I'm thinking Major bowl after this win......Were Back

It's up to the committee; they will probably continue their conspiracy to deny ND the playoff spot using the 5 losses as a smokescreen! they might even try to cite that the schedule was less than a gauntlet!

damn them!
They wouldn't get blown out any worse than they have since 1994. The year of ND's last major bowl victory.
just a couple of flushes from bowl contention!

a few nationally significant games should get the 'mean girls' chest pumping!
Army Navy and VT!

Think about this issue: Ty Willingham got fired for 6-5. Yet BK, the only coach in ND history to have gone this long w/o a major bowl win gets an 8th year! Every season Kelly coaches ND he breaks his own record for futility.

See, girls, you can be vulgar, call names, mock or whatever! but that is always there: the truth!

Wait till some media pick up on the Ty / Kelly comparison.
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