Impact if all players are dismissed for good


Posts Like A Champion
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2015
Im guessing Sebastian or Drue moves into starting spot. Coney was an unknown so who knows the extent of that loss. So really just a depth issue. Max has been a very average player and maybe ND is better off without him.

I don't want to act like this doesn't suck, but I hope they make a definitive decision. Recruiting is going great right now. This may have just opened up some spots for kids who want to be students and athletes at ND.
Studstill will likely start because he seems more promising in coverage. It is hard to tell how big of a loss max is due to the fact that he has never been a consistent starter. He played well in big games, but either never grasped the system or never applied himself enough. Stepherson and coney would have made it on the field, and were the next man in at their position. White and Butler would have helped with corner depth but would not have played very much. Dexter Williams also would have played and seemed promising. Defensive backs are very thin.
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I think it's a big loss. Stepherson and Williams both looked good in the Spring Game. Coney could have the light come on at any moment and is very athletic. I don't really care about the upperclassmen. They ought to be ashamed of themselves and volunteer to pack their own bags and relieve Student Life of even having to decide what to do with them. Shame on them!
I believe all but one or two will be gone from the team. Studstill should step in for Redfield (addition by subtraction, IMO) and the rest will be loss of depth. ND is 'red-hot' right now on the recruiting front so let them fill the spots with RKGs.
You no matter how you slice it, the loss is big. For me I would send them packing. They not only got themselves in trouble , they let their team down. There is absolutely no excuse. Boys will be boys simply doesn't cut it. They know what's on the line. They didn't care and figured nothing would happen. Well guess what? Something did. They got caught doing the wrong thing. Now it's time to pay the price. I hope the school gets the facts quickly and then cut ties with all of them. No need to play the stupid " appeal" game. The sooner they are gone the better. Then the team can concentrate on football. And yes , I am judging without all the facts. I really don't care. The fact they were caught with pot and a gun is enough for me. That's not what ND is about.
You no matter how you slice it, the loss is big. For me I would send them packing. They not only got themselves in trouble , they let their team down. There is absolutely no excuse. Boys will be boys simply doesn't cut it. They know what's on the line. They didn't care and figured nothing would happen. Well guess what? Something did. They got caught doing the wrong thing. Now it's time to pay the price. I hope the school gets the facts quickly and then cut ties with all of them. No need to play the stupid " appeal" game. The sooner they are gone the better. Then the team can concentrate on football. And yes , I am judging without all the facts. I really don't care. The fact they were caught with pot and a gun is enough for me. That's not what ND is about.
It's big, but I think losing Max and Coney the two probable starters, isn't going to end their chances at at the playoffs.
It's big, but I think losing Max and Coney the two probable starters, isn't going to end their chances at at the playoffs.
So, having the starter playing this year that played last year when Stanford marched down the field in 2.3 seconds (made up) that kept ND out of the playoffs is going to hurt them?I have no problem moving on with this is addition by subtraction as far as I am concerned.
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I believe all but one or two will be gone from the team. Studstill should step in for Redfield (addition by subtraction, IMO) and the rest will be loss of depth. ND is 'red-hot' right now on the recruiting front so let them fill the spots with RKGs.

When Tommy Rees was first arrested, the overwhelming opinion was that he would be expelled from school. Wait and see what happens.
It's big, but I think losing Max and Coney the two probable starters, isn't going to end their chances at at the playoffs.
Coney wasn't going to start. LB's were Mogan, Onawalu and Martini.
Redfield to be replaced by Studstill if healthy and Butler was injured and a non factor.
The loss of Coney is the biggest. Redfield could never be counted on either on the field or off sans last night. He's been a real negative to this program and now a negative influence with the underclassmen. Selfish kid . Like a cat with 9 lives he used up #9 last night at ND. His 15 mins of fame at ND are up and he can pick up his crap and clear out. There is no defending him . They built him up last spring and in this fall camp. Kelly couldn't sing his praises enough and then he pulls another stunt. They need some serious leadership to emerge quickly on this team .
Im guessing Sebastian or Drue moves into starting spot. Coney was an unknown so who knows the extent of that loss. So really just a depth issue. Max has been a very average player and maybe ND is better off without him.

