I love---


All Star
Oct 3, 2004
Besides the Irish, I love the New York Yankeeeeeeeeeeees!! Houston is very good. But, the Yanks over performed their season expectations. I take it as an omen, the Irish will have a great second half. Maybe getting a head of myself. But, for this night; Th-------------e Yankees win!
Great comeback by the Yankees. They lost 5 of 7 during the regular season I believe to Houston but throw that out the window. If their starting pitching gives them anything close to what they got the last three games, they will be in it and make it an exciting series. Their confidence is running high.
They re a year or two ahead of schedule..... Girardi is underrated. I have never been a fan of Cashman as I always thought he was obsessed with over paying players who were all stars 8 years ago, but I have to give him credit for building this team. They are fun to watch.

Now, I just need to get the cubs out of the running and I will be happy.
They re a year or two ahead of schedule..... Girardi is underrated. I have never been a fan of Cashman as I always thought he was obsessed with over paying players who were all stars 8 years ago, but I have to give him credit for building this team. They are fun to watch.

Now, I just need to get the cubs out of the running and I will be happy.
Besides ND I love God, Country, Family and Women