Has Persevere always been this obnoxious?

asking you guys to stand behind your own brave boasts! that bothers you so?

Words words words: replace it with Wins! 7 year itch?

you a new member of the 'frightened Irish'
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If I recall correctly, The curmudgeon in residence in the old days was Simontonlake, Either he passed the mantle to Pers or he has just mellowed with time. [smile Simonton]
I don't remember him being such a tool in the past. Is it me, or has he become acidic?
Yes, not as bad as guys like chaseball and so many others but he's still too negative and posts way too often for what little of value he has to offer.
Well, if you had 3o,ooo posts you might lose your mind as well. I remember Perse as contributing in the past with a bit of sarcasm, but generally good content. Now, he has degenerated into a lot of blabber and unintelligible rants with only an occasional glimpse of his former good posting. Is it 30k posts? or is it Zika? Or a New Jersey pandemic that infects basement dwellers?

I dunno. I just wish he would apply quality to quantity and give us a break
Several years ago, I thought Perse straddled the proverbial line between chronic pessimist and realist. Thought his average star rating formula as a basis for ensuring either success or failure was silly and overly simplistic, but also thought he contributed some realistic assessment of where ND stood as a football program. Seems to me that he became more pessimistic, more anti Kelly, and his reasoning for same became more arcane in direct proportion to ND's success; just the opposite of what you would expect of a ND fan.
Well, if you had 3o,ooo posts you might lose your mind as well. I remember Perse as contributing in the past with a bit of sarcasm, but generally good content. Now, he has degenerated into a lot of blabber and unintelligible rants with only an occasional glimpse of his former good posting. Is it 30k posts? or is it Zika? Or a New Jersey pandemic that infects basement dwellers?

I dunno. I just wish he would apply quality to quantity and give us a break

When I picture Purse I imagine Henry from the movie "Dream Team"
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It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74
He has somewhat held back on attacking our recruits as short of the "elite" status since being called out on it. Insulting 17 and 18 year old kids committed to playing for ND was his way of getting his kicks. He continues to get his digs in for his real team from LA.
It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74

Guy is an insidious social misfit --anyone who once thought he added anything to this board simply wasn't paying attention .

So Continually
On a scale where jeffrey dahlmer is a one and Rainman is a 10 where does Perse sit?

I would put Perse in with the likes of Vlad Tepes, Josef Mengele, and Colin Kapernick but above cgvr and Walter Palmer.
So Continually
On a scale where jeffrey dahlmer is a one and Rainman is a 10 where does Perse sit?
Ski - I love you man but like Tex I don't get why you guys EVER thought purse was anything other than a f u k n douche bag . Guy is 75 yr old punk -- I thought you stopped being a punk when you passed 60 .
I like to read what Perse and CGVR post. I like their honesty. And their humor. Many do not. But without them the board would be dull. Go Irish.
It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74
like last year right ? get some new material.
It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74
How dumb you are. Over Coach Kelly's 6 seasons he has averaged 9 wins not 8.
It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74

Stultifyingly stupid.
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I would put Perse in with the likes of Vlad Tepes, Josef Mengele, and Colin Kapernick but above cgvr and Walter Palmer.

I wish Cecil was alive so I could feed him to sharks.

It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74

Your posts lead me to believe you are a very old fellow that comes across as very hebetudinous.
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It's YOU! You just don't understand a realist as many Kool-Aide drinkers here don't either. If you all want to sit around and say the same things, think the same dreams and spill the same nonsense - go for it. Someone says something different and you all start to pee in your pants.

Coach 8 & 4 has earned his moniker. He's 8 & 4 until he can prove otherwise. - Howard Hall 74

The charade continues.