I don't want to act like this doesn't suck, but I hope they make a definitive decision. Recruiting is going great right now. This may have just opened up some spots for kids who want to be students and athletes at ND.
From what I read a dismissal would be pretty severe form anyone but the one with the gun. Did I miss something?
There is absolutely no excuse. Boys will be boys simply doesn't cut it. They know what's on the line. They didn't care and figured nothing would happen. Well guess what? Something did. They got caught doing the wrong thing. Now it's time to pay the price. I hope the school gets the facts quickly and then cut ties with all of them. No need to play the stupid " appeal" game. The sooner they are gone the better

I 100% agree. When Michael Floyd did his thing, I admit that I hoped he'd get a pass and play game one. I no longer feel that way.

These guys are given the best of everything and are expected to act appropriately. Speeding, smoking pot and carrying a loaded gun isn't "boys being boys." Like you said, that shouldn't be used as an excuse either.

Lol... These guys are all physically fit football players. What the hell were they worrying about that would require them to carry a gun? "Oh hold up guys. I need to grab my gun" before going to the club for some drinks? I know those words were never uttered in my partying years. Maybe the gun was always in the car but I still wonder why a college football player needs or is allowed to possess a gun? Does ND not have a rule on guns and it's students?

Anyway. I totally agree that when all of the info is known, some or all of them should be shown the door. I mean to think that they would smoke weed while driving 15 miles over the speed limit while in a car with a blown out signal light... They might be too dumb to trust that they won't make another huge mistake in the future. You all know it's hard to solve stupid and that was a stupid move! Too funny.
don't understand the gun . Redfield is a complete joke. I hope that these guys minus Redfield are allowed to return. When i say return it will be a semester suspension. That would be ridiculous for smoking pot in this day and age. The gun issue has to be resolved that is a problem for all of them.
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IMO the whole key is does the owner of the gun man up.

There were 3 guys in the back seat and one gun------potential for 2 guys going down for the stupidity of the owner.

Finally none of us know if all in the car were smoking.

You want to suspend a guy who wasn't smoking for being in a car where some guys were smoking weed ?

In the world of today that's ridiculous IMO.

Let's just see what comes out in the next day or two before we make our final judgements.
the problem with your idea is that each one of them willingly placed themselves in that position.

I find it far harder to believe that any participant in that car did not
1. know that they had and/or we going to get/use MJ
2. know that a 'piece' was brought along for security
than that they did know.

So aside from the legal implications there is a matter of questionable judgement, poor decision making and trust. After the legal process that is the issue the coaching staff is left to deal with.

we had the Frozen Five now ? The senseless Six
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IMO the whole key is does the owner of the gun man up.

There were 3 guys in the back seat and one gun------potential for 2 guys going down for the stupidity of the owner.

Finally none of us know if all in the car were smoking.

You want to suspend a guy who wasn't smoking for being in a car where some guys were smoking weed ?

In the world of today that's ridiculous IMO.

