Mike Gundy


All Star
Jan 17, 2018
crazy press conference about not suspending RB Gordon after dui. Said Gordon was just unlucky and probably had 3-4 beers. Gundy said he’s done that 1000 times and was fine driving . Geez
crazy press conference about not suspending RB Gordon after dui. Said Gordon was just unlucky and probably had 3-4 beers. Gundy said he’s done that 1000 times and was fine driving . Geez
If Marcus Freeman said the same in a Press Conference, he would be fired within 24 hours.

It's Oklahoma State.
I didn’t see the press conference, but I can see his point. There’s a lot that can determine how much 3-4 beers affects you.

How fast did you consume them?
How long has it been since you did?
How much you’ve eaten recently?
Are you dehydrated?

If I’m being honest, I’ve done this multiple times and had no problems. Only got pulled over once (for a blown headlight). Officer did the field sobriety test and breathalyzer. I blew a .02. Officer shook my hand and said have a good night. There’s a reason the limit is .08 and not .00

We’ve got to stop condemning people for every single little thing they say or do. We certainly wouldn’t like it if it was happening to us.
I like Gundy but the kid blew a .1, had an open container, and was swerving. Times change and that is not viewed the way it used to be. Plus if I am at a restaurant and feel I might be approaching the limit, I sure as hell won't bring an open container and drive recklessly. Bad read by Gundy. He is 40 and should know better.
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I didn’t see the press conference, but I can see his point. There’s a lot that can determine how much 3-4 beers affects you.

How fast did you consume them?
How long has it been since you did?
How much you’ve eaten recently?
Are you dehydrated?

If I’m being honest, I’ve done this multiple times and had no problems. Only got pulled over once (for a blown headlight). Officer did the field sobriety test and breathalyzer. I blew a .02. Officer shook my hand and said have a good night. There’s a reason the limit is .08 and not .00

We’ve got to stop condemning people for every single little thing they say or do. We certainly wouldn’t like it if it was happening to us.
The player registered
a .10.

Your comments are asinine.
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I didn’t see the press conference, but I can see his point. There’s a lot that can determine how much 3-4 beers affects you.

How fast did you consume them?
How long has it been since you did?
How much you’ve eaten recently?
Are you dehydrated?

If I’m being honest, I’ve done this multiple times and had no problems. Only got pulled over once (for a blown headlight). Officer did the field sobriety test and breathalyzer. I blew a .02. Officer shook my hand and said have a good night. There’s a reason the limit is .08 and not .00

We’ve got to stop condemning people for every single little thing they say or do. We certainly wouldn’t like it if it was happening to us.
So if you are a little gassed and kill a guy in an accident its ok then right?
various situations exist where only a couple beers can cause this and studies have proven it
NOT to mention people have different tolerances to alcohol which I am sure you were careful not to admit in your defense of drinking and driving
any tolerance to drinking and driving is obscene
and just encourages it
would you defend child abuse?
Like you do drunk driving?
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Here we go. A post full of people who’ve never done anything wrong in their lives throwing judgment at anyone and everyone. Jesus should just take you straight to heaven today 😂. How so many perfect souls made their way to a tiny free message board is truly remarkable.
any tolerance to drinking and driving is obscene
and just encourages it
would you defend child abuse?
Like you do drunk driving?

Oh yeah. I definitely condone all those things because I had a few drinks before driving one night. Do you honestly think this way in real life?
Everything so black and white and only in the extremes. 😂
crazy press conference about not suspending RB Gordon after dui. Said Gordon was just unlucky and probably had 3-4 beers. Gundy said he’s done that 1000 times and was fine driving . Geez
That's classic Gundy. It sounds like he was overstating the case, and this dude probably shouldn't have been driving. But I'm with him. Our drunk driving laws are excessive. It would take way more booze in most people to make them a menace on the road than what makes you qualify as legally drunk. That's funny as shit though, three to four beers, he doesn't even mince words. And he's done it 'thousands of times'. Awesome.....
crazy press conference about not suspending RB Gordon after dui. Said Gordon was just unlucky and probably had 3-4 beers. Gundy said he’s done that 1000 times and was fine driving . Geez
I went back and watched that press conference again.

For a person is his position of authority, patently embarrassing.

But again. We’re talking Oklahoma State leadership.
Here we go. A post full of people who’ve never done anything wrong in their lives throwing judgment at anyone and everyone. Jesus should just take you straight to heaven today 😂. How so many perfect souls made their way to a tiny free message board is truly remarkable.
With ride sharing apps, there is zero excuse for drinking and driving today.
With ride sharing apps, there is zero excuse for drinking and driving today.

i blew a .02. I think I was more than fine based on the law. Get a grip. Never been to a family reunion, a picnic, office party, hanging out with friends? Life must suck for you guys. I know when I’ve had too much and I know when I haven’t
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With all sincerity, **** off. Ever been to a company function? Family reunion? Party of any sort? Hanging out with friends? 3-4 beers depending on the situation doesn’t require ride sharing. If I know I’m perfectly fine, I’m not paying someone to drive me home. It’s not like i shotgunned those 3-4 beers and said I’m out of here immediately afterwards. That’d be different
You're really cool.

