What do rabbits and eggs have to do with Easter and what does the word Easter mean?Happy Easter!
Unless you object, I would like to post this on my blog, FRAGMENTS OF AN UNDERDONE POTATO, while titling it ONE MAN'S VIEW OF EASTER. I won't even include your screename as it appears on this board.Easter of course is originally a pagan holiday. When christians were quietly consolidating power after infiltrating the dying and doomed Roman Empire, they went ahead and rewrote history, because at that point it would have been centuries past the life of the purported actual Jesus, and made up this swell little story about this same Jesus rising from the dead! And ascending into heaven of all things. And they just sort of took over what had been the spring solstice, with a newly monotheistic theme, and no more sprightly vernal goddesses and whatnot. Which was pretty audacious if you ask me. But you know, you gotta keep the peasant trash happy, if you're in the religion business, and you might as well swing for the fences. I think that's how the psychology of religion usually works. If you're going to be saying a bunch of insanely, obviously untrue shit, then you gotta go for the really big lie. And that seems to be how it goes. Rising from the dead fits that requirement tidily enough I suppose.....
Easter probably represents sort of the apex for completely absurd proclamations that are so demonstrably not true, that if you have any intention of being a part of this here religion, and to enjoy all the consolations people supposedly get out of being religious, which I don't really think they do, then you're going to have accept that 2+2=5, and find a way to swallow that shit, which is the real driver and sustainer of religion to its adherents, that you're basically psychologically toast if you ever take it halfway seriously for any extended period of time. And you are safely lobotomized, and no longer a threat to ever go against the group, as it were, again, and most importantly never challenge whoever the leadership of the group again.....
And yeah, there you go, happy Easter everyone!
Thank you. Actually did feel kind of good. A little bit at least. As far as sparing your feelings go, on your most sacred of all Christian holidays, and the one where the impositions made by religion upon the everyday reasonable/rational pysche are at their peak, so much so that the easter celebration functions effectively as a loyalty test, and not as an innocent occasion of post-winter jubilation and certainly not redemption.... I think that's just a little too much to ask in the year 2023, with the terrifying AI age finally beginning in earnest, and the continued non-heaven based flourishing on this vulnerable planet under genuine serious threat, for myriad reasons at this point.Congrats to the last two posters. What nice things to say to faithful people on Easter. Hope you two enlightened ones feel better now.
That should be a sanctionable violation. They are hijacking the thread to change the subject. Go start your own.Congrats to the last two posters. What nice things to say to faithful people on Easter. Hope you two enlightened ones feel better now.
I hope you're writing other stuff besides these posts because if you aren't, YOU SHOULD BE. And probably getting paid for it. My wife writes commercial thrillers, and I'm her in-house editor, so I know only too well what sells.Thank you. Actually did feel kind of good. A little bit at least. As far as sparing your feelings go, on your most sacred of all Christian holidays, and the one where the impositions made by religion upon the everyday reasonable/rational pysche are at their peak, so much so that the easter celebration functions effectively as a loyalty test, and not as an innocent occasion of post-winter jubilation and certainly not redemption.... I think that's just a little too much to ask in the year 2023, with the terrifying AI age finally beginning in earnest, and the continued non-heaven based flourishing on this vulnerable planet under genuine serious threat, for myriad reasons at this point.
Anyway, you can turn little incidents like this into a positive, you guys are great at that. Let it strengthen your faith! In all fairness though, if you will graciously indulge me further, I'm very glad I was born and raised Catholic, and wouldn't trade it for anything. And I truly mean that. It has had a profound effect on my morality, and my sensibility and my humanity, and I warmly give credit where it's due. And I deeply appreciate the moral Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament. It's almost awe-inspiring in its fearless moral honesty and righteousness. But it isn't the word of God. And Jesus didn't rise again on the third day. Mortal men wrote everything you see in the Bible, and are responsible, out of their own being and experience and capacity and sensitivity.... for every sentiment contained therein. And I know that it was out of their own existential struggles to survive and thrive, and to live and love and learn and understand, as yearning, striving human animals on this miraculous planet, that such beautiful moral sentiments were born. And I thank them very, very deeply for it. But, alas, just like with the Star Wars trilogy, whatever wisdom was to be gleaned from the original text as it were, has been completely taken over by parasites and hangers-on and opportunists. And that's where the dogma comes in. And the conformity and the obedience, and spooky shit like Easter.
