First off no one is criticizing Golson. The comment that Golson is no Winston refers strictly to the fact that Golson is a smaller but more mobile QB than Winston and his skills don't translate into the pure pocket presence that Winston commanded. It's the opinion of many in the Nole Nation that Jimbo needs to move the pocket for Golson to increase the passing lanes and better utilize the OL which is young and learning. Quickly I might add.Tell me where I didn't evaluate fairly again? You two brought up the unfair evaluation, not me.
First off no one is criticizing Golson. The comment that Golson is no Winston refers strictly to the fact that Golson is a smaller but more mobile QB than Winston and his skills don't translate into the pure pocket presence that Winston commanded. It's the opinion of many in the Nole Nation that Jimbo needs to move the pocket for Golson to increase the passing lanes and better utilize the OL which is young and learning. Quickly I might add.
That said ... Golson made some incredible passes from the pocket Sat night. I would say our QB guru knows what he is doing and it's kind of foolish to second guess him based on his history as either a head coach or QB developer.
Jimbo hasn't opened up the playbook to Golson yet. But he hasn't needed to. While FSU isn't the offensive powerhouse they were the past two years it isn't all on Golson. Four new starters on the OL, young and inconsistent receivers, RB injuries, etc. I'm sure you can identify with has had more impact on the offensive production than Golson's learning curve.
I will say this .... Golson is completing 67 percent of his passes (76 against Miami) with no fumbles or INT's. Not too shabby. Making relatively few errors considering he's had to learn new terminology, a new playbook and get on the same page as his receivers and RB's in a short period of time. More importantly ..... he's 5-0.
Fair enough. If FSU loses the next 5 of 6 I agree you are on to something. If they lose 3 of the next 6 and it's because of turnovers and not defensive breakdowns I will agree too."Golson has looked very average so far. He seems very uncomfortable in the pocket. I've wondered if he can even see over the line."
"Golson does not look comfortable as a pocket passer. He's no Winston. IMHO Jimbo needs to move the pocket to give Golson more vision and time"
No, you're right nole, those aren't criticisms of Golson. One thing is certain, either he, all of the sudden, learned how to throw from the pocket against Miami & grew a few inches so he could see over the line, or your analysis was wrong, one or the other. Ftr, Golson was dead to me as soon as he decided to leave ND, but I can still be objective about his play. When he's not turning the ball over, he's an excellent qb. Unfortunately, the last half of the season last year, he turned it over ad nauseam. If he stays turnover-free, FSU has a good shot to run the table, considering their schedule. If he starts turning it over even half as much as he did at ND, I don't see FSU winning out. They are not the same FSU team of the past few years, imho.
True about Golson. However, one could make a highlights film out of the Houdini moves that Winston demonstrated in 2013 that resulted in a TD. Quite impressive for 6'4", 235 lb QB with a slower 4.9 40.One thing that can be said for Golson, he exhibits an escape ability that probably hasn't been seen at FSU since the days of Charlie Ward. Natural ability there no doubt, but also safe to say that Everett received quality position coaching during his time in South Bend.
For example, the play below when FSU played BC ... if this had been Winston, well, count 2 points for the Golden Eagles ...
Really strange response. The seeing over the line thing was a joke. I am well aware of Golson's experience. I had watched him play many times before he came to FSU. The Miami game was the first time this season that he didn't have any deer in headlights moments. FSU's offense is far different than ND's. It took him some time to adjust. That isn't a knock on him. It is just reality."Things are slowing down for him"? You do know that Golson has played a lot of college football games, right? He QB'd ND to a title game as a redshirt frosh & started a bunch of games after that & was a frontrunner for the Heisman more than halfway thru the season last year. If Jimbo can't translate his offense to someone that's had a boatload of experience during summer & fall camp, then maybe he isn't the QB guru you think he is. & to suggest that he can't see over the line as a reason for ineffectiveness is a stretch. While it's obviously a good thing to have height as a QB, it's not as though the taller QBs can actually see over their olineman. QBs look through passing lanes, not over top of their olineman. It's an uninformed criticism. Now if he's getting balls batted down at the LOS over & over, then height might be a problem, but even the tallest QBs get balls batted at the LOS. Does it happen more often to shorter QBs, maybe so, but to pin a QBs effectiveness or ineffectiveness because he can't see over the line is not altogether a sound argument. It sounded more like you two were trying to prove that Golson "is no Winston". Keep in mind that your beloved QB played on a much better offense (& overall team) than Golson has. Way better WRs, way better o-line, way better defense. I'm not contending that Golson is better or even as good as the a-hole that you FSU fans constantly defend, but evaluate fairly is all I'm saying.
Please put us out of our misery and kill yourself.The only thing Winston ever escaped from where the criminal charges for rape and robbery the FSU administration and the TPD helped him with. The Civil Courts will rectify that as Winston and FSU will pat through the nose and Winston will be always infamously known as the rapist who was drafted before future Hall of Famer Marcus Mariota.
Only in your demented mind.The only thing Winston ever escaped from where the criminal charges for rape and robbery the FSU administration and the TPD helped him with. The Civil Courts will rectify that as Winston and FSU will pat through the nose and Winston will be always infamously known as the rapist who was drafted before future Hall of Famer Marcus Mariota.
Please .... take an aspirin and call me in the morning. I live at home and don't wear a jacket with straps in the back. Plus there's little I post that can't be backed up with facts. That alone separates any delusional comparison you could possibly make. To think otherwise would make you delusional.I figured he would be known for his Heisman before his scholarship but then again you are just as dulusional as him.
You should keep trying to correct him that will work out really well for you.
The only thing Winston ever escaped from where the criminal charges for rape and robbery the FSU administration and the TPD helped him with. The Civil Courts will rectify that as Winston and FSU will pat through the nose and Winston will be always infamously known as the rapist who was drafted before future Hall of Famer Marcus Mariota.
My guess is that if nole stopped responding we wouldn't see so many insane lie filled posts.
Don't know about any Guinness world records but be assured Argus has set many Rivals records with his 22+ banned usernames over the past 8-9 years. Want the ultimate insult? Call any troll poster an Argus clone. That needs no further explanation. Everyone gets it. ....... except Argus. Not exactly the brightest bulb in the lamp.Maybe if no1e targeted the posters, outside of epic's known aliases, that agree with the lies that would be worth a try..... For instance, I haven't noticed any people agreeing with argus' preposterous lie that no1e called kelly a murderer. However, if some "outsider" did no1e could set that person straight. Right now nothing is going to change argus' insanity. Seriously, who uses multiple handles to agree with himself and forgets who he is during the process.... Arguing with that kind of lunacy is a no win situation. Until something changes it's a vortex..... I am sure there is a Guiness world record somewhere in there....