Let's just see what comes out in the next day or two before we make our final judgements.
I agree but those players won't rat each other out and besides the ND way of thinking is so antiquated that guilt by association is enough to bring them all down. These troopers don't play ... 13 miles over the speed limit and they are bringing in dogs because they smell weed????? Unreal. The rest of the college football world is laughing right now. I am not condoning what these guys did but this punishment might be way to extreme for all of these boys.
Questions: . Alize Jones is academically ineligible ? By who? The NCAA? ND ? if so does he retain a year of eligibility ? So does he have 3 years to play ? if he does where is the punishment by ND standards? He can get another year on scholarship? so he will have 5 years at ND on scholarship? Someone clear that up please.
I agree but those players won't rat each other out and besides the ND way of thinking is so antiquated that guilt by association is enough to bring them all down. These troopers don't play ... 13 miles over the speed limit and they are bringing in dogs because they smell weed????? Unreal. The rest of the college football world is laughing right now. I am not condoning what these guys did but this punishment might be way to extreme for all of these boys.
Questions: . Alize Jones is academically ineligible ? By who? The NCAA? ND ? if so does he retain a year of eligibility ? So does he have 3 years to play ? if he does where is the punishment by ND standards? He can get another year on scholarship? so he will have 5 years at ND on scholarship? Someone clear that up please.
Really ? Faulting the state trooper ? Sad.
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My thought will be fairly easy for Police to determine who the gun owner is & who was the driver, & if anyone was not smoking pot. If the driver was "dui" that would be an issue.
Now on the positive side the gun was not "being used"....there was no resisting arrest, and marijuana is a misdemeanor.
Question for Domers---does every 1st time possession incident on campus result in academic suspension??
I agree but those players won't rat each other out and besides the ND way of thinking is so antiquated that guilt by association is enough to bring them all down. These troopers don't play ... 13 miles over the speed limit and they are bringing in dogs because they smell weed????? Unreal. The rest of the college football world is laughing right now. I am not condoning what these guys did but this punishment might be way to extreme for all of these boys.
Questions: . Alize Jones is academically ineligible ? By who? The NCAA? ND ? if so does he retain a year of eligibility ? So does he have 3 years to play ? if he does where is the punishment by ND standards? He can get another year on scholarship? so he will have 5 years at ND on scholarship? Someone clear that up please.
They will rat on each other in less than 5 minutes.
I hope the school shows these guys some tough love. No easy outs, but an opportunity for a second chance.

I don't know about you guys, but if it wasn't for the grace of God when I was young .....
Sorry but I can't feel that Redfield deserves another chance.
I assume you mean at ND and I agree. I watched him play in the AAA game when he pledged to ND and was unimpressed. He played the same way at ND - in position to make a play but didn't make it.

His statement that learning Mandarin Chinese was easier than learning the defense was the final straw for me. A walk-on kid with half his talent and a burning desire for football would have done better than him, IMO.
I'm a pretty fair guy and I have to be honest about this ordeal. I truly think all of the young guys get a slap on the wrist and are allowed back. Butler and Redfield? They won't play another game at ND. They're gone. Seniors acting like that is embarrassing. #TheKellyCulture
All of these young men made a decision to be part of the ND family. They are young men and they used poor judgement. The driver was speeding. At least someone was smoking pot in the car. And they found a gun in the car. To my knowledge, that's all we know, at least that's all I know. Did they use poor judgement, yes. Are they "really" criminals for these acts? What was the owner of the guns intention? Could it be, I keep one in my car for protection? If that makes him a criminal, lock up a million more Americans. Smoking pot? Illegal, yes at least in Indiana. But do you crucify a young man for that. Speeding? Really? These guys just learned more about life in the last few days than probably at any time of their lives. Let's let the facts play out and treat them as what they are, a ND family member. That's not to say give them a pass, but I don't see anything "yet" that warrants dismissal.
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Redfield has been a big part of the 2 deep almost every year he's been apart of the program. He gets a lot of criticism for not living up to his top 50 high school ranking -- but he was still a contributor/key defensive player on the team.

I'm hoping these guys get a suspension and can rejoin the program at some point. Marijuana is legal in some form in almost half the states in the country these days.

1 idiot brings a gun from god knows where he probably deserves the expulsion ... i'd give everybody else a few game suspension and if they are in otherwise good standing with the university give them another chance to regain their education/opportunity. ND has had a lot of success allowing second chances in recent years.

Rees, Floyd, Russell, Calabrese, Ishaq, etc. all came back and either made big on the field contributions or at least got their degrees after serious misconduct/legal infractions.
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the problem with your idea is that each one of them willingly placed themselves in that position.