But at least not I'm not like, I don't know like Nietschze or something like that. I adore christian morality, and love everything about it. Obviously it's not perfect, and I will admit to being sentimental by nature. But it was a great start for the human race as we were clearly by that point in history well on our way to dominating the earth, and we needed to figure out how to start managing our affairs a bit better, and not being quite so evil and exploitative to each other all the time, and to live with some kind of greater harmony and equality. And the rise of christianity was an exciting moral development in our burgeoning society. But we lost the plot pretty quickly, and it's been little more than empty dogma ever since, and was easily hijacked by religious hustlers in the aftermath of Rome.... And, sadly, one must observe how coercive violence still absolutely rules the day in the running of human affairs amongst ourselves, and the divvying up of our collective spoils... with, admittedly, some small tempering effect on the viciousness and cruelty and ruthlessness of the human race owing to the moral influence of religion. So at least we got that out of it....
Anyways, if it makes you feel any better, a lot of hipster types who think they're all smart and shit, they favor hinduism and Buddishm and that kind of shit, as far as religious wisdom and whatnot. And they like to look down on christianity. That shit's a joke to me and I laugh at so-called eastern wisdom. Nothing touches the true sentiments of love and morality and a burning humanity as espoused by Jesus in the gospels of the New Testament. And I don't care if that sounds racist or not. And even though organized religion as such is entirely antiquated at this point in history, and really does far, far, far more harm than good.... I gotta give full props to Jesus, which is to say to the flesh and blood people who invented him, almost like a fictional character, for us mere mortals to be inspired and hopefully improved by....
So I think that's a pretty good, and totally heartfelt tribute to Jesus and his legacy, from a lapsed catholic like me, on the most highest of holidays of the Christian calendar....
Amusing? Nah, more like obnoxious blustering from a gas bag. To each his own...😁I hope you're writing other stuff besides these posts because if you aren't, YOU SHOULD BE. And probably getting paid for it. My wife writes commercial thrillers, and I'm her in-house editor, so I know only too well what sells.
As I've written here before, you also have a kind of Charles Bukowsk-like non-chalant, yet arrogance inflected, style that comes with a nice KICK-ASS cadence that is both AMUSING and EXTREMELY READABLE.
Unless you object, I'm going to repost both of your posts on this subject on my blog. My regular readers will enjoy them.
Easter comes from a pagen celebration of Spring...a rebirth.What do rabbits and eggs have to do with Easter and what does the word Easter mean?
Yeah, go for it. Just keep it anonymous, I suppose. I like Charles Bukowski. I read one of his books once. It was called Factotum....I hope you're writing other stuff besides these posts because if you aren't, YOU SHOULD BE. And probably getting paid for it. My wife writes commercial thrillers, and I'm her in-house editor, so I know only too well what sells.
As I've written here before, you also have a kind of Charles Bukowsk-like non-chalant, yet arrogance inflected, style that comes with a nice KICK-ASS cadence that is both AMUSING and EXTREMELY READABLE.
Unless you object, I'm going to repost both of your posts on this subject on my blog. My regular readers will enjoy them.
It's ok, they have their beliefs or not. When I read these posts it simply gave me the opportunity to pray for them in the hope that Jesus may some day enter their hearts.Savvy, you’d be surprised how similar our thoughts on the subject are. I, too, grew up Catholic and think it had a lot to do w/ a good upbringing, but I’ve lost some faith along the way. W/ that said, I didn’t think it was great timing on your part to post what you did. There are a lot of people that hold their faith close to their hearts and whether I believe all of it or not, I didn’t think it was a timely post. You can post what you want, obviously, but you also have to expect reactions when you carpet bomb a lot of people’s views.
Alright, dude. Thanks. That's some good looking out. And you got to call me a coward in the bargain. But there'll be no need for a deathbed conversion because I'm already baptized and confirmed and was an alter boy for two years. I'M IN.....Savvy and 443. I pray for you guys. You two are very intelligent posters. I don't always agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it. But know this. No one mocks God, his Son or the Holy Spirit. I hope and pray that before you slide off the mortal coil, you repent. I bet you two will because you aren't brave enough to bet your eternal soul that He doesn't exist and didn't rise from the dead. My guess is the merciful God will give you that chance. I hope you take it.
Oh will you shut up... You're like one of the least christian dudes I've ever come across. Well that's probably an overstatement but you're hardly some paragon of unlimited christian love, I think we can all agree on that.It's ok, they have their beliefs or not. When I read these posts it simply gave me the opportunity to pray for them in the hope that Jesus may some day enter their hearts.
It was just a spur of the moment thing. Did I mean what I said? Of course! But it's not like I pace around pondering that shit, it's just off the top of my. head. Everything I say is off the top of my head, that's the whole point of message boards. It's classic, I must say, when someone says they're going to pray for my soul, right after I get through explaining how religion is all symbol and no substance. Or moreover that it doesn't really exist at all. One ear and out the other.....Well, savvy, I know you’re taking heat for your Easter post, but at least you’ll be a part of that hoot of a podcast about potatoes. 😉
Good man. You will remain a mystery.Yeah, go for it. Just keep it anonymous, I suppose. I like Charles Bukowski. I read one of his books once. It was called Factotum....
