind of effective pass rush.

To what you have posted, I would add that our lack of talent at the WR position was pretty noticeable to me. Styles had a nice game, and I am excited about what Lorenzo may offer us in years to come. Kevin Austin made a few nice plays, but we don't seem to have anyone at the receiver position (save for Mayer) that can win contested balls. How many times did Coan throw to Lenzy in the second half and come up empty? Too many for my liking. While Lenzy has speed, he doesn't seem to have natural ball catching skills, or the ability to get separation when he gets press coverage. I hope Freeman is able to recruit some play makers at the WR position. We are hurting there.
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I was writing a reply, but somehow it vanished !
I ‘ll try again , first take care of your health. My
computer is acting up, or the posting is not working too well. In any case, you are spot on
and your thoughts and analyze mirror mine exactly.
Great c u RG7. Happy New Year.
Almost all head coaches move up from Coordinator.
Hey Beach: What was your take on Freeman’s in-game adjustments? I really didn’t see any. Particularly leaving Lewis out there at DB getting torched. That was my biggest beef.
I didn't see them either but you have to remember at the end of the first half there really wasn't a drastic need. ND was still up by two scores. There wasn't a need for a game plan switch, maybe just some overage adjustments.

The only glaring thing was to get the run going, but it was stopped you throughly he my not have thought there wasn"t anything to do. Also, I don't know enough about ND team to judge what should have been done.

I didn't see anything in the game that I thought was a coaching error, other then going for it on fourth down at the end and many would disagree with me.

My only other thought is that I think most of the posters are really underestimating how good Okie State is.
I didn't see them either but you have to remember at the end of the first half there really wasn't a drastic need. ND was still up by two scores. There wasn't a need for a game plan switch, maybe just some overage adjustments.

The only glaring thing was to get the run going, but it was stopped you throughly he my not have thought there wasn"t anything to do. Also, I don't know enough about ND team to judge what should have been done.

I didn't see anything in the game that I thought was a coaching error, other then going for it on fourth down at the end and many would disagree with me.

My only other thought is that I think most of the posters are really underestimating how good Okie State is.
I also thought going for it was an error. All the eggs are in one basket. Punt it and go for the three and out with the 3 timeouts. Not a huge mistake IMO but I would have punted it.
I also thought going for it was an error. All the eggs are in one basket. Punt it and go for the three and out with the 3 timeouts. Not a huge mistake IMO but I would have punted it.
Judgement call but even if y0u make it you have a long way to go. Beeter to punt and try to hlold them IMO,
Lincoln Riley
Jimbo Fisher
Ryan Day
Dave Aranda

All made similar jumps just off the top of my head.
PaTy thinks a year or two being head coach at Toledo is needed, like the 1 total year as head coach of Toledo Saban had prior to getting his first power 5 head coaching job.
Stoops, Kirby
1- the excitement and expectations were too high and for me, a guy who loves this school at my advanced age with health concerns, it’s a signal that my investment is not matched by the expertise and knowledge of this new head coach, so I am going to try and take a leave of absence from this. I am not a quitter. It’s just the smart thing for me to do

2- I knew in the late second quarter that we were in trouble. It hurts to say this - Freeman is a terrible head coach. Maybe he will become very good. But he stinks - and the proof is his decisions on the field and what he said after the game

—- During the game he did nothing The lack of a mobile QB can never ever be allowed at ND again. Coan is limited. Always has been. Painful to watch him throw away passes when receivers were covered that could be QB runs. The OSU QB shredded us with runs. And yet. Freeman does not put Buchner in. Tyler and any QB recruit should seriously consider playing elsewhere. We do not get QB talent or develop it here

His defense and one cornerback were horrendous. Defense was the second reason we lost. Freeman was the first reason and Our corner was actually playing for OSU. Worst I’ve seen and that includes Gary gray

—. Post game Freeman said things only a first time head coach would say. It’s damn scary to hear him say he would take our corner any day. The kid was in a sixties tv show — lost in space .

then he says Buchner was an option but maybe Rees wanted to roll with Coan. Freeman, you are the head coach Make a decision and put the mobile kid in who played in games all year. Give Okla a new look. Try something after 3 n outs. Jeez

n, freeman is flat out a nightmare. I like the guy a ton and that’s why his inexperience is the impetuous for me to take a stress free sabbatical
I could talk for weeks about how bad he was today and there are better things for me to do for my health Freeman says we lost because we did not execute. No we lost because of freeman. Man up and say that

And never forget - Brian Kelly screwed us. Put us in this position. Our choice? Lose this years recruits and next years or hire Freeman. Maybe there is a special kind of hell for self centered egotistical morons

How bad was Freeman? I can’t believe I am saying this but even Brian Kelly would never lose this game. Buchner would have been in in Q3 early.