I find it far harder to believe that any participant in that car did not
1. know that they had and/or we going to get/use MJ
2. know that a 'piece' was brought along for security
than that they did know.

So aside from the legal implications there is a matter of questionable judgement, poor decision making and trust. After the legal process that is the issue the coaching staff is left to deal with.

we had the Frozen Five now ? The senseless Six

You are so full of crap How do you know that all of them placed themselves in that position? Maybe, just maybe the MJ was in A Whites trunk and had been there for awhile

Maybe A white's father had a gun in the trunk

Maybe they are lucky not to have you as their judge and jury
You are so full of crap How do you know that all of them placed themselves in that position? Maybe, just maybe the MJ was in A Whites trunk and had been there for awhile

Maybe A white's father had a gun in the trunk

Maybe they are lucky not to have you as their judge and jury

I was going to reply respectfully, but off your comment you are not due any respect.
And talk about gullible!
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I agree but those players won't rat each other out and besides the ND way of thinking is so antiquated that guilt by association is enough to bring them all down. These troopers don't play ... 13 miles over the speed limit and they are bringing in dogs because they smell weed????? Unreal. The rest of the college football world is laughing right now. I am not condoning what these guys did but this punishment might be way to extreme for all of these boys.
Questions: . Alize Jones is academically ineligible ? By who? The NCAA? ND ? if so does he retain a year of eligibility ? So does he have 3 years to play ? if he does where is the punishment by ND standards? He can get another year on scholarship? so he will have 5 years at ND on scholarship? Someone clear that up please.

By NCAA rule, every player gets 5 academic years in which to compete in 4 seasons of football. The 5 year clock starts ticking when you first enroll. Getting injured or getting suspended does not alter the running of 5 year clock.

Its up to each school to decided whether to renew a scholarship for a 5th year. (At some schools, scholarship offers have to be renewed each year). Assuming a coach wants him back for another season, an ND a player needs to have an academic plan for a 5th year approved by a faculty board. The intent is to ensure that there is a legit academic benefit to keeping a player in school another year.

So the short answer to your question is that when the 2017 football season begins, Jones will have (By NCAA Rule) 3 more academic years in which he can compete in 3 more seasons of football. We won't know the status of whether ND gives Jones a scholarship for that final year, because he will need faculty (and coach) approval for a 5th year. That will not addressed by ND until after the end of his fourth academic year. But he would not need NCAA approval.
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I was going to respoy respectfully, but off your comment you are not due any respect.
And talk about gullible!
yeah my comments are not due any respect from someone who jumps the gun and points guilt. I can live with no respect from that line of reasoning. It has nothing to do with gullible. It has to do with the way you think and why you are number one in owning most ignored on this board add me too
the problem with your idea is that each one of them willingly placed themselves in that position.

I find it far harder to believe that any participant in that car did not
1. know that they had and/or we going to get/use MJ
2. know that a 'piece' was brought along for security
than that they did know.

So aside from the legal implications there is a matter of questionable judgement, poor decision making and trust. After the legal process that is the issue the coaching staff is left to deal with.

we had the Frozen Five now ? The senseless Six
So Dufus, you find it hard to believe that any of these players didn't know about the gun?? Well ND fans find it hard to believe that you are,or ever were a fan of the Irish! If all knew ,then fine kick them to the curb,but you are as usual thrilled at the chance to bash the Irish. I now await your typical denial that you meant anything negative!!! Back under your rock please!
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the problem with your idea is that each one of them willingly placed themselves in that position.

I find it far harder to believe that any participant in that car did not
1. know that they had and/or we going to get/use MJ
2. know that a 'piece' was brought along for security
than that they did know.

So aside from the legal implications there is a matter of questionable judgement, poor decision making and trust. After the legal process that is the issue the coaching staff is left to deal with.

we had the Frozen Five now ? The senseless Six