Liberals, Please Enlighten Me

...or you're not "pimping your resume" because there is nothing to pimp. By the way, you've mentioned the fact that I've been published many more times than I have so...thanks for that.

Please cite your own citation
I want to read it
...or you're not "pimping your resume" because there is nothing to pimp. By the way, you've mentioned the fact that I've been published many more times than I have so...thanks for that.
And you know You must have ESP. So not only are you published, now you're clairvoyant. Certainly a must add to your LinkedIn profile lol!

BTW, you never did clarify what a embryo was. You're 'ducking" my questions as usual. That's a real shocker lol.
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There are a couple of things I just cannot possibly comprehend and I’ve wondered for years. Explain to me how you can you possibly support:

1. Partial-birth/post birth abortion

2. How someone can “choose” their gender

The first I find absolutely horrendous. Genocide is the word that comes to mind. The backing of such a thing has me more perplexed than any of life’s mysteries.

The second I find violates everything that is understood about biology, science and basic common sense.

Enlighten me.

I genuinely wonder how you support such things. I’m not looking for a fight, just simply an answer.

3 guesses: what is wrong with the title of your thread?

assuming you are not a rock.
Not a liberal, but I can answer your second question the way many of them do (through parsing the term). It is the leftist belief (not a liberal belief), that gender is a societal construct and, therefore, the term is malleable and it's definition is fluid. Sex on the other hand, "they" tend to see as being much more biologically concrete and, therefore, immutable.

Therefore, "they" think that you can be biologically male, for example, from the position of Sex, but you can have whichever gender's characteristics you'd like, to go along with it.

To my understanding, that's how the vast majority of trans people see it. Sex by birth, gender according to how you see yourself in the world.
I that was considered being deranged?
Yeah...and its high time we start doing something about that, not to mention all of the other people that die from famine, disease, etc. Talk about genocide! Think how many other people He would have killed but for the miracle of modern science.

I, for one, am going to take a stand and refuse to fund any of His institutions until he stops this genocide and makes reperations! Who's with me on this?

...."the miracle of modern the grace of God
I that was considered being deranged?

I think there is an exceptionally high level of poor mental health in that community. Gender dysphoria is in fact a diagnosable condition. There also seems to be a new approach to victimhood in our society. By the "rules" of said approach, it is both appropriate and encouraged to claim victimhood on the backs of other people's strife. Claiming offense for action directed towards another person you "identify" with, creates the mob mentally and the echo chamber that leads to the idea that everyone that is not "them" is a bigot. Either directly, or through association.
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I think there is an exceptionally high level of poor mental health in that community. Gender dysphoria is in fact a diagnosable condition. There also seems to be a new approach to victimhood in our society. By the "rules" of said approach, it is both appropriate and encouraged to claim victimhood on the backs of other people's strife. Claiming offense for action directed towards another person you "identify" with, creates the mob mentally and the echo chamber that leads to the idea that everyone that is not "them" is a bigot. Either directly, or through association.
I am in no means making lite of someone with a mental health issue. I have for sure been blessed but im not going to lie to myself either just not to hurt anyone's feelings
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