Jack, it is time to change your mind on Kelly

ND is a mentally fragile team. When a mistake happens, everyone else starts looking to someone else to Make a play, instead of being the guy to step up and make a play. Kizer is the exception, because when everyone else is looking to someone else, he's often trying to do too much.

I think it's also that they're just not well-coached. They have poor execution sometimes, and make too many dumb mistakes. Take yesterday's game. Twice we muff punts and lose the ball, one leading to a Miami touchdown. Then at the end, Smythe tries to extend for a touchdown (when he didn't need to) and fumbles. He got bailed out there by Kizer, but it was a dumb play. He had already gotten the first down and the clock was our friend at that point. Just going down on the 1 yard line and securing the ball would've been fine. But he unnecessarily tried to reach for the goal line and lost the ball.
IF BK lost the team, there is no way they come back and win vs Miami. It's wishful thinking to try and prove a point for those who want BK and probably Jack gone, but it doesn't wash with the ND football media who actually attend practices. I'll go with what I witnessed against Miami and what the Irish media says over anyone on a message board.
IF BK lost the team, there is no way they come back and win vs Miami. It's wishful thinking to try and prove a point for those who want BK and probably Jack gone, but it doesn't wash with the ND football media who actually attend practices. I'll go with what I witnessed against Miami and what the Irish media says over anyone on a message board.

I don't think he's lost the team. They still play hard. The problems are more with gameplan and execution IMO. But I still see a team that's playing hard. They want to make a bowl game.
You should have seen the players smiling and jumping after the game. It was like they just beat Bama and that was worth a million dollars in my mind. They are working hard, attending class, and not trying to lose. It all paid off yesterday. I'm proud of them.
I support Notre Dame football and the football players. If it has "nothing to do with the wins and losses," what is it about? I could give a crap about your personal dislike for the football coach. If you haven't guessed by now, your opinion doesn't matter.
his opinion on a free message board matters as much as every other freeloader here...including you and me.
his opinion on a free message board matters as much as every other freeloader here...including you and me.

Oh, cry me a river. The guy pretends to be an ND fan,. He has has never said a single positive thing about ND. And I don't mean just this year. In every post of his that I have ever read, he has slammed the ND administration, the athletic department, the coach, the coaching staff or the players. His shtick grew old a log time ago.
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Kelly has not lost this team. This team is very young on defense and has got a lot to learn. A win like yesterday just might be the kick start they needed to finish off the season right.
Oh, cry me a river. The guy pretends to be an ND fan,. He has has never said a single positive thing about ND. And I don't mean just this year. In every post of his that I have ever read, he has slammed the ND administration, the athletic department, the coach, the coaching staff or the players. His shtick grew old a log time ago.

Obviously you don't read them all or should I say have had someone read them to you - Mr. St. Mary boy. Last year I said on many occasions that the team looked the most prepared in many previous seasons. Everyone actually lined up at their positions. No 12 men on the fields. Impressive compared to his previous years. But, you now have a 7 year palate of work. I happen to be an staunch supporter of what Swarbrick and the AD has accomplished. It is very commendable. I accept Brey as a basketball HC because of the universe he continually works in. What he has accomplished, within a corrupt and social media dominated sport, is remarkable and very commendable. Coach 8 & 4* is very different. His approach, temper, comportment and tenor and tone of his voice demonstrates his dismal record as an over matched Peter Principal graduate. (Did you notice how he controlled his sideline behavior this past game - ya think someone didn't talk to him) He is what he is. The record and the play / work product of his 7 years demonstrates that, each and every Saturday.

If you wish to alibi, excuse and just look by the obvious - fine, don't burden myself or the 10's of thousands of other faithful graduates and followers who have to accept and excuse this each week and who demand to voice our disapproval. You wish to carry his water, good for you, many of us see reality the way it is and say enough. This is not about how happy a few players were after the game. I recall the last game, 2 weeks ago, as the offensive line trying to leave the field, porky chased them yelling and screaming, without an assistant coach in view, they collectively turned their backs and walked away. Normally you would expect one or two to turn, not this time, not at all. They had had enough. As we have. Enough of this mediocrity. Enough with the alibis and enough with the pandering. You want to accept failure, disappointment and a relegation to a subordinate position as a sport leader - good for you. I'm happy for you. Just don't muddy my foot steps. By the way, tell that to Rockne and all those who have followed - see how far you get.

