March Madness

Originally posted by ndhell:
Baylor goes down. How are the brackets doing yall?
What a shot by RJ Hunter! It made his father fall our of his chair!
I had ISU in FF. Texas schools damn near went 0-4. If Lafayette knocks off Nova my bracket will have caught up
Texas DID go 0 for 4, as SMU somehow lost after a 19-0 run in second half
Thank God at the last minute I picked Duke over ISU in final 8 and Zona over Baylor in the Sweet 16 or I'd be a lot worse off. I also had Gonzaga over ISU at one point and pulled it. Regret that now. Not a good year to be a #3 seed. So far two have gone down and ND almost made it a trifecta! SMU just lost to shitty UCLA so basically my bottom part in the South is all over. Fortunately we get points per round in my work pool so if Gonzaga wins 2 games I get some points there though.
I don't know if anybody can complain about our irish only winning by 4 pts after two top 3 seeded teams got beat today
My brackets are pretty much shot. Was at the ND game and it was almost too bad to watch. After that inbound pass and turnover the panic set in and I thought for sure they were losing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ssavon66:
My brackets are pretty much shot. Was at the ND game and it was almost too bad to watch. After that inbound pass and turnover the panic set in and I thought for sure they were losing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Did you eat a hot dog?