Thanks for the prayer as it’s the thought that counts.Savvy and 443. I pray for you guys. You two are very intelligent posters. I don't always agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it. But know this. No one mocks God, his Son or the Holy Spirit. I hope and pray that before you slide off the mortal coil, you repent. I bet you two will because you aren't brave enough to bet your eternal soul that He doesn't exist and didn't rise from the dead. My guess is the merciful God will give you that chance. I hope you take it.
Just straighten up and stay in line with the left or this thread will be gone.Thanks for the prayer as it’s the thought that counts.
But I’m not mocking anyone or any THING. Savvy is a freethinker, something of a wit and writes funny stuff. At least, that’s how I see it. So, I will always wish to see MORE OF THAT.
Just like the MAJORITY of Norwegians, almost 50% of Chinese, nearly 40% of Japanese, nearly 40% of Czechs, around 30% of French and about 20% of Australians.
As for BELIEVERS, my experience reflects NEVER ONCE having encountered anyone who INTUITED ON THEIR OWN Catholic doctrine. Yes, there are sacramental manifestations of having RECEIVED the WORD and the SPIRIT, but ACTUAL FAITH starts with INDOCTRINATION. One is TAUGHT to believe and WHAT to believe – and in most instances – at any early, impressionable age. ALL WELL AND GOOD.
Except for one thing.
My brain wiring was such that by 10 years of age, NONE of what I’d been taught MADE SENSE to me.
My other problem has always been that what some call FAITH they treat in their behavior as CERTAINTY. Remember, it’s FAITH. If there were tangible proof of any of it, it wouldn’t be called that, would it? You wouldn’t NEED faith because you would KNOW. And, NO ONE KNOWS, regardless of what they’d like to BELIEVE.
So, what I recommend is that we all behave TOLERANTLY towards one another. As in the final analysis, NO ONE KNOWS NUTTIN’. Which is why I’m agnostic and not an atheist.
To me, to assert CATEGORICALLY that there isn’t a God is just as fallacious – in that it’s just as unprovable -- as asserting categorically that THERE IS ONE. MOOT POINT as I see it.
One has only to be true to oneself, and let others do likewise. Thing is, we’re all different, and no one ever CAME BACK to clear any of this up.
This reminds me of the religion that is woke. Like, the male swimmer that can legally haul out his schlong in front of women in college swimming locker rooms as long as he is feeling especially chick like that day. Or now the state of Washington can take kids away from parents if they refuse to castrate minors that are being confused by porn books in kids libraries. bc you’ve convinced a bunch of losers to support a sick agenda. Science is fake. Fake Righteousness and schizophrenia rule over majority rights. Ban, silence, and eventually persecute critics. Shut down threads that defend women’s rights. Christianity is/was the only thing to keep these mass ingrates in check with a semblance of decency. Appreciate it whether it’s real or not. It’s done as much to preserve our republic as the constitution. You despise the wrong religion, Savv.Easter of course is originally a pagan holiday. When christians were quietly consolidating power after infiltrating the dying and doomed Roman Empire, they went ahead and rewrote history, because at that point it would have been centuries past the life of the purported actual Jesus, and made up this swell little story about this same Jesus rising from the dead! And ascending into heaven of all things. And they just sort of took over what had been the spring solstice, with a newly monotheistic theme, and no more sprightly vernal goddesses and whatnot. Which was pretty audacious if you ask me. But you know, you gotta keep the peasant trash happy, if you're in the religion business, and you might as well swing for the fences. I think that's how the psychology of religion usually works. If you're going to be saying a bunch of insanely, obviously untrue shit, then you gotta go for the really big lie. And that seems to be how it goes. Rising from the dead fits that requirement tidily enough I suppose.....
Easter probably represents sort of the apex for completely absurd proclamations that are so demonstrably not true, that if you have any intention of being a part of this here religion, and to enjoy all the consolations people supposedly get out of being religious, which I don't really think they do, then you're going to have accept that 2+2=5, and find a way to swallow that shit, which is the real driver and sustainer of religion to its adherents, that you're basically psychologically toast if you ever take it halfway seriously for any extended period of time. And you are safely lobotomized, and no longer a threat to ever go against the group, as it were, again, and most importantly never challenge whoever the leadership of the group again.....
And yeah, there you go, happy Easter everyone!
I don't line up with the LEFT or anyone else. No religion, no ideology, no loyalty-oaths, no chains. But I DO pick my spots.Just straighten up and stay in line with the left or this thread will be gone.
