ND fans standards and expectations have always been of excellence. Holtz was virtually run out of ND for losing 3 games a year and loosening acepademic standards. Since Holtz, the last 25 years have been very difficult for ND. The Kelly regime has been slightly better than the past 3 coaches but after 6 years he still has not won anything of significance, which normally would be unacceptable to the ND fan.
2015 ND football lost 3 games, didn't win anything and beat no one of significance yet ND fans are now celebrating 2015 as a accomplishment?
So the question is have ND fans decreased their expectations because they are now accustomed to losing and Kelly at least wins more games than he loses? Do ND fans even care about titles anymore and just want to finish better than 500?
Will ND fans demand more, hold Kelly accountable and start expecting titles in 2016 or seek change in leadership?
2015 ND football lost 3 games, didn't win anything and beat no one of significance yet ND fans are now celebrating 2015 as a accomplishment?
So the question is have ND fans decreased their expectations because they are now accustomed to losing and Kelly at least wins more games than he loses? Do ND fans even care about titles anymore and just want to finish better than 500?
Will ND fans demand more, hold Kelly accountable and start expecting titles in 2016 or seek change in leadership?
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