What gives though? At what point does Notre dame put two and two together and start making some much overdue very noticeable changes to the talent they are acquiring?
We're talking the wealthiest brand with the most fans in the sport.
At what point does the admins at the university start matching the fans enthusiasm with a national championship level investment in the football product?
I can't be the only human being on planet earth fed up with the yearly ass kicking ND is on the receiving end of on the recruiting trail can i? Why does nobody in the fan base/media acknowledge this situation / address the situation with the university / ask them whose accountable for it and why?
its like ths massive elephant in the room that nobody can speak of
You need to take up all of this DIRECTLY with ND. NO ONE HERE can relieve you of your AGONY.
You've stated your VIEW AD NAUSEUM, and people here -- NOT ALL, BUT MANY -- have provided you with REASONED, LOGICAL answers as to why ND -- barring some complete abandoment of its EDUCATIONAL MISSION -- has NO INTEREST in what you're proposing. You're BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE. Kind of like somone walking into a TRAPPIST MONASTERY and asking, "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE HERE HAVE MORE TO SAY?"
Why you've chosen this FUTILITY CRUSADE I've no idea. But you're completely ignoring the EVIDENCE as to how ND operates. And, YES, you're the ONLY ONE still beating this by now BEATEN-TO-A-PULP horse. And maybe as you fear -- ON ALL OF PLANET EARTH.
But let me just say it ONE MORE TIME. ND only takes players that they think can CUT IT ACADEMICALLY, and MANY 5-STARS can't. So, a lot of those players you're talking about are actually BEYOND CONSIDERATION. They're not in ND'S ACTUAL POOL.
If YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT coming from me, why don't you talk to the UNIVERSITY ITSELF and see what it tells you. Or to some CURRENT or FORMER PLAYERS. I'm sure they can provide you with a SATISFACTORY ANSWER.
But BANGING AWAY AT THIS RELENTLESSLY HERE just ALIENATES PEOPLE, many of whom have, in addition to a commitment to logic and common sense, A LOYALTY FIXATION which results in them considering you not only FACT-RESISTANT but HERETICAL.
I personally BEAR YOU NO ILL WILL. But this is nothing less than a DIRGE you've been singing, and the longer you sing it, the more people will RESENT and VERBALLY ABUSE YOU.
Believe me, I UNDERSTAND. There are people on this board WHO DON'T LIKE ME EITHER. And I've found it to be a FOOL'S ERRAND to argue with them. So, I either AVOID or CANCEL them while at the same time staying away from INFLAMMATORY THREADS where people are only TOO EAGER to GO OFF HALF-BAKED. It's an EASY FIX and costs you nothing.
Again -- and it's the sole reason I've responded here -- your premise is TOTALLY FALLACIOUS. And I think that if you FACE FACTS and/or do SOME RESEARCH, you will REACH THE SAME CONCLUSION.