Please post more often.
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Great start. Thank You.

You add a lot to this site.

It's appreciated.

Great. Good to know. You add nothing to this site. Just so you know. The next piece of useful information you add, will be your first. Here’s looking forward to your first post that actually adds value to the board. I’m not holding my breath though

don’t you coach HS girls soccer irl? lol. Stick to that.
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i blew a .02. I think I was more than fine based on the law. Get a grip. Never been to a family reunion, a picnic, office party, hanging out with friends? Life must suck for you guys. I know when I’ve had too much and I know when I haven’t
We aren't talking about you numb nuts. He blew over the limit. You are a douche. I'm an extremely casual drinker. I rarely drink, and when I do, I may have one. I don't need to worry about myself, but it appears from your posts you may have a slight problem condoning someone drinking, who is over the limit and drives. I suggest you get help.
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We aren't talking about you numb nuts. He blew over the limit. You are a douche. I'm an extremely casual drinker. I rarely drink, and when I do, I may have one. I don't need to worry about myself, but it appears from your posts you may have a slight problem condoning someone drinking, who is over the limit and drives. I suggest you get help.
How was he " condoning " it ? Sometimes the comprehension on this board by certain posters is mind numbing. I would love an honest show of hands from those here who have NEVER driven after consuming alcohol. I've done it. I've also not driven when I knew I had too many. Guessing the rhetoric here would be quite different if it was a ND player and Freeman would have made those comments.
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We aren't talking about you numb nuts. He blew over the limit. You are a douche. I'm an extremely casual drinker. I rarely drink, and when I do, I may have one. I don't need to worry about myself, but it appears from your posts you may have a slight problem condoning someone drinking, who is over the limit and drives. I suggest you get help.

If you’re not talking to me, then don’t quote me dip shit.

I don’t condone rape, pedophilia, murder, necrophilia, incest, torture, or DRUNK DRIVING. Just so im being clearer for the slow ones. I’m simply stating 3-4 beers over a few hours span isn’t that big of a deal.
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How was he " condoning " it ? Sometimes the comprehension on this board by certain posters is mind numbing. I would love an honest show of hands from those here who have NEVER driven after consuming alcohol. I've done it. I've also not driven when I knew I had too many. Guessing the rhetoric here would be quite different if it was a ND player and Freeman would have made those comments.

For the love of all things, Thank you. I was beginning to think everyone on this site had 4th grade comprehension abilities.
We aren't talking about you numb nuts. He blew over the limit. You are a douche. I'm an extremely casual drinker. I rarely drink, and when I do, I may have one. I don't need to worry about myself, but it appears from your posts you may have a slight problem condoning someone drinking, who is over the limit and drives. I suggest you get help.
For the love of all things, Thank you. I was beginning to think everyone on this site had 4th grade comprehension abilities.
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If you’re not talking to me, then don’t quote me dip shit.

I don’t condone rape, pedophilia, murder, necrophilia, incest, torture, or DRUNK DRIVING. Just so im being clearer for the slow ones. I’m simply stating 3-4 beers over a few hours span isn’t that big of a deal.
If it puts you over the limit to drive, it is a big deal. You seem to be slow on the uptick or you can't comprehend the situation.
crazy press conference about not suspending RB Gordon after dui. Said Gordon was just unlucky and probably had 3-4 beers. Gundy said he’s done that 1000 times and was fine driving . Geez
He is a complete ass. The law is don’t drink and drive. Period. It’s not based on alcohol level. If you have a drink and drive and kill someone, it doesn’t matter what your number is - you are toast. Grundy should be toast. But it’s a fan base of country drinkers
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He is a complete ass. The law is don’t drink and drive. Period. It’s not based on alcohol level. If you have a drink and drive and kill someone, it doesn’t matter what your number is - you are toast. Grundy should be toast. But it’s a fan base of country drinkers
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I didn’t see the press conference, but I can see his point. There’s a lot that can determine how much 3-4 beers affects you.

How fast did you consume them?
How long has it been since you did?
How much you’ve eaten recently?
Are you dehydrated?

If I’m being honest, I’ve done this multiple times and had no problems. Only got pulled over once (for a blown headlight). Officer did the field sobriety test and breathalyzer. I blew a .02. Officer shook my hand and said have a good night. There’s a reason the limit is .08 and not .00

We’ve got to stop condemning people for every single little thing they say or do. We certainly wouldn’t like it if it was happening to us.
Yeah until you kill somebody, it only takes once YSAMTFM.
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I love gundy. Great coach. Probably not the wisest thing to say about the subject at a press conference though.
I know, definitely not. That's what makes him Mike Gundy though. You can laugh at him AND laugh with him. But I guess he's earned it. He really has turned OK st. into a perennial top twenty or better program. And they're going to be hot to trot to make the playoff and get that 1st round bye. His greatest success could be lying right before him...