Athletic Directors, such as Kevin white, Wadsworth and Swrabrick are an inept bunch Yet I can’t fault Jack. We were put in a pickle. I do think Freeman was the right hire at the time. He needs to grow a pair and become The Head Coach. Make decisions. Manage the game. What he does next will impact us all.

One more thing. I am disgusted with reporters who do not ask or follow up on questions It happens here in sports and it happens in politics. When someone like freeman says stupid shit, call them on it. “I’ll work harder.” Well you are gonna get the same result. Try smarter. “I’ll take my corner anyday”. The kid was burnt more than David Koresh at Waco, Texas. Say you need to teach coverage better. Say we like the effort but we need to coach better

if I am O’Leary or Mickens I would be in confession right now.

Based on his game performance and post game comments, I have zero confidence he can find his way
Wow are troubled.
You're the moron for using one game to judge a HC. That's as moronic as it gets. You do know that he was hired less than a month ago?
It wouldn’t matter if he was hired a year ago, you have no idea as to what it takes and how long it takes to transition from a co-ordinator to a head coach.

How many times will ND make the same mistake.
It wouldn’t matter if he was hired a year ago, you have no idea as to what it takes and how long it takes to transition from a co-ordinator to a head coach.

How many times will ND make the same mistake.
Greatest head coach at ND had zero head coaching experience.

Dabo wasn't even a coordinator, he was a WR coach, struggled a couple of seasons, but recruited extremely well and ended up winning 2 championships.

Can go on and on with others.
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It isn't fair to say Kelly screwed you. With early siging coaches are put in an impossible situation. They can leave during the season abandoning the team, leave immedialtey follwoing the manin season (like Kelly, Riley, Cristobal, etc.) or leave after early sigining screwing all therecruits. The Febraury siging period gave time for coaching changes with plenty of time for the recruits to react.

No. No. No. beach don’t you dare come on here and say “t isn't fair to say Kelly screwed you. With early siging coaches are put in an impossible situation. They…”

kelly is a low life ego accent faking knife in the back loser. Don’t give me that garbage about money and todays game etc because we all know that

no one faults Kelly for the money grab. How he left is the issue and the proof that he tried to screw us. No stand up coach walks into Tobias Merriweather home and takes a fifteen minute call from LSU and tell the living room all is good. Then within minutes after he leaves the tv in that living room announces Kelly is leaving. At the same time, one of our coaches is in another living room and this happens to him. None of our coaches were warned. None of our recruits or players were given straight truth.
It’s wrong. It’s inexcusable. And there is always a right way to do things. And Kelly screwed us and we had to clean up his mess

Beach, I value you as a poster here. But don’t ever talk against the family again, Fredo.
Over the last 10 years, Kelly‘s resume distribution has been a big part of the U.S Postal Service deliveries
I didn't see them either but you have to remember at the end of the first half there really wasn't a drastic need. ND was still up by two scores. There wasn't a need for a game plan switch, maybe just some overage adjustments.

The only glaring thing was to get the run going, but it was stopped you throughly he my not have thought there wasn"t anything to do. Also, I don't know enough about ND team to judge what should have been done.

I didn't see anything in the game that I thought was a coaching error, other then going for it on fourth down at the end and many would disagree with me.

My only other thought is that I think most of the posters are really underestimating how good Okie State is.

Another excellent post again by Beach.

I also don't think it was coaching. The offense tried to establish the running game but just couldn't, the entire game. The offense tried to adjust to OSU adjusting to short pass, but Coan couldn't.

I'm no expert but again say the defense was simply exposed in the 2nd half to OSU adjusting. All in all, OSU was the better team and, on this day, had the better players. The margin of difference seemed to be the ND players who were out, especially Williams and Hamilton.
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Another excellent post again by Beach.

I also don't think it was coaching. The offense tried to establish the running game but just couldn't, the entire game. The offense tried to adjust to OSU adjusting to short pass, but Coan couldn't.

I'm no expert but again say the defense was simply exposed in the 2nd half to OSU adjusting. All in all, OSU was the better team and, on this day, had the better players. The margin of difference seemed to be the ND players who were out, especially Williams and Hamilton.

To quote Boris Johnson, upon meeting Biden’s clone, “who the hell are you?” That was a very candid and objective post.
I didn't see them either but you have to remember at the end of the first half there really wasn't a drastic need. ND was still up by two scores. There wasn't a need for a game plan switch, maybe just some overage adjustments.

The only glaring thing was to get the run going, but it was stopped you throughly he my not have thought there wasn"t anything to do. Also, I don't know enough about ND team to judge what should have been done.

I didn't see anything in the game that I thought was a coaching error, other then going for it on fourth down at the end and many would disagree with me.

My only other thought is that I think most of the posters are really underestimating how good Okie State is.
How about failing to try to score at the end of the first half ?

I’m not a fan of TB replacing JC, but didn’t anyone look at game film of OSU to see if there was a role for TB to play.

if Freeman is a defensive guru, why did the defensive game plan collapse ?

And where were the adjustments?