* "Coach 3 & 9" T-shirts coming next fall
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So, that's what this is all about? Prove who is right and who is wrong. The more losing, the more "anti-Kelly" crowd bask in their genius. Let me set the events of yesterday straight. As expected, ND fans sold their tickets by the bunch to Miami fans. No surprise there. Don't anyone ever complain about the lack of atmosphere at the stadium. I sit in the NW corner next to the student section. The young people were loud as heck, then many left at halftime. Those remaining were loud as heck and spirited. God bless them all. After the game, the players came to our little corner to sing with the students and you would have thought the players won the NC. Huge smiles. Fists pumping in the air. Hugging each other. The remaining students cheering them on, including us old guys. Yoon jumps into the student section. I got the chance to pat him on the back and congratulate him. The Irish fans outside were happy human beings. One win in an important game will do that. We all know there are still problems but we were a happy bunch. The ND post game show said there was so much hoopla and hollerin' coming out of the ND locker room, you could hear it in another room where Richt was holding his post game. That's what this is all about Charlie Brown. That's the real meaning of college football. It's not about the message board. It's about the players and the students IMHO. The problems can be and will be addressed. We all know about them. Let's just enjoy this win over Miami.

Great post.
Obviously you don't read them all or should I say have had someone read them to you - Mr. St. Mary boy. Last year I said on many occasions that the team looked the most prepared in many previous seasons. Everyone actually lined up at their positions. No 12 men on the fields. Impressive compared to his previous years. But, you now have a 7 year palate of work. I happen to be an staunch supporter of what Swarbrick and the AD has accomplished. It is very commendable. I accept Brey as a basketball HC because of the universe he continually works in. What he has accomplished, within a corrupt and social media dominated sport, is remarkable and very commendable. Coach 8 & 4* is very different. His approach, temper, comportment and tenor and tone of his voice demonstrates his dismal record as an over matched Peter Principal graduate. (Did you notice how he controlled his sideline behavior this past game - ya think someone didn't talk to him) He is what he is. The record and the play / work product of his 7 years demonstrates that, each and every Saturday.

If you wish to alibi, excuse and just look by the obvious - fine, don't burden myself or the 10's of thousands of other faithful graduates and followers who have to accept and excuse this each week and who demand to voice our disapproval. You wish to carry his water, good for you, many of us see reality the way it is and say enough. This is not about how happy a few players were after the game. I recall the last game, 2 weeks ago, as the offensive line trying to leave the field, porky chased them yelling and screaming, without an assistant coach in view, they collectively turned their backs and walked away. Normally you would expect one or two to turn, not this time, not at all. They had had enough. As we have. Enough of this mediocrity. Enough with the alibis and enough with the pandering. You want to except failure, disappointment and a relegation to a subordinate position as a sport leader - good for you. I'm happy for you. Just don't muddy my foot steps. By the way, tell that to Rockne and all those who have followed - see how far you get.

* "Coach 3 & 9" T-shirts coming next fall

Bravo. You said something positive about ND.

3-5 and these guys are back on statue duty? pointless to debate them; because

nothing they say, nothing they do will alter the fact that Kelly is a mediocre head coach and if Swarbrick aligns himself with Kelly as Kelly did BVG then then the outcome for ND will signal the end of national football relevance. ND will not recover. This may not be fact today, not tomorrow, but it moves closer to fact each and every passing day/game.

Nothing I say nor nothing these bogus BK supporters can do or say can alter that outcome.
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3-5 and these guys are back on statue duty? pointless to debate them; because

nothing they say, nothing they do will alter the fact that Kelly is a mediocre head coach and if Swarbrick aligns himself with Kelly as Kelly did BVG then then the outcome for ND will signal the end of national football relevance. ND will not recover. This may not be fact today, not tomorrow, but it moves closer to fact each and every passing day/game.

Nothing I say nor nothing these bogus BK supporters can do or say can alter that outcome.
Perse, you're becoming a drama queen like Howard Hall 74.