If you don’t align with the left, Joseph Bidenski will have you in a gulag b4 you know it comradI don't line up with the LEFT or anyone else. No religion, no ideology, no loyalty-oaths, no chains. But I DO pick my spots.
If I'm the straw that breaks the THREAD's back, that will be ironic, but what will it matter as it was off-topic right from the OP's get-go, making EVERY POSTER who's participated -- other than you -- EQUALLY OUT OF ORDER.
Besides, I didn't want the poster I responded to thinking he had to pray for me or worrying over whether or not I was repenting. I felt he deserved a RESPONSE.
Alright, freak. Whatever the F you say.....This reminds me of the religion that is woke. Like, the male swimmer that can legally haul out his schlong in front of women in college swimming locker rooms as long as he is feeling especially chick like that day. Or now the state of Washington can take kids away from parents if they refuse to castrate minors that are being confused by porn books in kids libraries. bc you’ve convinced a bunch of losers to support a sick agenda. Science is fake. Fake Righteousness and schizophrenia rule over majority rights. Ban, silence, and eventually persecute critics. Shut down threads that defend women’s rights. Christianity is/was the only thing to keep these mass ingrates in check with a semblance of decency. Appreciate it whether it’s real or not. It’s done as much to preserve our republic as the constitution. You despise the wrong religion, Savv.
Is that true, 50% of Chinese are.... non-believers? I'm not sure what the alternative is if you're Chinese. I don't know what the hell their religion even is, with or without strict atheist communism. Confucius? I guess you could worship him if you wanted to. He's pretty much their Jesus....Thanks for the prayer as it’s the thought that counts.
But I’m not mocking anyone or any THING. Savvy is a freethinker, something of a wit and writes funny stuff. At least, that’s how I see it. So, I will always wish to see MORE OF THAT.
Just like the MAJORITY of Norwegians, almost 50% of Chinese, nearly 40% of Japanese, nearly 40% of Czechs, around 30% of French and about 20% of Australians.
As for BELIEVERS, my experience reflects NEVER ONCE having encountered anyone who INTUITED ON THEIR OWN Catholic doctrine. Yes, there are sacramental manifestations of having RECEIVED the WORD and the SPIRIT, but ACTUAL FAITH starts with INDOCTRINATION. One is TAUGHT to believe and WHAT to believe – and in most instances – at any early, impressionable age. ALL WELL AND GOOD.
Except for one thing.
My brain wiring was such that by 10 years of age, NONE of what I’d been taught MADE SENSE to me.
My other problem has always been that what some call FAITH they treat in their behavior as CERTAINTY. Remember, it’s FAITH. If there were tangible proof of any of it, it wouldn’t be called that, would it? You wouldn’t NEED faith because you would KNOW. And, NO ONE KNOWS, regardless of what they’d like to BELIEVE.
So, what I recommend is that we all behave TOLERANTLY towards one another. As in the final analysis, NO ONE KNOWS NUTTIN’. Which is why I’m agnostic and not an atheist.
To me, to assert CATEGORICALLY that there isn’t a God is just as fallacious – in that it’s just as unprovable -- as asserting categorically that THERE IS ONE. MOOT POINT as I see it.
One has only to be true to oneself, and let others do likewise. Thing is, we’re all different, and no one ever CAME BACK to clear any of this up.
Well, maybe not him, though he does swallow a lot of WOKE nonsense indiscriminately. But that's the larger concern, all right.If you don’t align with the left, Joseph Bidenski will have you in a gulag b4 you know it comrad
All satire aside, Not being Christian and being a Notre Dame fan is slightly weird.
Leading Atheistic CountriesIs that true, 50% of Chinese are.... non-believers? I'm not sure what the alternative is if you're Chinese. I don't know what the hell their religion even is, with or without strict atheist communism. Confucius? I guess you could worship him if you wanted to. He's pretty much their Jesus....
So you support that? I’m not the freak then.Alright, freak. Whatever the F you say.....
I wonder if Sluggo will start an Easter thread next year? 🙃I wonder if Brian Kelly thought this thread was about him
Oh don't worry, that's not gay porn. That's just a song, one that might inspire you! By Stereolab. They're kind of a socialist band. With socialist lyrics. And I know how much you love that shit. And they're awesome, all-time great band in pop music.....I’m not into gay porn.
You stated previously that you’re an old Reagan era Republican. Now you’re a socialist. I think your side calls that politically fluid.Oh don't worry, that's not gay porn. That's just a song, one that might inspire you! By Stereolab. They're kind of a socialist band. With socialist lyrics. And I know how much you love that shit. And they're awesome, all-time great band in pop music.....