Jeff Brohm to Louisville

He always should have gone there in the first place. I don't know why he even went to Purdue. Because I believe he had the opportunity to take the Louisville job in the past and didn't, so's he could stay at or go to Purdue. Where he's done okay, fairly well, and nothing more. Good coaches, or winning coaches, go 9-3 and 10-2 at Purdue, not 7-5.....

So I guess he's finally realized he doesn't have what it takes to win in the Big Ten, short of being at Penn St or Michigan. So it's back to the safe embrace of the old alma mater.....
Reports are Brohm leaving Purdue for Louisville. Wow
Parallel move. You could argue Purdue is a better job. Louisville will always be an also ran in the South. Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Auburn, Clemson, Florida State, Tennessee, Miami, Kentucky, South Carolina....all competing for the same recruits.
Parallel move. You could argue Purdue is a better job. Louisville will always be an also ran in the South. Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Auburn, Clemson, Florida State, Tennessee, Miami, Kentucky, South Carolina....all competing for the same recruits.
And Ohio State and Cinci.
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And North Carolina, North Carolina State, Mississippi, Mississippi State, goes on and on and on.
No Regionally Cinci and Ohio State are in the same backyard. You could say Purdue and Indiana too I guess.
Louisville is kinda in a tough spot geography wise
Parallel move. You could argue Purdue is a better job. Louisville will always be an also ran in the South. Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Auburn, Clemson, Florida State, Tennessee, Miami, Kentucky, South Carolina....all competing for the same recruits.
UL can be #1 in their state for football.
It seems like a slight downgrade. But maybe he wants to finally return to his alma mater. And he'd probably have a better chance of winning the conference there, too.
Louisville has more upside than Purdue.

Especially now. Acc is average. Big getting stronger with Sc and ucla
It was a very strange addition to the ACC. The school does not resemble anyone else in the conference.
Parallel move. You could argue Purdue is a better job. Louisville will always be an also ran in the South. Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Auburn, Clemson, Florida State, Tennessee, Miami, Kentucky, South Carolina....all competing for the same recruits.
Heisman trophy winner came from there and is now an NFL superstar.
I have no hesitation in saying UL would be the better job.

Purdue has more stringent academic requirements, they are in a talent deprived state with ND and Indiana. Purdue is not a national recruiter, I think UL has more access to talent than Purdue.
oh the sun shines bright. Guys going home,good for him. He’s a great coach
It’s tough to know what’s in a persons head. Our HS FB team made it to back to back state semifinals game two straight years and last year the coach left to go to a much larger school going through troubles on the field

This year our school made it to the state finals with their long time DC that had taken over the departed HC, we lost but a hell of a run. Former coach went up to an olentangy HS, and got bounced after the first round.
Louisville has more upside than Purdue.

Especially now. Acc is average. Big getting stronger with Sc and ucla


Brohm had taken Purdue as far as it was going to go.

Ville in an easier league with better facilities and will pay more money.

The Brohm name is big in Louisville.

Nothing to think about----a no brainer.
M tf
oh the sun shines bright. Guys going home,good for him. He’s a great coach
That's the beauty of coaching at Purdue. 36-34 career record playing in the soft as Charmin Big Ten West, and you are considered a "great..." head coach.